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form submission and autofill with javascript


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I submit info to a javascript on another website. I want to be able to autofill the fields so i dont have to type everything. Is it possible to send form fields through the url? if not is it possible to take the form and create a page on my own server and submit to them from my site? Just trying to see what my options are. I dont want to use any softwares or anything.


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What you're asking is going against itself.  You want to add to it without adding to it.  You could use a browser like Chrome which supports Greasemonkey scripts by default, but it's not much different than just getting the GM extension on Firefox.  The plugin itself does nothing except for support scripts you write in Javascript.  Firefox has a script "scratchpad" by default SHIFT+F4 you can use and copy / paste your script into there and run it each time.


I don't know what you want.  If you want automatic script execution, you need to have a browser that supports it, or a plugin that adds it to the browser.  It's not like you use a plain browser anyways, so what's the point of trying to not add one little piece to give you what you want?


There are also plugins that are made for form completion.


If you want to do it externally, then you would just set up a form using the same method and action as them, with the same parameters.  Maybe if you actually explained what you want to do, then you could get a little more help.


Oh, and if you're trying to add JS to someone elses visit to some site you don't own .. nobody here will likely help you.

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