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Hi out there,

So I get this warrning:

Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in C:\wamp\www\functions\config.php on line 586

Here is rest of code:

include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/forum/conf_global.php'); // norādam pareizu foruma mapi
# Pieslēgšanās datubāzei, savadam datus, definīcijas
$forum = $INFO['board_url']; // foruma adrese
$url = "localhost"; // sākumlapa
$page_title = "Evoross.com"; //lapas nosaukums
$defavatar = $forum."/public/style_images/master/profile/default_large.png"; // def usera avatars
$defmapimg = $url."design/img/noimage.jpg"; // def kartes bilde monitoram

# definicijas - neko nemainam
define("prefx", $INFO['sql_tbl_prefix']);  // prefix
define("url", $url); // sakumlapa
define("forum", $forum); //forums
define("defavatar", $defavatar); //def avatars

# Cik daudz kas jāizvelk
$skaits = "5"; //foruma jaunumu skaits
$news_c = "3"; // jaunumu skaits sākumlapā - 1 lapā
$users_c = "30"; // lietotāju skaits lietotāju sadaļā - 1 lapā
define("comment_c", "5");  // komentāru skaits lietotāju sadaļā - 1 lapā
$multimedia_c = "10"; // video/galeriju skaits - 1 lapā
# Kļūdu ziņošana
# Pieslēdzamies
$connect = mysql_connect($INFO['sql_host'], $INFO['sql_user'], $INFO['sql_pass']) or die('Can\'t create connection: '.mysql_error());
mysql_select_db($INFO['sql_database'], $connect) or die('Can\'t access specified db: '.mysql_error());
# Funkcijas
	function mininfo($msg, $color){
	if($color == "green"){echo "<div class='info-g'>".$msg."</div>";}
	elseif($color == "blue"){echo "<div class='info-b'>".$msg."</div>";}
	else{echo "<div class='info-r'>".$msg."</div>";}
	function id_exists($id, $tbl, $colon) {
      $result = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".$tbl." WHERE `".$colon."` = '".(int) $id."' ");
      list($count) = mysql_fetch_row($result);
	  if($count > 0){return true;}else{return false;}
	function page_exists($page, $pages) {
	  if($page > $pages){
	  return false;
	  return true;
	function date_lv($date) {
    $en = array('/May/', '/Jun/', '/Jul/', '/October/', '/Monday/', '/Tuesday/', '/Wednesday/', '/Thursday/', '/Friday/', '/Saturday/', '/Sunday/', '/January/', '/February/', '/March/', '/April/', '/May/', '/June/', '/July/', '/August/', '/September/', '/October/', '/November/', '/December/');
    $lv = array('Mai', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Okt', 'Pirmdiena', 'Otrdiena', 'Trešdiena', 'Ceturtdiena', 'Piektdiena', 'Sestdiena', 'Svētdiena', 'Janvāris', 'Februāris', 'Marts', 'Aprīlis', 'Maijs', 'Jūnijs', 'Jūlijs', 'Augusts', 'Septembris', 'Oktobris', 'Novembris', 'Decembris');
    $date = preg_replace($en, $lv, $date);
    return $date;

// pārbauda vai lietotājs ir ielogojies
function login(){
	if(isset($_COOKIE['member_id']) && isset($_COOKIE['pass_hash'])){
	$user = mysql_real_escape_string((int)$_COOKIE['member_id']);
	$pw = mysql_real_escape_string($_COOKIE['pass_hash']);
    $res = mysql_query("SELECT member_login_key FROM ".prefx."members WHERE member_login_key='$pw' AND member_id='$user' LIMIT 1");
		return true;
		return false;


