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Domain Transfer Causing File Upload Problem


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Here's the backstory: I am helping someone transfer their website to a new hosting company. I recently uploaded all of the files from one host to another, which required me to also import the database.


The website itself is running perfectly fine, except for one minor problem: the ability to upload files doesn't work anymore.


The error I'm getting on the site itself is "Error Uploading Photo: Problem in Resizing". I didn't write the code myself and I'm not the best at debugging or writing PHP, I'm more of an HTML/CSS coder.


The errors are coming from these lines:

		ImageCopyResized($destimg,$srcimg,0,0,0,0,$new_width,$new_height,ImageSX($srcimg),ImageSY($srcimg)) or $this->errmsg="Problem in resizing";
if (isset($_FILES['photo_upload']) && ($_FILES['photo_upload']['size'] > 0)){
	if ($pic->isError() == false){
		$success = 1;
		$msg .= "Error uploading photo: " .$pic->getErrorMessage() . "<br/>";
		$_REQUEST['photo_url'] = ""; //clear since it failed

I'm trying to figure out how I should go about debugging this. I did a var_dump() of a few of the variables ($destimg, $srcimg): resource(7) of type (Unknown) bool(false)


A colleague that I work with said to try resetting the permissions in the FTP for the folders to allow "Public Write" and that should fix it, but no success with that fix.


As a side note, don't know if it's relevant, the "information_schema" database never imported via phpMyAdmin.


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Here's the rest of the statement(s) for a photo upload:

if (isset($_FILES['photo_upload']) && ($_FILES['photo_upload']['size'] > 0)){
	// try uploading photo
	if (isset($_REQUEST['photo_upload_imgname']) && $_REQUEST['photo_upload_imgname'] != ""){
		// we already have it saved, so lets overwrite it
		$pic = new Picture($ABS_PATH, $_FILES['photo_upload'], $MAX_FILE_SIZE, $_REQUEST['photo_upload_imgname']);
		$_REQUEST['photo_url'] = $_REQUEST['photo_upload_imgname'];
		// create new file
		$pic = new Picture($ABS_PATH, $_FILES['photo_upload'], $MAX_FILE_SIZE);
		$_REQUEST['photo_url'] = $pic->generateRandFileName(13,"jpg");
	if (isset($PHOTO_WIDTH)){
	if (isset($PHOTO_HEIGHT)){
	$success = 0;
	if ($pic->isError() == false){
		$success = 1;
		$msg .= "Error uploading photo: " .$pic->getErrorMessage() . "<br/>";
		$_REQUEST['photo_url'] = ""; //clear since it failed

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Here's the entire picture class so far:


 * upload and resize an image
class Picture {
	var $abs_path;
	var $file_array;
	var $filename;
	var $save_dir;                    //where file will be saved
	var $errmsg="";            //string to be output if neccesary
	var $width;                        //height of final image
	var $height;                      //width of final image
	function Picture($abs_path, $file_array, $max_bytes, $filename=""){
		$this->abs_path = $abs_path;
		$this->filename = $filename;
		$this->file_array = $file_array;
		if ($file_array['size'] > $max_bytes){
			$this->errmsg = "File has exceeded the maximum file size permitted";

	// generate a random string of numChar characters.
	// return it to the user
	function generateRandFileName($numChars, $fileExt){
		$chars = array();
		for($i='a'; $i < 'z'; $i++){
			array_push($chars, $i);
		for($i='A'; $i < 'Z'; $i++){
			array_push($chars, $i);
		for($i=0; $i < 10; $i++){
			array_push($chars, $i);
		// select N chars for name
			$this->filename = "";
			for($i=1; $i <= $numChars; $i++){
				$this->filename .= $chars[rand(0,count($chars)-1)];
			$this->filename .= "." . $fileExt;
		}while (file_exists($this->abs_path.$this->filename));
		return $this->filename;
	function save(){
		if ($this->errmsg != "")
			return false;

		if (isset($this->file_array['name']) && $this->filename != ""){
			$full_image_location = $this->abs_path.$this->filename;
			if (move_uploaded_file($this->file_array['tmp_name'], $full_image_location) == false){
				$this->errmsg = "File is not valid or could not be moved from temporary location to " . $full_image_location;
	function resizeToHeight($height){
		$this->resize(0, $height);
	function resizeToWidth($width){
		$this->resize($width, 0);
	function resize($width=0, $height=0){
		if ($this->errmsg != "")
			return false;
		// get aspect ratio
		$sizes = getimagesize($this->file_array['tmp_name']);
		if ( (($width != 0) && ($sizes[0] <= $width)) || (($height != 0) && ($sizes[1] <= $height)) ){
			// size is less than desired, so we keep current size (to prevent distortion)
			$new_width = $sizes[0];
			$new_height = $sizes[1];
		else if ($width != 0){
			// resize based on width
			$new_width = $width;
			$new_height = abs($new_width/($sizes[0]/$sizes[1]));
			// resize based on height
			$new_height = $height;
			$new_width = abs($new_height/($sizes[1]/$sizes[0]));

		// resize the image
		$destimg=ImageCreateTrueColor($new_width,$new_height) or $this->errmsg="Problem in creating image";
		$srcimg=ImageCreateFromJPEG($this->file_array['tmp_name']) or $this->errmsg="Problem in opening source image";
		ImageCopyResized($destimg,$srcimg,0,0,0,0,$new_width,$new_height,ImageSX($srcimg),ImageSY($srcimg)) or $this->errmsg="Problem in resizing";
		ImageJPEG($destimg,$this->file_array['tmp_name'],90) or $this->errmsg="Problem in saving";
	function isError(){
		if ($this->errmsg != "")
			return true;
			return false;
	function getErrorMessage(){
		return $this->errmsg;
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