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Encoded JSON data are displayed repeatedly


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Good day.

I am having a problem with my JSON data. The data are being displayed repeatedly that makes the output very long.


I have 4 tables inside my database, telco for storing the names of telecommunications company. telcoCall, telcoData, and telcoSMS for its corresponding promos. The three of them have foreign keys with the telco table.


I thought my code was already correct because I tested it with only 2 data inside telcoCall, telcoData and telcoSMS. They are fine, I promise. But yesterday, I decided to add all of their promos. Then bam! Each of the data inside telcoData and telcoSMS are displayed multiple times.


This is my code:


include '../initialization.php';

$mysqli = @mysqli_connect($host, $username, $password, $db);

$query = 'SELECT t.*, c.*, d.*, s.* '.
  	 'FROM telco t '.
		 	'INNER JOIN telcoCall c ON t.telcoId = c.telcoId '.
		 	'INNER JOIN telcoData d ON t.telcoId = d.telcoId '.
		 	'INNER JOIN telcoSMS s ON t.telcoId = s.telcoId '.
		 		'ORDER BY t.telcoName, c.callName, d.dataName, s.smsName';

//setup array to hold information
$telcos = array();

//setup holders for the different types so that we can filter out the data
$telcoId = 0;
$callId = 0;
$dataId = 0;
$smsId = 0;

//setup to hold our current index
$telcoIndex = -1;

if ($result = mysqli_query($mysqli, $query)) {
	//go through the rows
	while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
	    if($telcoId != $row['telcoId']) {
	        $callIndex = -1;
	        $dataIndex = -1;
	        $smsIndex = -1;
	        $telcoId = $row['telcoId'];
	        //add the console
	        $telcos[$telcoIndex]['Telco'] = $row['telcoName'];
	        //setup the information array
	        $telcos[$telcoIndex]['Call Promo'] = array();
	        $telcos[$telcoIndex]['Data Promo'] = array();
	        $telcos[$telcoIndex]['SMS Promo'] = array();
	    if($callId != $row['callId']) {
	        $callId = $row['callId'];
	        //add the model to the console
	        $telcos[$telcoIndex]['Call Promo'][$callIndex]['Call Name'] = $row['callName'];
	        //setup the title array
	        $telcos[$telcoIndex]['Call Promo'][$callIndex]['Call'] = array();
	        //add the game to the current console and model
	        $telcos[$telcoIndex]['Call Promo'][$callIndex]['Call'][] = array(
	        	'Keyword'     => $row['callKeyword'],
	        	'Description' => $row['callDescription'],
	        	'Number' 	  => $row['callNumber'],
	        	'Validity'	  => $row['callValidity'],
	        	'Price'		  => $row['callPrice']
	    if($dataId != $row['dataId']) {
	        $dataId = $row['dataId'];
	        //add the model to the console
	        $telcos[$telcoIndex]['Data Promo'][$dataIndex]['Data Name'] = $row['dataName'];
	        //setup the title array
	        $telcos[$telcoIndex]['Data Promo'][$dataIndex]['Data'] = array();
	        //add the game to the current console and model
	        $telcos[$telcoIndex]['Data Promo'][$dataIndex]['Data'][] = array(
	        	'Keyword'      => $row['dataKeyword'],
	        	'Description'  => $row['dataDescription'],
	        	'Number'	   => $row['dataNumber'],
	        	'Validity'	   => $row['dataValidity'],
	        	'Volume'	   => $row['dataVolume'],
	        	'Price'		   => $row['dataPrice']
	    if($smsId != $row['smsId']) {
	        $smsId = $row['smsId'];
	        //add the model to the console
	        $telcos[$telcoIndex]['SMS Promo'][$smsIndex]['SMS Name'] = $row['smsName'];
	        //setup the title array
	        $telcos[$telcoIndex]['SMS Promo'][$smsIndex]['SMS'] = array();
	        //add the game to the current console and model
	        $telcos[$telcoIndex]['SMS Promo'][$smsIndex]['SMS'][] = array(
	        	'Keyword'      => $row['smsKeyword'],
	        	'Description'  => $row['smsDescription'],
	        	'Number'	   => $row['smsNumber'],
	        	'Validity'	   => $row['smsValidity'],
	        	'Price'	   	   => $row['smsPrice']

echo json_encode($telcos);