// Pārbauda vai lietotājs ir admins
function admin(){
	$mid = mysql_real_escape_string($_COOKIE['member_id']);
	$qwery = mysql_query("SELECT member_group_id FROM ".prefx."members WHERE member_id = '$mid' AND member_group_id = '4'") or die(mysql_error());
		return true;
		return false;
// Pārbauda vai lietotājs ir moderators
function moderator(){
	$mid = mysql_real_escape_string($_COOKIE['member_id']);
	$qwery = mysql_query("SELECT member_group_id FROM ".prefx."members WHERE member_id = '$mid' AND member_group_id = '6'") or die(mysql_error());
		return true;
		return false;
// pārbauda vai lietotājs nav guests, validating vai banned
function is_user(){
	$mid = mysql_real_escape_string($_COOKIE['member_id']);
	$qwery = mysql_query("SELECT member_group_id FROM ".prefx."members WHERE member_id = '$mid' AND member_group_id != '1' AND member_group_id != '5' AND member_group_id != '2'") or die(mysql_error());
		return true;
		return false;
// Uzzinam pašreizējo lapu
function curPageURL() {
 $pageURL = 'http';
 if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) {$pageURL .= "s";}  
 $pageURL .= "://";
 if ($_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] != "80") {
 } else {
 return $pageURL;
$current_url = str_replace("www.", "", curPageURL());
function activity_update(){
	$user_time = time();
	$id = mysql_real_escape_string($_COOKIE['member_id']);
	mysql_query("UPDATE ".prefx."members SET last_activity = '$user_time' WHERE member_id = '$id'") or die(mysql_error());
function user_activity_update($page, $pageid, $activity){
	$id = mysql_real_escape_string($_COOKIE['member_id']);
	$date = TIME();
	mysql_query("INSERT INTO activities (activity, user, page, page_id, date) VALUES ('$activity', '$id', '$page', '$pageid', '$date')");
// atjauninam lietotāju lokāciju
function location_update($place, $placeid=0, $type = 0){
	$id = mysql_real_escape_string($_COOKIE['member_id']);
	mysql_query("UPDATE ".prefx."sessions SET `current_section` = '".$place."', `location_1_type` = '".$type."', `location_1_id` = '".$placeid."' WHERE `member_id` = '".$id."'")or die(mysql_error());
	function dbcount($field,$table,$conditions="") {
	$cond = ($conditions ? " WHERE ".$conditions : "");
	$result = @mysql_query("SELECT Count".$field." FROM ".$table.$cond);
	if (!$result) {
		echo mysql_error();
		return false;
	} else {
		$rows = mysql_result($result, 0);
		return $rows;
// lapu izvēlne/pagination
function pager($rpp, $count, $href) {
	$pages = ceil($count / $rpp); // Skaita cik kopaa lapas
	if (isset($_GET["page"])) {
		$page = (int)$_GET["page"] - 1;
		if ($page < 0)
			$page = 0;
			$page = 0;
			$pager = "";
			$mp = $pages - 1;
			$as = "«";
		if ($page >= 1) {
			$pager .= "<a href=\"{$href}" . ($page ) . "\" >".$as."</a>";
			$pager .= "<span class=\"disabled\">".$as."</span>";
	$as = "»";
	if ($page < $mp && $mp >= 0) {
		$pager2 = "<a href=\"{$href}" . ($page + 2) . "\">".$as."</a>";
		$pager2 = "<span class=\"disabled\">".$as."</span>";
	if ($count) {
		$pagerarr = array();
		$dotted = 0;
		$dotspace = 2;
		$dotend = $pages+1 - $dotspace;
		$curdotend = $page +1 - $dotspace;
		$curdotstart = $page +2 + $dotspace ;
		for ($i = 1; $i <= $pages; $i++) {
			if (($i >= $dotspace && $i <= $curdotend) || ($i >= $curdotstart && $i < $dotend)) {
				if (!$dotted)
				   $pagerarr[] = "<span class='disabled'>..</span>";
				$dotted = 1;
			$dotted = 0;
			$start = $i * $rpp;
			$end = $start + $rpp - 1;
			if ($end > $count)
				$end = $count;
        $href2 = $href. $i;
			 $text = $i;
			if ($i != $page +1)
				$pagerarr[] = "<a href=\"{$href2}\">".$text."</a>";
				$pagerarr[] = "<span class=\"current\">".$text."</span>";


