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Hello Everyone, I am happy to be here. I really need some help. This is the situation. I have a downline / Team Builder script. The admin get to place programs from the admin panel and it saves correctly. The purpose of the team build section is for when someone joins a program and puts their referral link in the back office, their downline gets to see their sponsors referral link for that particular program. 


The problem is the downline can not see their sponsor referral link. It takes them directly to the admin's referral link. It does save when the sponsor places their link and I also checked in myadminPHP. Everyone's referral links from the programs are in the database. If you can take a quick look, I would really appreciate it. I have been going nuts trying to figure out the issue. Here is the code for the entire page. 



include "../config.php";
include "../header.php";
include "../style.php";

if( isset($_SESSION["ulogin"]) )
   	{  // members only stuff!

        echo "<font size=2 face='$fonttype' color='$fontcolour'><p><center>";
		echo "<br><center><font size=6><img src=images/downlinebuilder.png></font></center><br><div align=\"left\">";

		$query1 = "SELECT * FROM pages WHERE name='Downline Builder'";
	    $result1 = mysql_query ($query1);

	    $line1 = mysql_fetch_array($result1);
	         $htmlcode = $line1["htmlcode"];

	    echo dbget($htmlcode);

if($_POST['update']) {

	$sid = intval($_POST['sid']);
	$info = htmlentities($_POST['info']);
	$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM builder WHERE userid = '".$userid."'");
	if(!@mysql_num_rows($sql)) {
		mysql_query("INSERT INTO builder (userid, site".$sid.") VALUES ('".$userid."', '".dbput($info)."')");
	} else {
		mysql_query("UPDATE builder SET site".$sid." = '".dbput($info)."' WHERE userid = '".$userid."'");

if($_POST['favorite']) {

	if(($fav1_url OR $fav1_title) AND ($fav1_url == "" OR $fav1_title == "")) {
		$fav1_url = "";
		$fav1_title = "";
		$fav1_desc = "";		
		$msg1 = "<font color=red>You need to fill all the fields.</font>";

	if(($fav2_url OR $fav2_title) AND ($fav2_url == "" OR $fav2_title == "")) {
		$fav2_url = "";
		$fav2_title = "";
		$fav2_desc = "";		
		$msg2 = "<font color=red>You need to fill all the fields.</font>";
	if(($fav3_url OR $fav3_title) AND ($fav3_url == "" OR $fav3_title == "")) {
		$fav3_url = "";
		$fav3_title = "";
		$fav3_desc = "";		
		$msg3 = "<font color=red>You need to fill all the fields.</font>";

	$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM builder WHERE userid = '".$userid."'");
	$fav1_title = dbput($fav1_title);
	$fav2_title = dbput($fav2_title);
	$fav3_title = dbput($fav3_title);
	$fav1_url = dbput($fav1_url);
	$fav2_url = dbput($fav2_url);
	$fav3_url = dbput($fav3_url);
	$fav1_bold= dbput($fav1_bold);
	$fav2_bold= dbput($fav2_bold);
	$fav3_bold= dbput($fav3_bold);
	$fav1_color= dbput($fav1_color);
	$fav2_color= dbput($fav2_color);
	$fav3_color= dbput($fav3_color);
	if(!@mysql_num_rows($sql)) {
		mysql_query("INSERT INTO builder (userid, fav1_title, fav2_title, fav3_title, fav1_url, fav2_url ,fav3_url,fav1_bold,fav1_color,fav2_bold,fav2_color,fav3_bold,fav3_color) VALUES ('".$userid."', '".$fav1_title."', '".$fav2_title."', '".$fav3_title."', '".$fav1_url."', '".$fav2_url."', '".$fav3_url."', '".$fav1_bold."', '".$fav1_color."', '".$fav2_bold."', '".$fav2_color."', '".$fav3_bold."', '".$fav3_color."')");
	} else {
		mysql_query("UPDATE builder SET fav1_title = '".$fav1_title."',fav2_title = '".$fav2_title."',fav3_title = '".$fav3_title."',fav1_url = '".$fav1_url."',fav2_url = '".$fav2_url."',fav3_url = '".$fav3_url."',fav1_bold = '".$fav1_bold."',fav1_color = '".$fav1_color."',fav2_bold = '".$fav2_bold."',fav2_color = '".$fav2_color."',fav3_bold = '".$fav3_bold."',fav3_color = '".$fav3_color."' WHERE userid = '".$userid."'");