This is the JSON data

    "Call Promo" : [
        "Call" : [
            "Description" : "Enjoy unlimited SMS to all networks + 10 minutes of calls to all networks + 50 minutes of calls to Globe or TM + 5MB of consumable mobile browsing",
            "Keyword" : "",
            "Number" : "Dial *143#",
            "Price" : "PhP 150.00",
            "Validity" : "7 days"
        "Call Name" : "ALL NET 150"
        "Call" : [
            "Description" : "Enjoy unlimited SMS to all networks + 10 minutes of calls to all networks + 50 minutes of calls to Globe or TM + 5MB of consumable mobile browsing",
            "Keyword" : "",
            "Number" : "Dial *143#",
            "Price" : "PhP 25.00",
            "Validity" : "1 day"
        "Call Name" : "ALL NET 25"
        "Call" : [
            "Description" : "Enjoy unlimited SMS to all networks + 10 minutes of calls to all networks + 50 minutes of calls to Globe or TM + 5MB of consumable mobile browsing",
            "Keyword" : "",
            "Number" : "Dial *143#",
            "Price" : "PhP 600.00",
            "Validity" : "30 days"
        "Call Name" : "ALL NET 600"
        "Call" : [
            "Description" : "Enjoy unlimited SMS to all networks + 10 minutes of calls to all networks + 50 minutes of calls to Globe or TM + 5MB of consumable mobile browsing",
            "Keyword" : "",
            "Number" : "Dial *143#",
            "Price" : "PhP 70.00",
            "Validity" : "3 days"
        "Call Name" : "ALL NET 70"
        "Call" : [
            "Description" : "Enjoy unlimited texts to ALL networks, unlimited calls to Globe or TM, and unlimited Facebook with GOUNLI",
            "Keyword" : "GOUNLI180",
            "Number" : "8888",
            "Price" : "PhP 180.00",
            "Validity" : "7 days"
        "Call Name" : "GOUNLI 180"
        "Call" : [
            "Description" : "Enjoy unlimited texts to ALL networks, unlimited calls to Globe or TM, and unlimited Facebook with GOUNLI",
            "Keyword" : "GOUNLI30",
            "Number" : "8888",
            "Price" : "PhP 30.00",
            "Validity" : "1 day"
        "Call Name" : "GOUNLI 30"
        "Call" : [
            "Description" : "Enjoy unlimited texts to ALL networks, unlimited calls to Globe or TM, and unlimited Facebook with GOUNLI",
            "Keyword" : "GOUNLI750",
            "Number" : "8888",
            "Price" : "PhP 750.00",
            "Validity" : "30 days"
        "Call Name" : "GOUNLI 750"
        "Call" : [
            "Description" : "Enjoy unlimited texts to ALL networks, unlimited calls to Globe or TM, and unlimited Facebook with GOUNLI",
            "Keyword" : "GOUNLI80",
            "Number" : "8888",
            "Price" : "PhP 80.00",
            "Validity" : "3 days"
        "Call Name" : "GOUNLI 80"
        "Call" : [
            "Description" : "Lets you send 250 SMS to ALL networks + 10 minutes of call to Globe or TM numbers",
            "Keyword" : "ATXTPLUS20",
            "Number" : "8888",
            "Price" : "PhP 20.00",
            "Validity" : "1 day"
        "Call Name" : "SUPERALLTXT 20"
        "Call" : [
            "Description" : "Lets you send UNLIMITED texts and make 50 minutes of calls to Globe/TM numbers",
            "Keyword" : "COMBO20",
            "Number" : "8888",
            "Price" : "PhP 20.00",
            "Validity" : "1 day"
        "Call Name" : "SUPERCOMBO 20"
        "Call" : [
            "Description" : "Get unlimited calls and texts to Globe or TM users",
            "Keyword" : "SUPERUNLI150",
            "Number" : "8888",
            "Price" : "PhP 150.00",
            "Validity" : "7 days"
        "Call Name" : "SUPERUNLI 150"
        "Call" : [
            "Description" : "Get unlimited calls and texts to Globe or TM users",
            "Keyword" : "SUPERUNLI25",
            "Number" : "8888",
            "Price" : "PhP 25.00",
            "Validity" : "1 day"
        "Call Name" : "SUPERUNLI 25"
        "Call" : [
            "Description" : "Get unlimited calls and texts to Globe or TM + unlimited mobile browsing",
            "Keyword" : "",
            "Number" : "Dial *143#",
            "Price" : "PhP 1,400.00",
            "Validity" : "30 days"
        "Call Name" : "UNLI ALL TRIO 1400"
        "Call" : [
            "Description" : "Get unlimited calls and texts to Globe or TM + unlimited mobile browsing",
            "Keyword" : "",
            "Number" : "Dial *143#",
            "Price" : "PhP 150.00",
            "Validity" : "3 days"
        "Call Name" : "UNLI ALL TRIO 150"
        "Call" : [
            "Description" : "Get unlimited calls and texts to Globe or TM + unlimited mobile browsing",
            "Keyword" : "",
            "Number" : "Dial *143#",
            "Price" : "PhP 350.00",
            "Validity" : "7 days"
        "Call Name" : "UNLI ALL TRIO 350"
        "Call" : [
            "Description" : "Get unlimited calls and texts to Globe or TM + unlimited mobile browsing",
            "Keyword" : "",
            "Number" : "Dial *143#",
            "Price" : "PhP 60.00",
            "Validity" : "1 day"
        "Call Name" : "UNLI ALL TRIO 60"
        "Call" : [
            "Description" : "Get unlimited texts to all networks + unlimited calls to Globe or TM + unlimited mobile browsing. Registration is available from 7 to 9 AM only.",
            "Keyword" : "",
            "Number" : "Dial *143#",
            "Price" : "PhP 5.00",
            "Validity" : "1 hour"
        "Call Name" : "UNLI TINGI 5"
