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Starting a new php website and am stuck at a part.


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So i have started a site, not done yet (www.linknox.com) and i want to add a feature where the user who made a link gets money depending on how many views his link gets. so lets say he gets 1 cent for every 100 views. now i have a chart where it shows a user how many view his link has gotten but i want another graph that shows his earnings aswell. That is the easy part and i could probably do it myself if i messed with the code for a few weeks(i am a noob). but the hard part is i have no idea how to tell as an admin whos link is actually which users? here is the code for the page where they see their views on the link.


Btw i know you guys are putting your time and effort into this and if it is too much to ask, tell me, and i can maybe pay you.



/* setup includes */





/* if no stats, redirect to homepage */

redirect(WEB_ROOT . "/index." . SITE_CONFIG_PAGE_EXTENSION);



/* fusion charts php class */



/* setup page */

define("PAGE_NAME", t("stats_page_name"));

define("PAGE_DESCRIPTION", t("stats_meta_description"));

define("PAGE_KEYWORDS", t("stats_meta_keywords"));


/* load url details */

if ($_REQUEST['url'])


$shortUrlObj = shortUrl::loadByUrl(str_replace(array("!", "~s"), "", $_REQUEST['url']));




/* if no short url found, redirect to home page */

redirect(WEB_ROOT . "/index." . SITE_CONFIG_PAGE_EXTENSION);





/* setup colours */

$colours = explode("|", "B02B2C|D15600|C79810|73880A|6BBA70|3F4C6B|356AA0|D01F3C");



<script src="site/site/js/yui_combo.js" type="text/javascript"></script>


<div class="statsHeaderWrapper">

<div class="statsHeader" style="background: url(<?php echo SITE_IMAGE_PATH; ?>/stats/stats_head.png) no-repeat;">

<div class="rightTotalVisits">

<div class="visits">

<?php echo $shortUrlObj->visits; ?>


<div class="label">

<?php echo t("visits_"); ?>



<div class="leftShortUrlDetails">

<a href="<?php echo $shortUrlObj->compileShortUrl(); ?>" target="_blank"><?php echo str_replace("http://", "", $shortUrlObj->compileShortUrl()); ?></a><br/>

<?php echo t("created_"); ?> <?php echo dater($shortUrlObj->dateCreated); ?>





<div class="statsBoxWrapper">

<div id="demo" class="yui-navset">

<ul class="yui-nav">

<li class="selected"><a href="#tab1"><em><?php echo t("visitors"); ?></em></a></li>

<li><a href="#tab2"><em><?php echo t("Earnings"); ?></em></a></li>

<li><a href="#tab2"><em><?php echo t("countries"); ?></em></a></li>

<li><a href="#tab3"><em><?php echo t("top_referrers"); ?></em></a></li>

<li><a href="#tab4"><em><?php echo t("browsers"); ?></em></a></li>

<li><a href="#tab5"><em><?php echo t("operating_systems"); ?></em></a></li>


<div class="yui-content">



<!-- TAB 1 -->


<a href="#" onclick="$('#tab1_chart1').show(); $('#tab1_chart2').hide(); $('#tab1_chart3').hide(); $('#tab1_chart4').hide(); return false;"><?php echo t("last_24_hours"); ?></a> | <a href="#" onclick="$('#tab1_chart2').show(); $('#tab1_chart1').hide(); $('#tab1_chart3').hide(); $('#tab1_chart4').hide(); return false;"><?php echo t("last_7_days"); ?></a> | <a href="#" onclick="$('#tab1_chart3').show(); $('#tab1_chart2').hide(); $('#tab1_chart1').hide(); $('#tab1_chart4').hide(); return false;"><?php echo t("last_30_days"); ?></a> | <a href="#" onclick="$('#tab1_chart4').show(); $('#tab1_chart2').hide(); $('#tab1_chart3').hide(); $('#tab1_chart1').hide(); return false;"><?php echo t("last_12_months"); ?></a><br/><br/>


<div id="tab1_chart1" style="display:none;">



/* last 24 hours chart */

$tracker = 24;

$last7Days = array();

while($tracker >= 0)


$date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime("-".$tracker." hour"));

$last7Days[$date] = 0;




$db = Database::getDatabase(true);


$minY = 0;

$maxY = 10;

foreach($last7Days AS $k=>$total)


