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Contact form on my website


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Hi Guys


I've just finished a new website and for some reason i'm having issues on the php code for the contact form.


I want a Name field ( Manditory) Phone field, Email field and message field. The only field manditory is name.


Now the form i have inherrited is already set up as name, email and message all with validation. Now i want to take this validation off and add a phone field. I have dont this on my contact form in page. But comign to the php config i cant get it to work. Pasted below is the code in a working state, i want to strip out all the validation as i'm not fussed if people dont put the email in and i want to add the phone data so it takes it from my form.


Any ideas, help, advice would really help as i'm stuck.


    Spark – Simple and Effective
    Rev. 6

// Load WordPress
require( '../../../../../wp-load.php' );

// Grab all Spark theme options
global $spark_options;
$spark_options = get_spark_options();

// Get user's email (defined in the OptionTree backend)
$to_email = $spark_options['spark_user_email'];

$aErrors = array();
$aResults = array();

/* Functions */

function stripslashes_if_required($sContent) {

    if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
        return stripslashes($sContent);
    } else {
        return $sContent;

function get_current_url_path() {

    $sPageUrl = "http://".$_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"].$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
    $count = strlen(basename($sPageUrl));
    $sPagePath = substr($sPageUrl,0, -$count);
    return $sPagePath;

function output($aErrors = array(), $aResults = array()){ // Output JSON

    $bFormSent = empty($aErrors) ? true : false;
    $aCombinedData = array(
        'bFormSent' => $bFormSent,
        'aErrors' => $aErrors,
        'aResults' => $aResults
    header('Content-type: application/json');
    echo json_encode($aCombinedData);

// Check supported version of PHP
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.2.0', '<')) { // PHP 5.2 is required for the safety filters used in this script

    $aErrors[] = 'Unsupported PHP version. <br /><em>Minimum requirement is 5.2.<br />Your version is '. PHP_VERSION .'.</em>';

if (!empty($_POST)) { // Form posted?

    // Get a safe-sanitized version of the posted data
    $sFromEmail = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'email', FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL);
    $sMessage  = stripslashes_if_required($_POST['message']);
    $sMessage .= "\r\n--\r\nEmail sent from ". get_current_url_path();
    $sHeaders  = "From: '$sFromName' <$sFromEmail>"."\r\n";
    $sHeaders .= "Reply-To: '$sFromName' <$sFromEmail>";
    if (filter_var($sFromEmail, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { // Valid email format?
        $bMailSent = mail($to_email, "New inquiry from $sFromName", $sMessage, $sHeaders);
        if ($bMailSent) {
            $aResults[] = "Message sent, thank you!";
        } else {
            $aErrors[] = "Message not sent, please try again later.";

    } else {
        $aErrors[] = 'Invalid email address.';
} else { // Nothing posted
    $aErrors[] = 'Empty data submited.';

output($aErrors, $aResults);

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