		$pagerstr = join("", $pagerarr);
		$pagertop = "<div id=\"pages\">$pager$pagerstr$pager2</div>\n";
		$pagerbottom = "<div id=\"pages\">$pager$pagerstr$pager2</div>\n";
	else {
	if($count >= "1"){
		$pagertop = "<div id=\"pages\">$pager$pagerstr$pager2</div>\n";
		$pagerbottom = "<div id=\"pages\">$pager$pagerstr$pager2</div>\n";

	$start = $page * $rpp;
	if($count >= "1"){
	return array($pagertop, $pagerbottom, "LIMIT $start,$rpp");

function linkify($text) {
    $url_pattern = '/# Rev:20100913_0900 github.com\/jmrware\/LinkifyURL
    # Match http & ftp URL that is not already linkified.
      # Alternative 1: URL delimited by (parentheses).
      (\()                     # $1  "(" start delimiter.
      ((?:ht|f)tps?:\/\/[a-z0-9\-._~!$&\'()*+,;=:\/?#[\]@%]+)  # $2: URL.
      (\))                     # $3: ")" end delimiter.
    | # Alternative 2: URL delimited by [square brackets].
      (\[)                     # $4: "[" start delimiter.
      ((?:ht|f)tps?:\/\/[a-z0-9\-._~!$&\'()*+,;=:\/?#[\]@%]+)  # $5: URL.
      (\])                     # $6: "]" end delimiter.
    | # Alternative 3: URL delimited by {curly braces}.
      (\{)                     # $7: "{" start delimiter.
      ((?:ht|f)tps?:\/\/[a-z0-9\-._~!$&\'()*+,;=:\/?#[\]@%]+)  # $8: URL.
      (\})                     # $9: "}" end delimiter.
    | # Alternative 4: URL delimited by <angle brackets>.
      (<|&(?:lt|\#60|\#x3c)  # $10: "<" start delimiter (or HTML entity).
      ((?:ht|f)tps?:\/\/[a-z0-9\-._~!$&\'()*+,;=:\/?#[\]@%]+)  # $11: URL.
      (>|&(?:gt|\#62|\#x3e)  # $12: ">" end delimiter (or HTML entity).
    | # Alternative 5: URL not delimited by (), [], {} or <>.
      (                        # $13: Prefix proving URL not already linked.
        (?: ^                  # Can be a beginning of line or string, or
        | [^=\s\'"\]]          # a non-"=", non-quote, non-"]", followed by
        ) \s*[\'"]?            # optional whitespace and optional quote;
      | [^=\s]\s+              # or... a non-equals sign followed by whitespace.
      )                        # End $13. Non-prelinkified-proof prefix.
      ( \b                     # $14: Other non-delimited URL.
        (?:ht|f)tps?:\/\/      # Required literal http, https, ftp or ftps prefix.
        [a-z0-9\-._~!$\'()*+,;=:\/?#[\]@%]+ # All URI chars except "&" (normal*).
        (?:                    # Either on a "&" or at the end of URI.
          (?!                  # Allow a "&" char only if not start of an...
            &(?:gt|\#0*62|\#x0*3e);                  # HTML ">" entity, or
          | &(?:amp|apos|quot|\#0*3[49]|\#x0*2[27]); # a [&\'"] entity if
            [.!&\',:?;]?        # followed by optional punctuation then
            (?:[^a-z0-9\-._~!$&\'()*+,;=:\/?#[\]@%]|$)  # a non-URI char or EOS.
          ) &                  # If neg-assertion true, match "&" (special).
          [a-z0-9\-._~!$\'()*+,;=:\/?#[\]@%]* # More non-& URI chars (normal*).
        )*                     # Unroll-the-loop (special normal*)*.
        [a-z0-9\-_~$()*+=\/#[\]@%]  # Last char can\'t be [.!&\',;:?]
      )                        # End $14. Other non-delimited URL.
    $url_replace = '$1$4$7$10$13<a href="$2$5$8$11$14">$2$5$8$11$14</a>$3$6$9$12';
    return preg_replace($url_pattern, $url_replace, $text);