$totalUrls = $db->getValue("SELECT COUNT(id) AS total FROM stats WHERE MID(dt, 1, 13) = '".substr($k, 0, 13)."' AND page_title = '".$shortUrlObj->id."'");

$last7Days[$k] = (int)$totalUrls;

if($totalUrls > $maxY)


$maxY = $totalUrls;




$strXML = "";

$strXML .= "<graph yAxisMinValue='".$minY."' yAxisMaxValue='".$maxY."' canvasBorderThickness='1' showValues='0' canvasBgColor='dddddd' divlinecolor='ffffff' canvasBorderColor='cccccc' rotateNames='0' animation='1' xAxisName='".t("hour")."' yAxisName='".t("visits")."' decimalPrecision='0' formatNumberScale='0' baseFont='Arial' baseFontSize='12'>";

foreach($last7Days AS $k=>$total)


$position = rand(0, COUNT($colours)-1);

$strXML .= "<set name='".dater($k, "H")."' value='".(string)$total."' color='".$colours[$position]."'/>";


$strXML .= "</graph>";


echo renderChartHTML("js/fusionCharts/Charts/FCF_Column2D.swf?noCache=".microtime(true), "", $strXML, "hourChart", 700, 300);




/* total visits figure */

$totalVisits = 0;

foreach($last7Days AS $k=>$total)


$totalVisits = $totalVisits + $total;






<div class="dataTableWrapper">

<table class="dataTable">



<th scope="col"><?php echo t("date"); ?></th>

<th scope="col" class="figures"><?php echo t("total_visits"); ?></th>

<th scope="col" class="figures"><?php echo t("percentage"); ?></th>





$last7Days = array_reverse($last7Days, true);

foreach($last7Days AS $k=>$total)


echo "<tr>";

echo "<td>".dater($k, "H:00")."</td>";

echo "<td class=\"figures\">".$total."</td>";

echo "<td class=\"figures\">".number_format(($total/$totalVisits)*100, 1)."%</td>";

echo "</tr>";








<div id="tab1_chart2" style="display:none;">



/* last 7 days chart */

$tracker = 7;

$last7Days = array();

while($tracker >= 0)


$date = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("-".$tracker." day"));

$last7Days[$date] = 0;




$db = Database::getDatabase(true);


$minY = 0;

$maxY = 10;

foreach($last7Days AS $k=>$total)


$totalUrls = $db->getValue("SELECT COUNT(id) AS total FROM stats WHERE MID(dt, 1, 10) = '".$k."' AND page_title = '".$shortUrlObj->id."'");

$last7Days[$k] = (int)$totalUrls;

if($totalUrls > $maxY)


$maxY = $totalUrls;




$strXML = "";

$strXML .= "<graph yAxisMinValue='".$minY."' yAxisMaxValue='".$maxY."' canvasBorderThickness='1' showValues='0' canvasBgColor='dddddd' divlinecolor='ffffff' canvasBorderColor='cccccc' rotateNames='0' animation='1' xAxisName='".t("day")."' yAxisName='".t("visits")."' decimalPrecision='0' formatNumberScale='0' baseFont='Arial' baseFontSize='12'>";

foreach($last7Days AS $k=>$total)


$position = rand(0, COUNT($colours)-1);

$strXML .= "<set name='".dater($k, "jS")."' value='".$total."' color='".$colours[$position]."'/>";


$strXML .= "</graph>";


echo renderChartHTML("js/fusionCharts/Charts/FCF_Column2D.swf?noCache=".microtime(true), "", $strXML, "weekChart", 700, 300);




/* total visits figure */

$totalVisits = 0;

foreach($last7Days AS $k=>$total)


$totalVisits = $totalVisits + $total;






<div class="dataTableWrapper">

<table class="dataTable">



<th scope="col"><?php echo t("date"); ?></th>

<th scope="col" class="figures"><?php echo t("total_visits"); ?></th>

<th scope="col" class="figures"><?php echo t("percentage"); ?></th>





$last7Days = array_reverse($last7Days, true);

foreach($last7Days AS $k=>$total)


echo "<tr>";

echo "<td>".dater($k, SITE_CONFIG_DATE_FORMAT)."</td>";

echo "<td class=\"figures\">".$total."</td>";

echo "<td class=\"figures\">".number_format(($total/$totalVisits)*100, 1)."%</td>";

echo "</tr>";