    "Data Promo" : [
        "Data" : [
            "Description" : "Get unlimited calls and texts to Globe or TM + unlimited mobile browsing",
            "Keyword" : "",
            "Number" : "Dial *143#",
            "Price" : "PhP 60.00",
            "Validity" : "1 day",
            "Volume" : "Unlimited"
        "Data Name" : "UNLI ALL TRIO 60"
    "SMS Promo" : [
        "SMS" : [
            "Description" : "Enjoy unlimited texts to ALL networks, unlimited calls to Globe or TM, and unlimited Facebook with GOUNLI",
            "Keyword" : "GOUNLI180",
            "Number" : "8888",
            "Price" : "PhP 180.00",
            "Validity" : "7 days"
        "SMS Name" : "GOUNLI 180"
        "SMS" : [
            "Description" : "Enjoy unlimited texts to ALL networks, unlimited calls to Globe or TM, and unlimited Facebook with GOUNLI",
            "Keyword" : "GOUNLI80",
            "Number" : "8888",
            "Price" : "PhP 80.00",
            "Validity" : "3 days"
        "SMS Name" : "GOUNLI 80"
        "SMS" : [
            "Description" : "Enjoy unlimited texts to ALL networks, unlimited calls to Globe or TM, and unlimited Facebook with GOUNLI",
            "Keyword" : "GOUNLI180",
            "Number" : "8888",
            "Price" : "PhP 180.00",
            "Validity" : "7 days"
        "SMS Name" : "GOUNLI 180"
        "SMS" : [
            "Description" : "Enjoy unlimited texts to ALL networks, unlimited calls to Globe or TM, and unlimited Facebook with GOUNLI",
            "Keyword" : "GOUNLI80",
            "Number" : "8888",
            "Price" : "PhP 80.00",
            "Validity" : "3 days"
        "SMS Name" : "GOUNLI 80"
        "SMS" : [
            "Description" : "Enjoy unlimited texts to ALL networks, unlimited calls to Globe or TM, and unlimited Facebook with GOUNLI",
            "Keyword" : "GOUNLI180",
            "Number" : "8888",
            "Price" : "PhP 180.00",
            "Validity" : "7 days"
        "SMS Name" : "GOUNLI 180"
        "SMS" : [
            "Description" : "Enjoy unlimited texts to ALL networks, unlimited calls to Globe or TM, and unlimited Facebook with GOUNLI",
            "Keyword" : "GOUNLI80",
            "Number" : "8888",
            "Price" : "PhP 80.00",
            "Validity" : "3 days"
        "SMS Name" : "GOUNLI 80"
        "SMS" : [
            "Description" : "Enjoy unlimited texts to ALL networks, unlimited calls to Globe or TM, and unlimited Facebook with GOUNLI",
            "Keyword" : "GOUNLI180",
            "Number" : "8888",
            "Price" : "PhP 180.00",
            "Validity" : "7 days"
        "SMS Name" : "GOUNLI 180"
        "SMS" : [
            "Description" : "Enjoy unlimited texts to ALL networks, unlimited calls to Globe or TM, and unlimited Facebook with GOUNLI",
            "Keyword" : "GOUNLI80",
            "Number" : "8888",
            "Price" : "PhP 80.00",
            "Validity" : "3 days"
        "SMS Name" : "GOUNLI 80"
        "SMS" : [
            "Description" : "Enjoy unlimited texts to ALL networks, unlimited calls to Globe or TM, and unlimited Facebook with GOUNLI",
            "Keyword" : "GOUNLI180",
            "Number" : "8888",
            "Price" : "PhP 180.00",
            "Validity" : "7 days"
        "SMS Name" : "GOUNLI 180"
        "SMS" : [
            "Description" : "Enjoy unlimited texts to ALL networks, unlimited calls to Globe or TM, and unlimited Facebook with GOUNLI",
            "Keyword" : "GOUNLI80",
            "Number" : "8888",
            "Price" : "PhP 80.00",
            "Validity" : "3 days"
        "SMS Name" : "GOUNLI 80"
        "SMS" : [
            "Description" : "Enjoy unlimited texts to ALL networks, unlimited calls to Globe or TM, and unlimited Facebook with GOUNLI",
            "Keyword" : "GOUNLI180",
            "Number" : "8888",
            "Price" : "PhP 180.00",
            "Validity" : "7 days"
        "SMS Name" : "GOUNLI 180"
        "SMS" : [
            "Description" : "Enjoy unlimited texts to ALL networks, unlimited calls to Globe or TM, and unlimited Facebook with GOUNLI",
            "Keyword" : "GOUNLI80",
            "Number" : "8888",
            "Price" : "PhP 80.00",
            "Validity" : "3 days"
        "SMS Name" : "GOUNLI 80"
        "SMS" : [
            "Description" : "Enjoy unlimited texts to ALL networks, unlimited calls to Globe or TM, and unlimited Facebook with GOUNLI",
            "Keyword" : "GOUNLI180",
            "Number" : "8888",
            "Price" : "PhP 180.00",
            "Validity" : "7 days"
        "SMS Name" : "GOUNLI 180"
        "SMS" : [
            "Description" : "Enjoy unlimited texts to ALL networks, unlimited calls to Globe or TM, and unlimited Facebook with GOUNLI",
            "Keyword" : "GOUNLI80",
            "Number" : "8888",
            "Price" : "PhP 80.00",
            "Validity" : "3 days"
        "SMS Name" : "GOUNLI 80"
        "SMS" : [
            "Description" : "Enjoy unlimited texts to ALL networks, unlimited calls to Globe or TM, and unlimited Facebook with GOUNLI",
            "Keyword" : "GOUNLI180",
            "Number" : "8888",
            "Price" : "PhP 180.00",
            "Validity" : "7 days"
        "SMS Name" : "GOUNLI 180"
        "SMS" : [
            "Description" : "Enjoy unlimited texts to ALL networks, unlimited calls to Globe or TM, and unlimited Facebook with GOUNLI",
            "Keyword" : "GOUNLI80",
            "Number" : "8888",
            "Price" : "PhP 80.00",
            "Validity" : "3 days"