function update_views($id, $views, $tbl){
mysql_query("UPDATE `".$tbl."` SET `views` = '$views' WHERE `id` = '$id'");
function seo($string) {
        //Unwanted:  {UPPERCASE} ; / ? : @ & = + $ , . ! ~ * ' ( )
        $string = strtolower($string);
        //Strip any unwanted characters
        $string = preg_replace("/[^a-z0-9_\s-]/", "", $string);
        //Clean multiple dashes or whitespaces
        $string = preg_replace("/[\s-]+/", " ", $string);
        //Convert whitespaces and underscore to dash
        $string = preg_replace("/[\s_]/", "-", $string);
        return $string;
// pirms x laika
function time_stamp($pievienots)
$time_difference = time() - $pievienots ;

$seconds = $time_difference ;
$minutes = round($time_difference / 60 );
$hours = round($time_difference / 3600 );
$days = round($time_difference / 86400 );
$weeks = round($time_difference / 604800 );
$months = round($time_difference / 2419200 );
$years = round($time_difference / 29030400 );
if($seconds <= 10)
echo "tik tikko";
// Seconds
elseif($seconds <= 60)
echo "pirms $seconds sekundēm";
elseif($minutes <=60)

   echo "pirms 1 minūtes";
    echo "pirms $minutes minūtēm";

elseif($hours <=24)

   echo "pirms 1 stundas";
   echo "pirms $hours stundām";

elseif($days <= 7)

   echo "pirms 1 dienas";
   echo "pirms $days dienām";

elseif($weeks <= 4)

   echo "pirms aptuveni nedēļas";
   echo "pirms $weeks nedēļām";

elseif($months <=12)

   echo "pirms aptuveni mēneša";
   echo "pirms $months mēnešiem";


    echo "pirms gada";
    echo "pirms $years gadiem";

// iegūstam lietotāja lokāciju, neiesaku veikt labojumus bez labas saprašanas
function location_get($location_1_type, $location_1_id, $location_2_type, $location_2_id, $location_3_type, $location_3_id, $current_appcomponent, $current_module, $current_section){
		if(empty($location_1_type) AND empty($location_1_id) AND $current_section == "home"){
			return "Skatas <a href='".url."'>sākumlapu</a>";		

		}elseif(empty($location_1_type) AND !empty($location_1_id) AND $current_section == "news"){
			return "Lasa <a href='/news/".$location_1_id."'>jaunumus</a>";

		}elseif(empty($location_1_type) AND !empty($location_1_id) AND $current_section == "video"){
			return "Skatās <a href='".url."video/".$location_1_id."'>video</a>";
		}elseif(empty($location_1_type) AND empty($location_1_id) AND $current_section == "videos"){
			return "Skatās <a href='".url."videos'>videoklipus</a>";