<div id="tab1_chart3" style="display:none;">



/* last 30 days chart */

$tracker = 30;

$last7Days = array();

while($tracker >= 0)


$date = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("-".$tracker." day"));

$last7Days[$date] = 0;




$db = Database::getDatabase(true);


$minY = 0;

$maxY = 10;

foreach($last7Days AS $k=>$total)


$totalUrls = $db->getValue("SELECT COUNT(id) AS total FROM stats WHERE MID(dt, 1, 10) = '".$k."' AND page_title = '".$shortUrlObj->id."'");

$last7Days[$k] = (int)$totalUrls;

if($totalUrls > $maxY)


$maxY = $totalUrls;




$strXML = "";

$strXML .= "<graph yAxisMinValue='".$minY."' yAxisMaxValue='".$maxY."' canvasBorderThickness='1' showValues='0' canvasBgColor='dddddd' divlinecolor='ffffff' canvasBorderColor='cccccc' rotateNames='0' animation='1' xAxisName='".t("day")."' yAxisName='".t("visits")."' decimalPrecision='0' formatNumberScale='0' baseFont='Arial' baseFontSize='12'>";

foreach($last7Days AS $k=>$total)


$position = rand(0, COUNT($colours)-1);

$strXML .= "<set name='".dater($k, "j")."' value='".$total."' color='".$colours[$position]."'/>";


$strXML .= "</graph>";


echo renderChartHTML("js/fusionCharts/Charts/FCF_Column2D.swf?noCache=".microtime(true), "", $strXML, "monthChart", 700, 300);




/* total visits figure */

$totalVisits = 0;

foreach($last7Days AS $k=>$total)


$totalVisits = $totalVisits + $total;






<div class="dataTableWrapper">

<table class="dataTable">



<th scope="col"><?php echo t("date"); ?></th>

<th scope="col" class="figures"><?php echo t("total_visits"); ?></th>

<th scope="col" class="figures"><?php echo t("percentage"); ?></th>





$last7Days = array_reverse($last7Days, true);

foreach($last7Days AS $k=>$total)


echo "<tr>";

echo "<td>".dater($k, SITE_CONFIG_DATE_FORMAT)."</td>";

echo "<td class=\"figures\">".$total."</td>";

echo "<td class=\"figures\">".number_format(($total/$totalVisits)*100, 1)."%</td>";

echo "</tr>";








<div id="tab1_chart4" style="display:none;">



/* last 12 months chart */

$tracker = 12;

$last7Days = array();

while($tracker >= 0)


$date = date("Y-m", strtotime("-".$tracker." month"));

$last7Days[$date] = 0;




$db = Database::getDatabase(true);


$minY = 0;

$maxY = 10;

foreach($last7Days AS $k=>$total)


$totalUrls = $db->getValue("SELECT COUNT(id) AS total FROM stats WHERE MID(dt, 1, 7) = '".$k."' AND page_title = '".$shortUrlObj->id."'");

$last7Days[$k] = (int)$totalUrls;

if($totalUrls > $maxY)


$maxY = $totalUrls;




$strXML = "";

$strXML .= "<graph yAxisMinValue='".$minY."' yAxisMaxValue='".$maxY."' canvasBorderThickness='1' showValues='0' canvasBgColor='dddddd' divlinecolor='ffffff' canvasBorderColor='cccccc' rotateNames='0' animation='1' xAxisName='".t("month")."' yAxisName='".t("visits")."' decimalPrecision='0' formatNumberScale='0' baseFont='Arial' baseFontSize='12'>";

foreach($last7Days AS $k=>$total)


$position = rand(0, COUNT($colours)-1);

$strXML .= "<set name='".dater($k, "M y")."' value='".$total."' color='".$colours[$position]."'/>";


$strXML .= "</graph>";


echo renderChartHTML("js/fusionCharts/Charts/FCF_Column2D.swf?noCache=".microtime(true), "", $strXML, "yearChart", 700, 300);




/* total visits figure */

$totalVisits = 0;

foreach($last7Days AS $k=>$total)


$totalVisits = $totalVisits + $total;






