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Lost DB


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Okay, I am not sure if there is anything to help with this but here goes:

I have a new client who has come to me with a website but no databases.  I have all of the PHP files.  So my question is this:

Is there any software that will scan through PHP files and make a list of tables in the DB?

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That's a pretty complex task.. and very uncommon too.  I think you will have to do it manually.

A good first step would be to extract all the sql statements.  If the statements use things like "select *", then you'll need to look at the following code also.
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Yeah it seems like a doosey of a task.  I agree it is a very uncommon request. I will keep looking for a bit before quoting this client for the time to go through all the code, it is a pretty large site (2k files) so I do not think the client will be too happy with the quote.  I imagine it would be easier to rebuild the site and its functions then to search through and rebuild the tables.

Thanks anyway btherl, I appreciate the time you took to respond!

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