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Php image help

Go to solution Solved by ignace,

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I'm truly sorry if this is a repeat but I have searched and searched, but no answers seem to be helping my issue >< I'm either missing something really idiotic or my case is for some reason different.


I am trying to save a generated 'GD' image using the file_get_contents function.  However, I keep getting the following error:


Warning: file_get_contents(../images/ha/haimg.php?skin=ff00ff): failed to open stream: No error in C:\wamp\www\dellusionary\classes\user_class.php on line 98


I have been stuck for hours... the image path should be correct.  I've tried using the full path as well, "/dellusionary/images/ha/haimg.php?skin=ff00ff", but that doesn't help.


I have also made sure that security settings on both the copy-from and copy-to files are read/write for all user groups.  I am stumped ;.;


Here's code

//=========================================== The Image Creation Function ======================
public function updateha($skin)
        	$url = "../images/ha/haimg.php?skin=$skin";
        	$img = "../images/ha/users/".$this->userid.".png";
        	if(file_put_contents($img, file_get_contents($url)) ) //
        			return "<div id='alert'>Avatar successfully updated!</div>";
        		return "<div id='warning'>I'm sorry, there has been an error while saving the image.</div>";

//======================================= The Actual Image File ==================================
	//-------- VARIABLES!
	$skintone = ($_GET["skin"] != '') ? $_GET["skin"] : "0f0f0f";
	// Create Base
	$basepath = 'http://localhost/dellusionary/images/ha/bases/female/fembasetorso.png';
	$base = imagecreatefrompng($basepath);
	list($width, $height) = getimagesize($basepath);
	// Merge Legs onto base
    $legpath = 'http://localhost/dellusionary/images/ha/bases/female/fembaselegs.png';
    $legs = imagecreatefrompng($legpath);
    // Add Body Lines
    $lines = 'http://localhost/dellusionary/images/ha/bases/female/femlinestorso.png';
    $l = imagecreatefrompng($lines);
    // Add Leg Lines
    $lines2 = 'http://localhost/dellusionary/images/ha/bases/female/femlineslegs.png';
    $l2 = imagecreatefrompng($lines2);
    /* Output Image */
    imageAlphaBlending($base, true);
    imageSaveAlpha($base, true);
    header('Content-Type: image/png');

/*---------------------------------------- Image Manip Functions --------------- */

function colorize(&$image, $color) {
	// Define RGB Values
	$red = hexdec(substr($color, 0, 2));
	$green = hexdec(substr($color, 2, 2));
	$blue = hexdec(substr($color, 4, 2));
	// Colorize Layer
	imagealphablending($image, false);
	for ($x = imagesx($image); $x-- {
		for ($y = imagesy($image); $y-- {
			$rgb = imagecolorat($image, $x, $y);
			$c = imagecolorsforindex($image, $rgb);
			if ($c['red'] < 256 && $c['green'] < 1 && $c['blue'] < 1) { // dark colors
				// here we use the new color, but the original alpha channel
				$colorB = imagecolorallocatealpha($image, $red, $green, $blue, $c['alpha']);
				imagesetpixel($image, $x, $y, $colorB);

function merge(&$base, $add) {
	imagealphablending($base, true);
	imagesavealpha($base, true);
	imagecopy($base, $add, 0, 0, 0, 0, imagesx($base), imagesy($base));


Any help would be sincerely appreciated!!!!

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Quick update after a few more hours of searching


I determined that the problem lies in my file_get_contents($url) returning an empty string.  Not sure what is causing this, as when I type in the url of image directly into the address bar I definitely get an image.  The file should also be readable, I have the permissions set to everything available for everone on it.


I tried also using Curl instead of the file method, all to no avail.  Everything is enabled, cannot for the life of me figure this darn thing out!

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Thanks for the help!  I had tried to do absolute paths using some global variables that I have set.  This time I typed them in directly.


The error changed!


Warning: file_put_contents(http://localhost/dellusionary/images/ha/users/2.png): failed to open stream: HTTP wrapper does not support writeable connections in C:\wamp\www\dellusionary\classes\user_class.php on line 98


Turns out I need the direct path for the write-from file and the indirect path from the write-to file.  Just needed to try that combination haha.


Thank you so much!!!!!

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