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how to sort multi-dimensional array with specified dimension ?


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Hey all.. sorry if the topic title looks misleading.. perhaps I'm not completely sure how to formulate this question properly ;p

I'm new to arrays you see so I may of done this a bit weirdly.. but it does work.. without the sorting part. Here's my code

<table style="font-family:Verdana,Arial;font-size:10px;color:black;" width="570px">
<tr align="center">
<td><b style="color:white;">Ligue</td>
<td><b style="color:white;">Nombre d'équipes</td>
<td><b style="color:white;">Moyenne des cotes</td>
$regionsRS = $db->execute("SELECT DISTINCT RegionID FROM equipes WHERE ClassID=".$ClassID);
$y = $regionsRS->getNumOfRows();
for ($j=0;$j<$y;$j++){

$requete="SELECT * FROM tblRegions WHERE ID IN (".$filterStr.") ORDER BY Name";
$regionsRS = $db->execute($requete);
$y = $regionsRS->getNumOfRows();

for ($j=0;$j<$y;$j++){

$requete="SELECT Count(ID) as nbTeams, sum(cote) as totalCote FROM equipes WHERE RegionID = ".$regionsRS->fields["ID"]." AND ClassID=".$ClassID;
$countRS = $db->execute($requete);


} // end for


for ($j=0;$j<$y;$j++){
if ($bgColor!="#efefef"){
<tr align="center" style="cursor:hand;" onClick="location.href='categories.php?ClassID=<? echo $ClassID;?>&RegionID=<? echo $regionsRS->fields["ID"];?>';">
<td bgcolor="<? echo $bgColor;?>"><?
echo $moyLig_array[$j][0];
<td bgcolor="<? echo $bgColor;?>"><?
echo $moyLig_array[$j][1];
<td bgcolor="<? echo $bgColor;?>"><?
echo $moyLig_array[$j][2];
} // end for

Basically.. I made what I'm going to call an array.. although it's really more like a table.. Each row is divided into 3 columns. The 3rd column contains a float value. And I'd like to sort my table/array on that float value before I echo it out in my table.

Could anyone be so kind as to show me how to do this please?

Thanks much!
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usort() is good for this

[code=php:0]usort(&$moyLig_array, "third_field_cmp");

function third_field_cmp($a, $b) {
  if ($a[2] < $b[2]) return -1;
  if ($a[2] > $b[2]) return 1;
  return 0;

Those comparison functions are confusing at first, but are very powerful once you get used to them.  The comparison function defines the ordering by saying how to compare two items from your array.  $a and $b are two array items.
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