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GROUP BY makes my query fail

Go to solution Solved by Barand,

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I have the query below which works great.  Alls I want to do is all the projects from the query grouped by the description.


 $query_rs_installs = "SELECT    Calls.Call_Ref, Calls.Link_to_Contract_Header, Calls.Order_No, Calls.Date_Received, Calls.Scheduled_Date_Time,    Clients.Co_Name, Clients.Post_Code,     LU_Call_Types.Call_Type_Description, LU_Call_Types.Type_Band,    LU_Call_Status.Call_Status_Description,    LU_Company_Types.Company_Type_DescriptionFROM    { oj (((Siclops_Dispense.dbo.Calls Calls INNER JOIN Siclops_Dispense.dbo.LU_Call_Types LU_Call_Types ON        Calls.Call_Type = LU_Call_Types.Call_Type_Code)     INNER JOIN Siclops_Dispense.dbo.LU_Call_Status LU_Call_Status ON        Calls.Last_Event_Status = LU_Call_Status.Call_Status_Code)     INNER JOIN Siclops_Dispense.dbo.Clients Clients ON        Calls.Link_to_Client = Clients.Client_Ref)     LEFT OUTER JOIN Siclops_Dispense.dbo.LU_Company_Types LU_Company_Types ON        Clients.Company_Type = LU_Company_Types.Company_Type_Code}WHERE    Calls.Link_to_Contract_Header = '".$row_rs_member['companyident']."' AND    (LU_Call_Types.Type_Band = 'Project' OR    LU_Call_Types.Type_Band = 'Project Complete' OR    LU_Call_Types.Type_Band = 'Project Invoiced') AND    (LU_Call_Status.Call_Status_Description = 'Reported Done' OR    LU_Call_Status.Call_Status_Description = 'PTF Rep Done' OR    LU_Call_Status.Call_Status_Description = 'Proforma Sent' OR    LU_Call_Status.Call_Status_Description = 'Paperwork Recvd' OR    LU_Call_Status.Call_Status_Description = 'In Query' OR    LU_Call_Status.Call_Status_Description = 'Cryo PW Sent' OR    LU_Call_Status.Call_Status_Description = 'Complete' OR    LU_Call_Status.Call_Status_Description = 'Awaiting P/work' OR    LU_Call_Status.Call_Status_Description = 'Awaiting Invoic' OR    LU_Call_Status.Call_Status_Description = 'Await TB Return' OR    LU_Call_Status.Call_Status_Description = 'ApplicationSent')GROUP BY       LU_Call_Status.Call_Status_Description"; 


Now before the group by the query works fine.  As soon as i write it in the query fails completely.  I have also tried selecting distinct and unique on the same field but each time I write them in it fails.  I believe this maybe because this is an MS SQL query and as such I may have the syntax wrong.  Any ideas?


Thanks guys

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Hi Barand


the call status description looks as follows













I just want 






I thought using group by would sort this?  I have also tried DISTINCT on this field but that does not work either

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Yes I still want to show those.  I have just tried this but it also fails