<div class="dataTableWrapper">

<table class="dataTable">



<th scope="col"><?php echo t("date"); ?></th>

<th scope="col" class="figures"><?php echo t("total_visits"); ?></th>

<th scope="col" class="figures"><?php echo t("percentage"); ?></th>





$last7Days = array_reverse($last7Days, true);

foreach($last7Days AS $k=>$total)


echo "<tr>";

echo "<td>".dater($k, "M y")."</td>";

echo "<td class=\"figures\">".$total."</td>";

echo "<td class=\"figures\">".number_format(($total/$totalVisits)*100, 1)."%</td>";

echo "</tr>";











<!-- TAB 2 -->



/* pie chart */

$dataForPie = $db->getRows("SELECT country, COUNT(id) AS total FROM stats WHERE page_title = '".$shortUrlObj->id."' GROUP BY country ORDER BY total DESC");


$strXML = "";

$strXML .= "<graph animation='1' showValues='0' showNames='1' pieRadius='95' decimalPrecision='0' formatNumberScale='0' baseFont='Arial' baseFontSize='10'>";

foreach($dataForPie AS $dataRow)


$position = rand(0, COUNT($colours)-1);

$strXML .= "<set name='".t(UCWords(($dataRow['country'])))."' value='".$dataRow['total']."' color='".$colours[$position]."'/>";


$strXML .= "</graph>";


echo renderChartHTML("js/fusionCharts/Charts/FCF_Pie2D.swf", "", $strXML, "statusPie", 500, 250);





/* total visits figure */

$totalVisits = 0;

foreach($dataForPie AS $dataRow)


$totalVisits = $totalVisits + $dataRow['total'];






<div class="dataTableWrapper">

<table class="dataTable">



<th scope="col"><?php echo t("country"); ?></th>

<th scope="col" class="figures"><?php echo t("total_visits"); ?></th>

<th scope="col" class="figures"><?php echo t("percentage"); ?></th>





foreach($dataForPie AS $dataRow)


$countryCode = $dataRow['country']?$dataRow['country']:"unknown";

$flagPath = SITE_IMAGE_PATH."/stats/flags/".strtolower($countryCode).".png";

echo "<tr>";

echo "<td><img src=\"".$flagPath."\" width='16' height='11' alt=\"".t($countryCode, $countryCode)."\">  ".t($countryCode, $countryCode)."</td>";

echo "<td class=\"figures\">".$dataRow['total']."</td>";

echo "<td class=\"figures\">".number_format(($dataRow['total']/$totalVisits)*100, 1)."%</td>";

echo "</tr>";










<!-- TAB 3 -->


/* pie chart */

$dataForPie = $db->getRows("SELECT base_url, COUNT(id) AS total FROM stats WHERE page_title = '".$shortUrlObj->id."' GROUP BY base_url ORDER BY total DESC LIMIT 20");


$strXML = "";

$strXML .= "<graph animation='1' showValues='0' showNames='1' pieRadius='95' decimalPrecision='0' formatNumberScale='0' baseFont='Arial' baseFontSize='10'>";

foreach($dataForPie AS $dataRow)


$position = rand(0, COUNT($colours)-1);

$strXML .= "<set name='".(($dataRow['base_url']))."' value='".$dataRow['total']."' color='".$colours[$position]."'/>";


$strXML .= "</graph>";


echo renderChartHTML("js/fusionCharts/Charts/FCF_Pie2D.swf", "", $strXML, "statusPie", 500, 250);





/* total visits figure */

$totalVisits = 0;

foreach($dataForPie AS $dataRow)


$totalVisits = $totalVisits + $dataRow['total'];






<div class="dataTableWrapper">

<table class="dataTable">



<th scope="col"><?php echo t("site"); ?></th>

<th scope="col" class="figures"><?php echo t("total_visits"); ?></th>

<th scope="col" class="figures"><?php echo t("percentage"); ?></th>





foreach($dataForPie AS $dataRow)


$baseUrl = $dataRow['base_url']?$dataRow['base_url']:"direct";

echo "<tr>";

echo "<td>";



echo "<a href='http://".$baseUrl."' target='_blank'>".$baseUrl."</a>";




echo $baseUrl;


echo "</td>";

echo "<td class=\"figures\">".$dataRow['total']."</td>";

echo "<td class=\"figures\">".number_format(($dataRow['total']/$totalVisits)*100, 1)."%</td>";

echo "</tr>";