        "SMS Name" : "GOUNLI 80"
        "SMS" : [
            "Description" : "Enjoy unlimited texts to ALL networks, unlimited calls to Globe or TM, and unlimited Facebook with GOUNLI",
            "Keyword" : "GOUNLI180",
            "Number" : "8888",
            "Price" : "PhP 180.00",
            "Validity" : "7 days"
        "SMS Name" : "GOUNLI 180"
        "SMS" : [
            "Description" : "Enjoy unlimited texts to ALL networks, unlimited calls to Globe or TM, and unlimited Facebook with GOUNLI",
            "Keyword" : "GOUNLI80",
            "Number" : "8888",
            "Price" : "PhP 80.00",
            "Validity" : "3 days"
        "SMS Name" : "GOUNLI 80"
        "SMS" : [
            "Description" : "Enjoy unlimited texts to ALL networks, unlimited calls to Globe or TM, and unlimited Facebook with GOUNLI",
            "Keyword" : "GOUNLI180",
            "Number" : "8888",
            "Price" : "PhP 180.00",
            "Validity" : "7 days"
        "SMS Name" : "GOUNLI 180"
        "SMS" : [
            "Description" : "Enjoy unlimited texts to ALL networks, unlimited calls to Globe or TM, and unlimited Facebook with GOUNLI",
            "Keyword" : "GOUNLI80",
            "Number" : "8888",
            "Price" : "PhP 80.00",
            "Validity" : "3 days"
        "SMS Name" : "GOUNLI 80"
        "SMS" : [
            "Description" : "Enjoy unlimited texts to ALL networks, unlimited calls to Globe or TM, and unlimited Facebook with GOUNLI",
            "Keyword" : "GOUNLI180",
            "Number" : "8888",
            "Price" : "PhP 180.00",
            "Validity" : "7 days"
        "SMS Name" : "GOUNLI 180"
        "SMS" : [
            "Description" : "Enjoy unlimited texts to ALL networks, unlimited calls to Globe or TM, and unlimited Facebook with GOUNLI",
            "Keyword" : "GOUNLI80",
            "Number" : "8888",
            "Price" : "PhP 80.00",
            "Validity" : "3 days"
        "SMS Name" : "GOUNLI 80"
        "SMS" : [
            "Description" : "Enjoy unlimited texts to ALL networks, unlimited calls to Globe or TM, and unlimited Facebook with GOUNLI",
            "Keyword" : "GOUNLI180",
            "Number" : "8888",
            "Price" : "PhP 180.00",
            "Validity" : "7 days"
        "SMS Name" : "GOUNLI 180"
        "SMS" : [
            "Description" : "Enjoy unlimited texts to ALL networks, unlimited calls to Globe or TM, and unlimited Facebook with GOUNLI",
            "Keyword" : "GOUNLI80",
            "Number" : "8888",
            "Price" : "PhP 80.00",
            "Validity" : "3 days"
        "SMS Name" : "GOUNLI 80"
        "SMS" : [
            "Description" : "Enjoy unlimited texts to ALL networks, unlimited calls to Globe or TM, and unlimited Facebook with GOUNLI",
            "Keyword" : "GOUNLI180",
            "Number" : "8888",
            "Price" : "PhP 180.00",
            "Validity" : "7 days"
        "SMS Name" : "GOUNLI 180"
        "SMS" : [
            "Description" : "Enjoy unlimited texts to ALL networks, unlimited calls to Globe or TM, and unlimited Facebook with GOUNLI",
            "Keyword" : "GOUNLI80",
            "Number" : "8888",
            "Price" : "PhP 80.00",
            "Validity" : "3 days"
        "SMS Name" : "GOUNLI 80"
        "SMS" : [
            "Description" : "Enjoy unlimited texts to ALL networks, unlimited calls to Globe or TM, and unlimited Facebook with GOUNLI",
            "Keyword" : "GOUNLI180",
            "Number" : "8888",
            "Price" : "PhP 180.00",
            "Validity" : "7 days"
        "SMS Name" : "GOUNLI 180"
        "SMS" : [
            "Description" : "Enjoy unlimited texts to ALL networks, unlimited calls to Globe or TM, and unlimited Facebook with GOUNLI",
            "Keyword" : "GOUNLI80",
            "Number" : "8888",
            "Price" : "PhP 80.00",
            "Validity" : "3 days"
        "SMS Name" : "GOUNLI 80"
        "SMS" : [
            "Description" : "Enjoy unlimited texts to ALL networks, unlimited calls to Globe or TM, and unlimited Facebook with GOUNLI",
            "Keyword" : "GOUNLI180",
            "Number" : "8888",
            "Price" : "PhP 180.00",
            "Validity" : "7 days"
        "SMS Name" : "GOUNLI 180"
        "SMS" : [
            "Description" : "Enjoy unlimited texts to ALL networks, unlimited calls to Globe or TM, and unlimited Facebook with GOUNLI",
            "Keyword" : "GOUNLI80",
            "Number" : "8888",
            "Price" : "PhP 80.00",
            "Validity" : "3 days"
        "SMS Name" : "GOUNLI 80"
        "SMS" : [
            "Description" : "Enjoy unlimited texts to ALL networks, unlimited calls to Globe or TM, and unlimited Facebook with GOUNLI",
            "Keyword" : "GOUNLI180",
            "Number" : "8888",
            "Price" : "PhP 180.00",
            "Validity" : "7 days"
        "SMS Name" : "GOUNLI 180"
        "SMS" : [
            "Description" : "Enjoy unlimited texts to ALL networks, unlimited calls to Globe or TM, and unlimited Facebook with GOUNLI",
            "Keyword" : "GOUNLI80",
            "Number" : "8888",
            "Price" : "PhP 80.00",
            "Validity" : "3 days"
        "SMS Name" : "GOUNLI 80"
        "SMS" : [
            "Description" : "Enjoy unlimited texts to ALL networks, unlimited calls to Globe or TM, and unlimited Facebook with GOUNLI",
            "Keyword" : "GOUNLI180",
            "Number" : "8888",
            "Price" : "PhP 180.00",
            "Validity" : "7 days"
