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[HELP] Enforcing Referential Integrity

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Hey PHPFreaks!

I've ran into a problem and hoping you could help me out. I did not design these tables and I am having problems enforcing referential integrity.
Is a constraint required for this task?

Here are the two tables

ClientsTable (ClientID, ClientName)



TimezoneTable (Location, Timezone)

There is a one to many relationship between TimezoneTable and ClientsTable. Due to the data, I cannot enforce referential integrity.

What is a solution in joining these together? Could I do so by creating a new table? How could I go from there?

Thanks in advanced,

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I don't see why not. The instructions given to me did not inform me that ClientID was unique or not. Would there be a huge difference if it was unique?

If the concept is stripping the numbers off of ClientID and referencing it that way... is that possible?

  • Solution

Apparently since I cannot enforce referential integrity, I must deal with it using an INNER JOIN statement if I want to run SELECT statements.

INNER JOIN TimeZonesTableON Location=SUBSTRING(ClientID,6,3)

Thanks Barand for your help.

Sorry I didn't get back earlier - sleep time


You could split the id field into 2 fields. If the numeric bit is not unique on its own (would be better if it were) then you would define a compound primary key using both fields. You could then define referential integrity for the location part.


if it the combination of location/id that is unique then you could define the the table like this, ensuring clientid is unique within a location

location CHAR(3) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY(location, clientid),
KEY `loc` (`location`),
CONSTRAINT `loc` FOREIGN KEY (`location`) REFERENCES `timezone` (`location`) 
Edited by Barand
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