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mysqli_real_escape_string() throwing error

Go to solution Solved by Barand,

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Can someone take a look at the two snippets of code and tell me what am I doing wrong to cause the following error?


Error: Warning: mysqli_real_escape_string() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, string given....


Here's the code (flies - there are two - one the db_connection string and the other the script attempting to perform the insert)


// db connection string that resides in 'includes' folder

function execute($query) {
$db_con = mysqli_connect("localhost","db_user","passxxx");
mysqli_select_db($db_con, "mytable_name");
$res=mysqli_query($db_con,$query) or die(mysqli_error($db_con) . '<br />' . $query) ;
return $res;


I know this is the (old) procedure way but I don't have the time to revamp the code to OOP - will update to PDO in coming weeks; for now, i need this set of code to work (if possible).




Now, here's the portion of the code where I want to escape string - giving two as example - which throws the (above) error.




$v1 = $_GET['v1'];\
$v2 = $_GET['v2'];
$v3 = $_GET['v3'];
// I even tried adding mysqli_real_escape_string($db_con,$v1) - as an example here but still error
$v1 = mysqli_real_escape_string(mysqli $db_con,$v1);

// Below is the function to execute MySQL Insert which pulls from the include file (db_con.php) - this is where i have the 'mysqli_real_ecape_string() defined for $v1, $v2, $v3 currently but still throwing error:

execute("insert into logs (logid,value1,value2,value3) values ('',,'$'".mysqli_real_escape_string($v1).'".mysqli_real_escape_string($v2)."','".mysqli_real_escape_string($v3)."')");



Note: I know the syntax is mysqlI_real_escape_string(mysqli $link, string) - when i add 'mysqli $link - code breaks....
Issue: I switched current code from mysql to mysqli and need to launch; once up and running, i plan to go back and revise code to PDO which, I know the prefer choice - just under gun to get up and running so switched to mysqli just in interim.

Any advise to get provided snippet code running where insert possible, much appreciated - thx!

Edited by n1concepts

execute("insert into logs (logid,value1,value2,value3) values ('',,'".mysqli_real_escape_string($v1).'","'.mysqli_real_escape_string($v2)."','".mysqli_real_escape_string($v3)."')");


I missed a comma between $v1 and $v2 - however the issues still remains: Warning: mysqli_real_escape_string() expects exactly 2 parameters, 1 given


This is starting to bug me as it shouldn't be this difficult - appreciate another set of eyes to identify issue (thx!)

  • Solution

Don't connect whenever you run a query - connecting takes about 100 times longer than most queries.


Variable scope - $db_con only exists within the function and not available outside.


Connect at the beginning of your script than pass the connection to functions that need it via the function parameters



Thanks - your point confirmed what I thought (after stepping back and revisiting what i had done).

It wasn't making the connection as you stated - thx!


Matter solved - just added the connection string right b4 the escapses and works!

  • 3 weeks later...

Hi All,


I have query problem for the below point, So can some help us on this, as we are trying this one for the past 2 weeks.


exclude sunday's and time should start from 8.00Am to 6.00PM in mysql query


And The query we have is


SELECT B.ProblemID, A.problemID,A.EnclID as A_ENCLID,
B.EnclID as B_EnclID, B.EnclSubmittedTime,
(SPLIT_STR(B.enclname,"_", 1)),
COALESCE((TIMEDIFF(A.EnclSubmittedTime, B.EnclSubmittedTime))) AS Time_DIFF
AND A.problemID = B.ProblemID
and A.enclname not like 'Enclosure%'
where B.enclname not like 'Enclosure%'
and A.EnclSubmittedTime not in (
Give_Me_Dates_Days(1, B.EnclSubmittedTime, A.EnclSubmittedTime)
Group by B.ProblemID, B.EnclID
order by B.ProblemID ASC


If any quries, please reply to this, we will response you.


Thanks In advance.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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