        "SMS Name" : "GOUNLI 180"
        "SMS" : [
            "Description" : "Enjoy unlimited texts to ALL networks, unlimited calls to Globe or TM, and unlimited Facebook with GOUNLI",
            "Keyword" : "GOUNLI80",
            "Number" : "8888",
            "Price" : "PhP 80.00",
            "Validity" : "3 days"
        "SMS Name" : "GOUNLI 80"
    "Telco" : "Globe"
    "Call Promo" : [
        "Call" : [
            "Description" : "Unlimited SMS to ALL Networks + 60 minutes calls to Smart, Sun, TNT + 10 MB mobile internet",
            "Keyword" : "ALLIN25",
            "Number" : "2477",
            "Price" : "PhP 25.00",
            "Validity" : "1 day"
        "Call Name" : "ALL IN 25"
        "Call" : [
            "Description" : "30 consumable call minutes to Smart, TNT, red, Globe, Sun, landlines and to US, Canada, HK and Singapore",
            "Keyword" : "CALL100",
            "Number" : "5908",
            "Price" : "PhP 100.00",
            "Validity" : "5 days"
        "Call Name" : "Call to All 100"
        "Call" : [
            "Description" : "100 consumable call minutes to Smart, TNT, red, Globe, Sun, landlines and to US, Canada, HK and Singapore",
            "Keyword" : "CALL250",
            "Number" : "5908",
            "Price" : "PhP 250.00",
            "Validity" : "15 days"
        "Call Name" : "Call to All 250"
        "Call" : [
            "Description" : "Unlimited SMS to ALL Networks + 180 minutes calls to Smart, Sun, TNT + 100 MB mobile internet",
            "Keyword" : "MEGA250",
            "Number" : "2477",
            "Price" : "PhP 250.00",
            "Validity" : "30 days"
        "Call Name" : "MEGA 250"
        "Call" : [
            "Description" : "Unlimited calls for 5 days to all Smart networks",
            "Keyword" : "TALK100",
            "Number" : "6400",
            "Price" : "PhP 100.00",
            "Validity" : "5 days"
        "Call Name" : "SMARTALK 100"
        "Call" : [
            "Description" : "Unlimited calls for 30 days to all Smart networks",
            "Keyword" : "TALK500",
            "Number" : "6400",
            "Price" : "PhP 500.00",
            "Validity" : "30 days"
        "Call Name" : "SMARTALK 500"
        "Call" : [
            "Description" : "Unli SMS to Smart, Sun, TNT + Unli calls to Smart, Sun, TNT",
            "Keyword" : "TRINET40",
            "Number" : "2949",
            "Price" : "PhP 40.00",
            "Validity" : "1 day"
        "Call Name" : "TRI-NET UNLI 40"
        "Call" : [
            "Description" : "750 texts + 120 minutes call to ALL networks + 35 MB mobile internet",
            "Keyword" : "TRINET100",
            "Number" : "2477",
            "Price" : "PhP 100.00",
            "Validity" : "7 days"
        "Call Name" : "TriNet 100"
        "Call" : [
            "Description" : "1500 texts + 250 minutes call to ALL networks + 75 MB mobile internet",
            "Keyword" : "TRINET200",
            "Number" : "2477",
            "Price" : "PhP 200.00",
            "Validity" : "15 days"
        "Call Name" : "TriNet 200"
        "Call" : [
            "Description" : "200 texts + 50 minutes call to ALL networks + 10 MB mobile internet",
            "Keyword" : "TRINET30",
            "Number" : "2477",
            "Price" : "PhP 30.00",
            "Validity" : "1 day"
        "Call Name" : "TriNet 30"
        "Call" : [
            "Description" : "3000 texts + 500 minutes call to ALL networks + 150 MB mobile internet",
            "Keyword" : "TRINET400",
            "Number" : "2477",
            "Price" : "PhP 400.00",
            "Validity" : "30 days"
        "Call Name" : "TriNet 400"
        "Call" : [
            "Description" : "Unlimited call and text to Smart, Sun and TNT + 80 texts to all networks",
            "Keyword" : "UNLI100",
            "Number" : "6406",
            "Price" : "PhP 100.00",
            "Validity" : "4 days"
        "Call Name" : "Unli Call and Text 100"
        "Call" : [
            "Description" : "Unlimited call and text to Smart, Sun and TNT + 100 texts to all networks",
            "Keyword" : "UNLI150",
            "Number" : "6406",
            "Price" : "PhP 150.00",
            "Validity" : "7 days"
        "Call Name" : "Unli Call and Text 150"
        "Call" : [
            "Description" : "Unlimited call and text to Smart, Sun and TNT + 20 texts to all networks",
            "Keyword" : "UNLI25",
            "Number" : "6406",
            "Price" : "PhP 25.00",
            "Validity" : "1 day"
        "Call Name" : "Unli Call and Text 25"
        "Call" : [
            "Description" : "Unlimited call and text to Smart, Sun and TNT + 150 texts to all networks",
            "Keyword" : "UNLI299",
            "Number" : "6406",
            "Price" : "PhP 299.00",
            "Validity" : "15 days"
        "Call Name" : "Unli Call and Text 299"
        "Call" : [
            "Description" : "Unlimited call and text to Smart, Sun and TNT + 40 texts to all networks",
            "Keyword" : "UNLI50",
            "Number" : "6406",
            "Price" : "PhP 50.00",
            "Validity" : "2 days"
        "Call Name" : "Unli Call and Text 50"
        "Call" : [
            "Description" : "Unlimited text and 20 minutes call to Smart networks",
            "Keyword" : "TXT60",
            "Number" : "6402",
            "Price" : "PhP 60.00",
            "Validity" : "5 days"
        "Call Name" : "Unlitxt 60"
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            "Number" : "2200",
