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Sessions problem


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I am a beginner in php so bear with me. Whenever i try to sign in with a registered user on sign-in page I get these warnings, if you could help me I would be very grateful.


Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /users/csdipact2013/rs7/public_html/donegalSignIn.php:12) in /users/csdipact2013/rs7/public_html/donegalSignIn.php


 on line 75

Warning: session_regenerate_id() [function.session-regenerate-id]: Cannot regenerate session id - headers already sent in /users/csdipact2013/rs7/public_html/donegalSignIn.php on line 76

Session id = 199e7bf07b314939feca59cfadae236b

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /users/csdipact2013/rs7/public_html/donegalSignIn.php:12) in /users/csdipact2013/rs7/public_html/donegalSignIn.php on line 80


           <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"


<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"

 lang="en" xml:lang="en">



 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type"

  content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />



   /* *********************************************************

      Main content of the page



   //this will tell us whether the input data was valid

   $validinput = true;
   //if this is true at the end, then show the form to the user

   //but if it is false, we won't show it

   $show_form = false;
   //initialise the values that the user will give us

   $email = '';

   $pass = '';


   //initialise an array of error messages for displaying later

   $errors = '';
   //check the value of the submit field -

   //if it is already set, the user must have submitted the form

      if (isset($_POST['submit']))


         //read and store the data from the form

         $email = trim($_POST['email']);

         $pass = trim($_POST['pass']);


         if (empty($email))


            $errors = '<p>You didn\'t give us your email address. Why not?

                     Don\'t you like us? You can\'t sign in without it!</p>';

            $validinput = false;

         if (empty($pass))


            $errors =  '<p>You didn\'t enter your password. You can\'t sign in

                     without it.</p>';

            $validinput = false;

         if ($validinput == true)


            //if the email and password match the database,

            //then we can sign them in.


            //open the connection to the database    

$dbc = mysqli_connect('cs1.ucc.ie', 'rs7', 'shainiij', 'csdipact2013_rs7') OR die('Cannot connect'. mysqli_connect_error());
            //check the number of users with that address :

            //if <1, don't sign in

            $query = 'SELECT userid, fullname, email FROM fanmembers

                     WHERE email="' . $email . '" AND

                           pass = SHA1("' . $pass . '")';

            $result = @mysqli_query($dbc, $query);

            $number = @mysqli_num_rows($result);
            if ($number > 0)  //we have found the user's details

            {  $row = @mysqli_fetch_array($result);



               echo '<p>Session id = ' . session_id() . '</p>';





            else //couldn't find a match in the DB


                 $errors =  '<p>ERROR: couldn\'t find email and password.</p>';

                 $show_form = true;






            $errors = '<p>ERROR: you must supply an email and password.</p>';

            $show_form = true;



      else  //somehow got here without submitting, so show the form


         $show_form = true;



   if ($show_form == true)


   //the title that will appear in the Windows window bar

   $pagetitle = 'Donegal Fansite Sign-In Page';

   //include the standard JEdward page header

      echo $errors;
      //either there was no data submitted

      //or the data wasn't valid

      //so we are showing the form again to get fresh input
      //we temporarily quit php to show the form in html


<form action="donegalSignIn.php" method = "post">
   <p> What is your email address?:

      <input type="text" name="email" size="20" maxsize="30"

                  value="<?php echo $email; ?>"/>

   <p> Please enter your password:

      <input type="password" name = "pass" size = "20" maxlength="20"/>


      <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" />




      //back into php, and closing the bracket for if($show_form == true)

   /* *********************************************************

      End of main content of the page




   //include the standard footer information


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Paul Ryan is absolutely correct. The reason is that the session_start() wants to read/set a cookie with a session identifier. If the script has already started to output back to the browser it has already sent the header which should contain the cookie.

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Thanks for the responses when I put session_start() after <?php I get the same warnings. Should I modify this section of my code? Thanks



            if ($number > 0)  //we have found the user's details
            {  $row = @mysqli_fetch_array($result);
               echo '<p>Session id = ' . session_id() . '</p>';
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Did you put the code BEFORE the html content too?



  //### Start the session
           <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"

Edited by PaulRyan
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I am no longer getting the warnings, it redirects to the home page but when it does go the homepage there is meant to be extra menu buttons available. Instead it is set to the default number of menu buttons. This is the menu code:



   <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
 lang="en" xml:lang="en">
 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type"
  content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    $signoutbtn = '<a href="donegalSignOut.php"><font color="green">Sign Out</font></a>';
   $signinbtn = '<a href="donegalSignIn.php"><font color="green">Sign In</font></a>';
   $regbtn = '<a href="donegalReg.php"><font color="green">Register</font></a>';
   $homebtn = '<a href="donegalHome.php"><font color="green">Home</font></a>';
   $shopbtn = '<a href="donegalShop.php"><font color="green">Shop</font></a>';
   $blogbtn = '<a href="donegalBlog.php"><font color="green">Blog</font></a>';
   $pappedbtn = '<a href="donegalUpload.php"><font color="green">Upload Photo</font></a>';
   $viewbtn = '<a href="donegalView.php"><font color="green">View</font></a>';
   $accountbtn = '<a href="donegalChangePassword.php"><font color="green">Change Password</font></a>';
   $boardsbtn = '<a href="donegalMessageBoards.php"><font color="green">Message Boards</font></a>';
   $memberbtn = '<a href="donegalMembers.php"><font color="green">Members</font></a>';
   if (isset($_SESSION['username']))
<form action="Search.php" method="get">
  $username = $_SESSION['username'];
      echo '<p><small>' . $username . '</small> ';
      $menubuttons = array(
                        'signout' => $signoutbtn,
                        'home' => $homebtn,
                        'shop' => $shopbtn,
      'blog'=> $blogbtn,
                        'papped' => $pappedbtn,
                        'view' => $viewbtn,
                        'account' => $accountbtn,
                        'boards' => $boardsbtn,
                        'members' => $memberbtn);
      foreach ($menubuttons as $key => $button)
         if ($thispage == $key)
            echo ' <strong>' . $button . '</strong>';
            echo ' ' . $button;
      } //end of foreach menubutton
      if ($thispage != 'shop')
      <input type="text" name="searchstring" size="15" maxsize="30">
      <input type="submit" name="submit" value="search">
      echo '</form>';
   } //end of isset($_COOKIE...
   else //so user has either not logged in, or never registered
      echo '<p>';
$menubuttons = array(
                        'signin' => $signinbtn,
                        'regn' => $regbtn,
                        'home' => $homebtn,
                        'shop' => $shopbtn,
      'blog'=> $blogbtn,
                        'members' => $memberbtn);
      foreach ($menubuttons as $key => $button)
         if ($thispage == $key)
     echo ' <strong>' . $button . '</strong>';
            echo ' ' . $button;
      } //end of foreach menubutton
   echo '</p>';
   echo '<hr>';
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You need to put session_start() at the top of that page too, any page that uses the session, you need that piece of code at the top of the page.


Also, you need to turn on error reporting, because you should be get an undefined error for "$thispage", unless you have excluded that piece of code from the code posted?

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