		}elseif(empty($location_1_type) AND empty($location_1_id) AND $current_section == "videoa"){
			return "Pievieno <a href='/add/video'>video</a>";
		}elseif(empty($location_1_type) AND !empty($location_1_id) AND $current_section == "photo"){
			return "Skatās <a href='".url."photos/".$location_1_id."'>bildi</a>";
		}elseif(empty($location_1_type) AND empty($location_1_id) AND $current_section == "photos"){
			return "Skatās <a href='".url."photos'>bildes</a>";
		}elseif(empty($location_1_type) AND empty($location_1_id) AND $current_section == "photoa"){
			return "Pievieno <a href='".url."add/photo'>bildi</a>";
		}elseif(empty($location_1_type) AND empty($location_1_id) AND $current_section == "shop"){
			return "Izmanto SMS shop";
		}elseif(empty($location_1_type) AND empty($location_1_id) AND $current_section == "bans"){
			return "Pēta banu sarakstu";
		}elseif(empty($location_1_type) AND empty($location_1_id) AND $current_section == "members"){
			return "Pēta lietotāju sarakstu";
		}elseif(empty($location_1_type) AND empty($location_1_id) AND $current_section == "stats"){
			return "Pēta statistiku";
		}elseif(empty($location_1_type) AND empty($location_1_id) AND $current_section == "about"){
			return "Lasa <a href='".url."about/'><i>Par Mums</i></a>";
		}elseif($location_1_type == "profile" AND !empty($location_1_id) AND $current_appcomponent == "members" AND $current_module == "profile" AND $current_section == "view"){
			return "Pēta kādu lietotāju";
		}elseif($current_appcomponent == "members" AND $current_module == "messaging" AND $current_section == "send"){
			return "Raksta vēstuli";
		}elseif($location_1_type == "topic" AND $location_1_id == "0" AND $location_2_type == "forum" AND !empty($location_2_id) AND $current_appcomponent == "forums" AND $current_module == "post" AND $current_section == "post"){
			return "Raksta jaunu topiku";
		}elseif($location_1_type == "topic" AND !empty($location_1_id) AND $location_2_type == "forum" AND !empty($location_2_id) AND $current_appcomponent == "forums" AND $current_module == "post" AND $current_section == "post"){
			return "Raksta atbildi topikā";
		}elseif($location_1_type == "topic" AND !empty($location_1_id) AND $location_2_type == "forum" AND !empty($location_2_id) AND $current_appcomponent == "forums" AND $current_module == "forums" AND $current_section == "topics"){
			return "Lasa topiku";
		}elseif(empty($location_1_type) AND $location_1_id == "0" AND $current_appcomponent == "members" AND $current_module == "list"){
			return "Pēta lietotāju sarakstu";
		}elseif($current_appcomponent == "core" AND $current_module == "usercp"){
			return "Labo profilu";
		}elseif($current_appcomponent == "members" AND $current_module == "messaging"){
			return "Lasa vēstules";
		}elseif($current_appcomponent == "core" AND $current_module == "search"){
			return "Kaut ko meklē";
		}elseif($current_appcomponent == "forums"){
			return "Čillo forumā";
			return "Nedara neko";
function showsmiles(){
echo '
	<div id="emoticons">
	<a href="javascript:;" type=":)" title=":)" class="tooltip2"><img src="/design/img/smilies/smile.png" alt=":)" /></a>
	<a href="javascript:;" type=";)" title=";)" class="tooltip2"><img src="/design/img/smilies/wink.png" alt=";)" /></a>
	<a href="javascript:;" type=":P" title=":P" class="tooltip2"><img src="/design/img/smilies/tongue.png" alt=":P" /></a>
	<a href="javascript:;" type=":D" title=":D" class="tooltip2"><img src="/design/img/smilies/biggrin.png" alt=":D" /></a>
	<a href="javascript:;" type=";D" title=";D" class="tooltip2"><img src="/design/img/smilies/laugh.png" alt=";D" /></a>
	<a href="javascript:;" type=":(" title=":(" class="tooltip2"><img src="/design/img/smilies/sad.png" alt=":(" /></a>
	<a href="javascript:;" type=":angry:" title=":angry:" class="tooltip2"><img src="/design/img/smilies/angry.png" alt=":angry:" /></a>
	<a href="javascript:;" type=":mellow:" title=":mellow:" class="tooltip2"><img src="/design/img/smilies/mellow.png" alt=":mellow:" /></a>
	<a href="javascript:;" type=":huh:" title=":huh:" class="tooltip2"><img src="/design/img/smilies/huh.png" alt=":huh:" /></a>
	<a href="javascript:;" type="^_^" title="^_^" class="tooltip2"><img src="/design/img/smilies/happy.png" alt="^_^" /></a>
	<a href="javascript:;" type=":o" title=":o" class="tooltip2"><img src="/design/img/smilies/ohmy.png" alt=":o" /></a>
	<a href="javascript:;" type="B)" title="B)" class="tooltip2"><img src="/design/img/smilies/cool.png" alt="B)" /></a>
	<a href="javascript:;" type="<_<" title="<_<" class="tooltip2"><img src="/design/img/smilies/dry.png" alt="<_<" /></a>
	<a href="javascript:;" type=":wub:" title=":wub:" class="tooltip2"><img src="/design/img/smilies/wub.png" alt=":wub:" /></a>
	<a href="javascript:;" type=":blink:" title=":blink:" class="tooltip2"><img src="/design/img/smilies/blink.png"  /></a>
function smilies($txt){
$smilies = array(
    ":)" => "smile",

	foreach($smilies as $smil => $img){
	$txt = str_ireplace($smil,'<img src="/design/img/smilies/'.$img.'.png" alt="'.$smil.'" style="margin-bottom:-9px;width:18px;height:23px;float:none;border:0;" />',$txt);
	return $txt;