<!-- TAB 4 -->


/* pie chart */

$dataForPie = $db->getRows("SELECT browser_family, COUNT(id) AS total FROM stats WHERE page_title = '".$shortUrlObj->id."' GROUP BY browser_family ORDER BY total DESC LIMIT 20");


$strXML = "";

$strXML .= "<graph animation='1' showValues='0' showNames='1' pieRadius='95' decimalPrecision='0' formatNumberScale='0' baseFont='Arial' baseFontSize='10'>";

foreach($dataForPie AS $dataRow)


$position = rand(0, COUNT($colours)-1);

$strXML .= "<set name='".(($dataRow['browser_family']))."' value='".$dataRow['total']."' color='".$colours[$position]."'/>";


$strXML .= "</graph>";


echo renderChartHTML("js/fusionCharts/Charts/FCF_Pie2D.swf", "", $strXML, "statusPie", 500, 250);





/* total visits figure */

$totalVisits = 0;

foreach($dataForPie AS $dataRow)


$totalVisits = $totalVisits + $dataRow['total'];






<div class="dataTableWrapper">

<table class="dataTable">



<th scope="col"><?php echo t("browser"); ?></th>

<th scope="col" class="figures"><?php echo t("total_visits"); ?></th>

<th scope="col" class="figures"><?php echo t("percentage"); ?></th>





foreach($dataForPie AS $dataRow)


$browser = $dataRow['browser_family']?$dataRow['browser_family']:"unknown";

$iconPath = SITE_IMAGE_PATH."/stats/browsers/".strtolower($browser).".png";

echo "<tr>";

echo "<td><img src=\"".$iconPath."\" width='14' height='14' alt=\"".$browser."\" style=\"float:left;\">  ".UCWords($browser)."</td>";

echo "<td class=\"figures\">".$dataRow['total']."</td>";

echo "<td class=\"figures\">".number_format(($dataRow['total']/$totalVisits)*100, 1)."%</td>";

echo "</tr>";










<!-- TAB 5 -->


/* pie chart */

$dataForPie = $db->getRows("SELECT os, COUNT(id) AS total FROM stats WHERE page_title = '".$shortUrlObj->id."' GROUP BY os ORDER BY total DESC LIMIT 20");


$strXML = "";

$strXML .= "<graph animation='1' showValues='0' showNames='1' pieRadius='95' decimalPrecision='0' formatNumberScale='0' baseFont='Arial' baseFontSize='10'>";

foreach($dataForPie AS $dataRow)


$position = rand(0, COUNT($colours)-1);

$strXML .= "<set name='".(($dataRow['os']))."' value='".$dataRow['total']."' color='".$colours[$position]."'/>";


$strXML .= "</graph>";


echo renderChartHTML("js/fusionCharts/Charts/FCF_Pie2D.swf", "", $strXML, "statusPie", 500, 250);





/* total visits figure */

$totalVisits = 0;

foreach($dataForPie AS $dataRow)


$totalVisits = $totalVisits + $dataRow['total'];






<div class="dataTableWrapper">

<table class="dataTable">



<th scope="col"><?php echo t("operating_system"); ?></th>

<th scope="col" class="figures"><?php echo t("total_visits"); ?></th>

<th scope="col" class="figures"><?php echo t("percentage"); ?></th>





foreach($dataForPie AS $dataRow)


$os = $dataRow['os']?$dataRow['os']:"unknown";

$iconPath = SITE_IMAGE_PATH."/stats/os/".strtolower($os).".png";

echo "<tr>";

echo "<td><img src=\"".$iconPath."\" width='14' height='14' alt=\"".$os."\" style=\"float:left;\">  ".UCWords($os)."</td>";

echo "<td class=\"figures\">".$dataRow['total']."</td>";

echo "<td class=\"figures\">".number_format(($dataRow['total']/$totalVisits)*100, 1)."%</td>";

echo "</tr>";














(function() {

var tabView = new YAHOO.widget.TabView('demo');









If you need more codes for other pages to make it clear please let me know. thanks.

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Putting the code aside because I cannot take the time to read through all of it, the information you are talking about should be stored inside of a database. What does your database structure look like? Hopefully we can steer you in the right direction so you do not have to pay someone.

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