 SELECT DISTINCT ON (LU_Call_Status.Call_Status_Description) ,    Calls.Call_Ref, Calls.Link_to_Contract_Header, Calls.Order_No, Calls.Date_Received, Calls.Scheduled_Date_Time,    Clients.Co_Name, Clients.Post_Code,      LU_Call_Types.Type_Band,    LU_Call_Status.Call_Status_Description,    LU_Company_Types.Company_Type_DescriptionFROM    { oj (((Siclops_Dispense.dbo.Calls Calls INNER JOIN Siclops_Dispense.dbo.LU_Call_Types LU_Call_Types ON        Calls.Call_Type = LU_Call_Types.Call_Type_Code)     INNER JOIN Siclops_Dispense.dbo.LU_Call_Status LU_Call_Status ON        Calls.Last_Event_Status = LU_Call_Status.Call_Status_Code)     INNER JOIN Siclops_Dispense.dbo.Clients Clients ON        Calls.Link_to_Client = Clients.Client_Ref)     LEFT OUTER JOIN Siclops_Dispense.dbo.LU_Company_Types LU_Company_Types ON        Clients.Company_Type = LU_Company_Types.Company_Type_Code} WHERE    Calls.Link_to_Contract_Header = '".$row_rs_member['companyident']."' AND    (LU_Call_Types.Type_Band = 'Project' OR    LU_Call_Types.Type_Band = 'Project Complete' OR    LU_Call_Types.Type_Band = 'Project Invoiced') AND    (LU_Call_Status.Call_Status_Description = 'Reported Done' OR    LU_Call_Status.Call_Status_Description = 'PTF Rep Done' OR    LU_Call_Status.Call_Status_Description = 'Proforma Sent' OR    LU_Call_Status.Call_Status_Description = 'Paperwork Recvd' OR    LU_Call_Status.Call_Status_Description = 'In Query' OR    LU_Call_Status.Call_Status_Description = 'Cryo PW Sent' OR    LU_Call_Status.Call_Status_Description = 'Complete' OR    LU_Call_Status.Call_Status_Description = 'Awaiting P/work' OR    LU_Call_Status.Call_Status_Description = 'Awaiting Invoic' OR    LU_Call_Status.Call_Status_Description = 'Await TB Return' OR    LU_Call_Status.Call_Status_Description = 'ApplicationSent')

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Yes thats exactly what I want.  The field was named poorly previously and is actually names of pubs.  The table pulls back each time an engineer went to a pub.  I only want to show each pub once and when you click it you then get all the other calls.  So on the page im only echoing "Call_Status_Description" but the othe fields need to be there for the query to work properly.

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Thanks guys that solved it.  Sort of.  It ruins my record set paging as paging thinks theres still 700 records when theres only 12 unique but its fine.  Here is my new code from barand


 SELECT    Calls.Call_Ref, Calls.Link_to_Contract_Header, Calls.Order_No, Calls.Date_Received, Calls.Scheduled_Date_Time,    Clients.Co_Name, Clients.Post_Code,    LU_Call_Types.Call_Type_Description, LU_Call_Types.Type_Band,    LU_Call_Status.Call_Status_Description,    LU_Company_Types.Company_Type_DescriptionFROM    { oj (((Siclops_Dispense.dbo.Calls Calls INNER JOIN Siclops_Dispense.dbo.LU_Call_Types LU_Call_Types ON        Calls.Call_Type = LU_Call_Types.Call_Type_Code)     INNER JOIN Siclops_Dispense.dbo.LU_Call_Status LU_Call_Status ON        Calls.Last_Event_Status = LU_Call_Status.Call_Status_Code)     INNER JOIN Siclops_Dispense.dbo.Clients Clients ON        Calls.Link_to_Client = Clients.Client_Ref)     LEFT OUTER JOIN Siclops_Dispense.dbo.LU_Company_Types LU_Company_Types ON        Clients.Company_Type = LU_Company_Types.Company_Type_Code} WHERE    Calls.Link_to_Contract_Header = '".$row_rs_member['companyident']."' AND    (LU_Call_Types.Type_Band = 'Project' OR    LU_Call_Types.Type_Band = 'Project Complete' OR    LU_Call_Types.Type_Band = 'Project Invoiced') AND    (LU_Call_Status.Call_Status_Description = 'Reported Done' OR    LU_Call_Status.Call_Status_Description = 'PTF Rep Done' OR    LU_Call_Status.Call_Status_Description = 'Proforma Sent' OR    LU_Call_Status.Call_Status_Description = 'Paperwork Recvd' OR    LU_Call_Status.Call_Status_Description = 'In Query' OR    LU_Call_Status.Call_Status_Description = 'Cryo PW Sent' OR    LU_Call_Status.Call_Status_Description = 'Complete' OR    LU_Call_Status.Call_Status_Description = 'Awaiting P/work' OR    LU_Call_Status.Call_Status_Description = 'Awaiting Invoic' OR    LU_Call_Status.Call_Status_Description = 'Await TB Return' OR    LU_Call_Status.Call_Status_Description = 'ApplicationSent') ORDER BY  LU_Call_Types.Call_Type_Description ASC, Calls.Scheduled_Date_Time DESC


Then in the if statement you just check if field is unique.

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