            "Price" : "PhP 20.00",
            "Validity" : "1 day",
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            "Number" : "2827",
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            "Validity" : "1 day"
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        "SMS" : [
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            "Number" : "2827",
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            "Validity" : "1 day"
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        "SMS" : [
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            "Number" : "2827",
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            "Validity" : "1 day"
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        "SMS" : [
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            "Number" : "2827",
            "Price" : "PhP 20.00",
            "Validity" : "1 day"
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        "SMS" : [
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            "Validity" : "1 day"
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        "SMS" : [
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        "SMS" : [
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            "Validity" : "1 day"
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        "SMS" : [
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            "Validity" : "1 day"
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        "SMS" : [
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            "Price" : "PhP 20.00",
            "Validity" : "1 day"
        "SMS Name" : "ALLTXT 20"
        "SMS" : [
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            "Number" : "2827",
            "Price" : "PhP 10.00",
            "Validity" : "1 day"
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        "SMS" : [
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            "Number" : "2827",
            "Price" : "PhP 20.00",
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        "SMS" : [
            "Description" : "Send 75 texts to ALL networks",
            "Keyword" : "AT10",
            "Number" : "2827",
            "Price" : "PhP 10.00",
            "Validity" : "1 day"
        "SMS Name" : "ALLTXT 10"
        "SMS" : [
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            "Number" : "2827",
            "Price" : "PhP 20.00",
            "Validity" : "1 day"
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        "SMS" : [
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            "Keyword" : "AT10",
            "Number" : "2827",
            "Price" : "PhP 10.00",
            "Validity" : "1 day"
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        "SMS" : [
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            "Validity" : "1 day"
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        "SMS" : [
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            "Validity" : "1 day"
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        "SMS" : [
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            "Validity" : "1 day"
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        "SMS" : [
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            "Number" : "2827",
            "Price" : "PhP 10.00",
            "Validity" : "1 day"
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        "SMS" : [
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            "Price" : "PhP 20.00",
            "Validity" : "1 day"
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        "SMS" : [
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            "Number" : "2827",
            "Price" : "PhP 10.00",
            "Validity" : "1 day"
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        "SMS" : [
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            "Validity" : "1 day"
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        "SMS" : [
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            "Validity" : "1 day"
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        "SMS" : [
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            "Number" : "2827",
            "Price" : "PhP 10.00",
            "Validity" : "1 day"
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        "SMS" : [
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        "SMS" : [
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            "Validity" : "1 day"
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    "Telco" : "Smart"
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            "Validity" : "1 day"
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            "Number" : "247",
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            "Validity" : "15 days"
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            "Validity" : "2 days"
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            "Number" : "247",
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            "Validity" : "2 days"
        "Call Name" : "Call & Text Combo 30"
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            "Validity" : "3 days",
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            "Validity" : "3 days",
