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Remember Me Headache [solved]


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It's been quite a while since I posted here, and the reason is I can usually sort my problems out. But this has really stumped me.

The script has a global header file 'header.php', which is included into each of the other php files. This header file handles the session and does a bunch of other stuff which we like to do at the start of each page.

I recently set about modifying this header to incorporate a RememberMe function, and I've managed to create a bug which I can't solve.

the header looks a bit like this:



include 'config.php';
include 'dbconfig.php';
include 'remember_me.php'; //Just a library of functions: CheckRemember(), RememberMe(), ForgetMe().

//Reload all those session variables
//Set as guest

//Do other things

Now here's what I've found so far:
[*]The script will crash on the CheckRemember() line, unless there is an existing session (regardless of the value of $_SESSION['loggedin']) or if there is no Remember Cookie set.
[*]If I create a test script just including the database config and the remember_me functions in which session_start is never called, I can get CheckRemember() working fine.

Any thoughts?
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function CheckRemember()
global $db;

return false;

$rCookie = explode('-', $_COOKIE['RememberCookie']);

if(count($rCookie) != 2)
return false;

$rCookie[0] = intval($rCookie[0]);

//Cookie is uid-hash
if(!$db->qry("SELECT * FROM users WHERE uid = {$rCookie[0]}"))
return false;

if($db->rowcount() == 0)
return false;

$targetUser = $db->fetch(false);

if($rCookie[1] == md5($targetUser['username'].$targetUser['password']))
return $targetUser;
return false;

function RememberMe($who)
global $db;

$who = intval($who);

$db->qry("SELECT * FROM users WHERE uid = $who");
$targetUser = $easydb->fetch(false);

return setcookie('RememberCookie', $who.'-'.md5($targetUser['username'].$targetUser['password']), time() + 14515200);

function ForgetMe()
return setcookie('RememberCookie', 'FORGET', time() + 14515200);

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Looks like there is a bug in CheckRemember().

If possible, enable displaying of php errors.

If you can't do that (or if it's not convenient), than add some print statements throughout CheckRemember(), and see how many of them are displayed before it fails.  That will help you narrow down where the problem is.  I don't notice anything wrong right now, but the symptoms you described tell me there is an error there somewhere.
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the error is in the

[code]if(!$db->qry("SELECT * FROM users WHERE uid = {$rCookie[0]}"))
return false;[/code]

lines, but what surprises me is that this function has worked for me in that test. Furthermore, I can't see anything wrong with that query, and I know this database fairly well.
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That leaves only one possibility.. the $db object is not behaving like it's supposed to.  If the crash occurs during that query, but the $db object should return false on failure, then the $db object must be buggy (or being used incorrectly).  So.. what's in dbconfig.php? :)
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You're right to a degree. It seems to be a problem with scope (and I still can't fix it!)

[code]global $db;[/code]

I added some code after here which says:
[code]if(!isset($db)) echo 'BAD';[/code]

And what do you know, it echoes BAD.

But it gets more confusing - I did a test straight after the include of dbconfig, and it tells me my $db object exists!

So why isn't the global keyword giving me access to my $db object?!?!
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