### BB Kodi bez smaidiņiem izmantot - simple_bbcode($text)
function simple_bbcode($txt){
$txt = strip_tags($txt);
$txt = nl2br($txt);
$txt = linkify($txt);
$bbcodes = array(
$html = array(
   '<p style="text-align:right;">$1</p>',
   '<p style="text-align:left;">$1</p>',
   '<a href="$1">$1</a>',
   '<font color="$1">$2</font>',
   '<a href="$1" title="$1" style="color:#0099ff;">$2</a>',
   '<span style="font-size:$1px">$2</span>',
   '<span style="font-family:$1;">$2</span>',
   '<img alt="$1" src="$1" />',
   '<br />'

return preg_replace($bbcodes,$html,$txt);
	return str_replace("\n", "<br />", $txt);

// bbkodi ar smaidiņiem - izmantot bbcode($txt)
function bbcode($txt){
	return smilies(simple_bbcode($txt));
// iegūstam lietotāja lokāciju, neiesaku veikt labojumus bez labas saprašanas
function activity_get($user, $activity, $page, $page_id){
$query = mysql_query("SELECT member_id, members_display_name, members_seo_name FROM ".prefx."members WHERE member_id = ".$user);
$row = mysql_fetch_array($query);
if(strlen($row['members_display_name']) > 12){$users = substr($row['members_display_name'], 0, strrpos(substr($row['members_display_name'], 0, 12), " ")).'..';}else{$users = $row['members_display_name'];}
$users = '<a href="'.forum.'/index.php?showuser='.$row['member_id'].'-'.$row['members_seo_name'].'/">'.$users.'</a>';

		if($page == "videos" AND $activity == "add"){
			return $users." pievienoja jaunu <a href='".url.$page."/".$page_id."'>video</a><br />";	

		}elseif($page == "photos" AND $activity == "add"){
			return $users." pievienoja <a href='".url.$page."/".$page_id."'>bildi</a><br />";	
		}elseif($page == "news" AND $activity == "add"){
			return $users." pievienoja jaunus <a href='".url.$page."/".$page_id."'>jaunumus</a><br />";	
		}elseif($activity == "comment"){
			return $users." pievienoja jaunu <a href='".url.$page."/".$page_id."'>komentāru</a><br />";		

			return $users." aši, aši nofapoja<br />";
$q = mysql_query("SELECT
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM videos) as videos,
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM photos) as photos");
$get_count = mysql_fetch_array($q);

Could someone help me get this in right way please!

Kind Regards,

Warren Ceo

Edited by Warren_Ceo
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You aren't specifying a table to select from on your last query:

$q = mysql_query("SELECT
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM videos) as videos,
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM photos) as photos");

You need to add a FROM clause after "photos."


Use mysql_error() to see your error:

$q = mysql_query("SELECT
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM videos) as videos,
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM photos) as photos") or die(mysql_error());


You aren't specifying a table to select from on your last query:

$q = mysql_query("SELECT
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM videos) as videos,
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM photos) as photos");

You need to add a FROM clause after "photos."


Use mysql_error() to see your error:

$q = mysql_query("SELECT
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM videos) as videos,
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM photos) as photos") or die(mysql_error());


Now it show's me just this:

Table 'forum.videos' doesn't exist

These errors are specific to your database structure and we don't know anything about that.


"Unknown column" means exactly that; the column name is not recognized in your table's structure. If there IS a field called "eco_points," then you probably have the alias wrong.


Can you post your updated query with the changes you have made?

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