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            "Validity" : "3 days",
            "Volume" : "Unlimited"
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            "Validity" : "7 days",
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            "Keyword" : "SBW100",
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            "Validity" : "3 days",
            "Volume" : "Unlimited"
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        "Data" : [
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            "Keyword" : "SBW250",
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            "Price" : "PhP 250.00",
            "Validity" : "7 days",
            "Volume" : "Unlimited"
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        "Data" : [
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            "Validity" : "3 days",
            "Volume" : "Unlimited"
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            "Volume" : "Unlimited"
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            "Price" : "PhP 150.00",
            "Validity" : "15 days"
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        "SMS Name" : "UNLITEXTRIO 20"
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            "Number" : "247",
            "Price" : "PhP 150.00",
            "Validity" : "15 days"
        "SMS Name" : "Call & Text Combo 150"
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            "Validity" : "2 days"
        "SMS Name" : "UNLITEXTRIO 20"
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            "Price" : "PhP 150.00",
            "Validity" : "15 days"
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        "SMS Name" : "UNLITEXTRIO 20"
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            "Validity" : "15 days"
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            "Validity" : "2 days"
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            "Number" : "247",
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            "Validity" : "15 days"
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            "Keyword" : "UTT20",
            "Number" : "247",
            "Price" : "PhP 20.00",
            "Validity" : "2 days"
        "SMS Name" : "UNLITEXTRIO 20"
        "SMS" : [
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            "Keyword" : "CTC150",
            "Number" : "247",
            "Price" : "PhP 150.00",
            "Validity" : "15 days"
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        "SMS" : [
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            "Keyword" : "UTT20",
            "Number" : "247",
            "Price" : "PhP 20.00",
            "Validity" : "2 days"
        "SMS Name" : "UNLITEXTRIO 20"
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            "Keyword" : "CTC150",
            "Number" : "247",
            "Price" : "PhP 150.00",
            "Validity" : "15 days"
        "SMS Name" : "Call & Text Combo 150"
        "SMS" : [
            "Description" : "Unlimited text to Sun, Smart and Talk 'N Text",
            "Keyword" : "UTT20",
            "Number" : "247",
            "Price" : "PhP 20.00",
            "Validity" : "2 days"
        "SMS Name" : "UNLITEXTRIO 20"
        "SMS" : [
            "Description" : "250 minutes Sun to Sun calls, 600 texts Sun to Sun and 600 minutes call to other networks",
            "Keyword" : "CTC150",
            "Number" : "247",
            "Price" : "PhP 150.00",
            "Validity" : "15 days"
        "SMS Name" : "Call & Text Combo 150"
        "SMS" : [
            "Description" : "Unlimited text to Sun, Smart and Talk 'N Text",
            "Keyword" : "UTT20",
            "Number" : "247",
            "Price" : "PhP 20.00",
            "Validity" : "2 days"
        "SMS Name" : "UNLITEXTRIO 20"
        "SMS" : [
            "Description" : "250 minutes Sun to Sun calls, 600 texts Sun to Sun and 600 minutes call to other networks",
            "Keyword" : "CTC150",
            "Number" : "247",
            "Price" : "PhP 150.00",
            "Validity" : "15 days"
        "SMS Name" : "Call & Text Combo 150"
        "SMS" : [
            "Description" : "Unlimited text to Sun, Smart and Talk 'N Text",
            "Keyword" : "UTT20",
            "Number" : "247",
            "Price" : "PhP 20.00",
            "Validity" : "2 days"
        "SMS Name" : "UNLITEXTRIO 20"
        "SMS" : [
            "Description" : "250 minutes Sun to Sun calls, 600 texts Sun to Sun and 600 minutes call to other networks",
            "Keyword" : "CTC150",
            "Number" : "247",
            "Price" : "PhP 150.00",
            "Validity" : "15 days"
        "SMS Name" : "Call & Text Combo 150"
        "SMS" : [
            "Description" : "Unlimited text to Sun, Smart and Talk 'N Text",
            "Keyword" : "UTT20",
            "Number" : "247",
            "Price" : "PhP 20.00",
            "Validity" : "2 days"
        "SMS Name" : "UNLITEXTRIO 20"
        "SMS" : [
            "Description" : "250 minutes Sun to Sun calls, 600 texts Sun to Sun and 600 minutes call to other networks",
            "Keyword" : "CTC150",
            "Number" : "247",
            "Price" : "PhP 150.00",
            "Validity" : "15 days"
        "SMS Name" : "Call & Text Combo 150"
        "SMS" : [
            "Description" : "Unlimited text to Sun, Smart and Talk 'N Text",
            "Keyword" : "UTT20",
            "Number" : "247",
            "Price" : "PhP 20.00",
            "Validity" : "2 days"
        "SMS Name" : "UNLITEXTRIO 20"
        "SMS" : [
            "Description" : "250 minutes Sun to Sun calls, 600 texts Sun to Sun and 600 minutes call to other networks",
            "Keyword" : "CTC150",
            "Number" : "247",
            "Price" : "PhP 150.00",
            "Validity" : "15 days"
        "SMS Name" : "Call & Text Combo 150"
        "SMS" : [
            "Description" : "Unlimited text to Sun, Smart and Talk 'N Text",
            "Keyword" : "UTT20",
            "Number" : "247",
            "Price" : "PhP 20.00",
            "Validity" : "2 days"
        "SMS Name" : "UNLITEXTRIO 20"
        "SMS" : [
            "Description" : "250 minutes Sun to Sun calls, 600 texts Sun to Sun and 600 minutes call to other networks",
            "Keyword" : "CTC150",
            "Number" : "247",
            "Price" : "PhP 150.00",
            "Validity" : "15 days"
        "SMS Name" : "Call & Text Combo 150"
        "SMS" : [
            "Description" : "Unlimited text to Sun, Smart and Talk 'N Text",
            "Keyword" : "UTT20",
            "Number" : "247",
            "Price" : "PhP 20.00",
            "Validity" : "2 days"
        "SMS Name" : "UNLITEXTRIO 20"
        "SMS" : [
            "Description" : "250 minutes Sun to Sun calls, 600 texts Sun to Sun and 600 minutes call to other networks",
            "Keyword" : "CTC150",
            "Number" : "247",
            "Price" : "PhP 150.00",
            "Validity" : "15 days"
        "SMS Name" : "Call & Text Combo 150"
        "SMS" : [
            "Description" : "Unlimited text to Sun, Smart and Talk 'N Text",
            "Keyword" : "UTT20",
            "Number" : "247",
            "Price" : "PhP 20.00",
            "Validity" : "2 days"
        "SMS Name" : "UNLITEXTRIO 20"
        "SMS" : [
            "Description" : "250 minutes Sun to Sun calls, 600 texts Sun to Sun and 600 minutes call to other networks",
            "Keyword" : "CTC150",
            "Number" : "247",
            "Price" : "PhP 150.00",
            "Validity" : "15 days"
        "SMS Name" : "Call & Text Combo 150"
        "SMS" : [
            "Description" : "Unlimited text to Sun, Smart and Talk 'N Text",
            "Keyword" : "UTT20",
            "Number" : "247",
            "Price" : "PhP 20.00",
            "Validity" : "2 days"
        "SMS Name" : "UNLITEXTRIO 20"
        "SMS" : [
            "Description" : "250 minutes Sun to Sun calls, 600 texts Sun to Sun and 600 minutes call to other networks",
            "Keyword" : "CTC150",
            "Number" : "247",
            "Price" : "PhP 150.00",
            "Validity" : "15 days"
        "SMS Name" : "Call & Text Combo 150"
        "SMS" : [
            "Description" : "Unlimited text to Sun, Smart and Talk 'N Text",
            "Keyword" : "UTT20",
            "Number" : "247",
            "Price" : "PhP 20.00",
            "Validity" : "2 days"
        "SMS Name" : "UNLITEXTRIO 20"
        "SMS" : [
            "Description" : "250 minutes Sun to Sun calls, 600 texts Sun to Sun and 600 minutes call to other networks",
            "Keyword" : "CTC150",
            "Number" : "247",
            "Price" : "PhP 150.00",
            "Validity" : "15 days"
        "SMS Name" : "Call & Text Combo 150"
        "SMS" : [
            "Description" : "Unlimited text to Sun, Smart and Talk 'N Text",
            "Keyword" : "UTT20",
            "Number" : "247",
            "Price" : "PhP 20.00",
            "Validity" : "2 days"
        "SMS Name" : "UNLITEXTRIO 20"
        "SMS" : [
            "Description" : "250 minutes Sun to Sun calls, 600 texts Sun to Sun and 600 minutes call to other networks",
            "Keyword" : "CTC150",
            "Number" : "247",
            "Price" : "PhP 150.00",
            "Validity" : "15 days"
        "SMS Name" : "Call & Text Combo 150"
        "SMS" : [
            "Description" : "Unlimited text to Sun, Smart and Talk 'N Text",
            "Keyword" : "UTT20",
            "Number" : "247",
            "Price" : "PhP 20.00",
            "Validity" : "2 days"
        "SMS Name" : "UNLITEXTRIO 20"
        "SMS" : [
            "Description" : "250 minutes Sun to Sun calls, 600 texts Sun to Sun and 600 minutes call to other networks",
            "Keyword" : "CTC150",
            "Number" : "247",
            "Price" : "PhP 150.00",
            "Validity" : "15 days"
        "SMS Name" : "Call & Text Combo 150"
        "SMS" : [
            "Description" : "Unlimited text to Sun, Smart and Talk 'N Text",
            "Keyword" : "UTT20",
            "Number" : "247",
            "Price" : "PhP 20.00",
            "Validity" : "2 days"
        "SMS Name" : "UNLITEXTRIO 20"
        "SMS" : [
            "Description" : "250 minutes Sun to Sun calls, 600 texts Sun to Sun and 600 minutes call to other networks",
            "Keyword" : "CTC150",
            "Number" : "247",
            "Price" : "PhP 150.00",
            "Validity" : "15 days"
        "SMS Name" : "Call & Text Combo 150"
        "SMS" : [
            "Description" : "Unlimited text to Sun, Smart and Talk 'N Text",
            "Keyword" : "UTT20",
            "Number" : "247",
            "Price" : "PhP 20.00",
            "Validity" : "2 days"
        "SMS Name" : "UNLITEXTRIO 20"
    "Telco" : "Sun"


Forgive me for this very long result. 


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Edited by technowar
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