//Get the user links
$ub = array();
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM builder WHERE userid = '".$userid."'");
if(@mysql_num_rows($sql)) $ub = mysql_fetch_array($sql);

$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM builder_fav");
while($each = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) {
	$fav[$each['id']] = array('title' => $each['title'],'desc' => $each['desc'],'url' => $each['url']);

echo "<center>";
// Builder

echo "</center>";

	  <h3>Your favorite programs</h3>
	  <form action="builder.php" method="post">
	  <input type="hidden" name="favorite" value="1">
		  <p><b>Site 1</b></p>
		  <? if($msg1) echo $msg1; ?>
		   <tr><td>Text:</td><td><input maxlength="65" type="text" name="fav1_title" value="<? echo $ub['fav1_title']; ?>"></td></tr>
		   <tr><td>Url:</td><td><input type="text" name="fav1_url" value="<? echo $ub['fav1_url']; ?>"></td></tr>
		   <tr><td>Bold:</td><td><input type="radio" name="fav1_bold" value="1"<? if($ub['fav1_bold']==1) echo ' CHECKED'; ?>> Yes <input type="radio" name="fav1_bold" value="0"<? if($ub['fav1_bold']==0) echo ' CHECKED'; ?>> No</td></tr>
		   <tr><td>Color:</td><td><input type="radio" name="fav1_color" value="red"<? if($ub['fav1_color']=='red') echo ' CHECKED'; ?>> <font color=red>Red</font> <input type="radio" name="fav1_color" value="blue"<? if($ub['fav1_color']=='blue') echo ' CHECKED'; ?>> <font color=blue>Blue</font> <input type="radio" name="fav1_color" value="green"<? if($ub['fav1_color']=='green') echo ' CHECKED'; ?>> <font color=green>Green</font> <br><input type="radio" name="fav1_color" value="black"<? if($ub['fav1_color']=='black' OR !$ub['fav1_bold']) echo ' CHECKED'; ?>> <font color=black>Black</font> <input type="radio" name="fav1_color" value="purple"<? if($ub['fav1_color']=='purple') echo ' CHECKED'; ?>> <font color=purple>Purple</font> <input type="radio" name="fav1_color" value="pink"<? if($ub['fav1_color']=='pink') echo ' CHECKED'; ?>> <font color=pink>Pink</font></td></tr>
		  <p><b>Site 2</b></p>
		  <? if($msg2) echo $msg2; ?>
		   <tr><td>Text:</td><td><input maxlength="65" type="text" name="fav2_title" value="<? echo $ub['fav2_title']; ?>"></td></tr>
		   <tr><td>Url:</td><td><input type="text" name="fav2_url" value="<? echo $ub['fav2_url']; ?>"></td></tr>
		   <tr><td>Bold:</td><td><input type="radio" name="fav2_bold" value="1"<? if($ub['fav2_bold']==1) echo ' CHECKED'; ?>> Yes <input type="radio" name="fav2_bold" value="0"<? if($ub['fav2_bold']==0) echo ' CHECKED'; ?>> No</td></tr>
		   <tr><td>Color:</td><td><input type="radio" name="fav2_color" value="red"<? if($ub['fav2_color']=='red') echo ' CHECKED'; ?>> <font color=red>Red</font> <input type="radio" name="fav2_color" value="blue"<? if($ub['fav2_color']=='blue') echo ' CHECKED'; ?>> <font color=blue>Blue</font> <input type="radio" name="fav2_color" value="green"<? if($ub['fav2_color']=='green') echo ' CHECKED'; ?>> <font color=green>Green</font> <br><input type="radio" name="fav2_color" value="black"<? if($ub['fav2_color']=='black' OR !$ub['fav2_bold']) echo ' CHECKED'; ?>> <font color=black>Black</font> <input type="radio" name="fav2_color" value="purple"<? if($ub['fav2_color']=='purple') echo ' CHECKED'; ?>> <font color=purple>Purple</font> <input type="radio" name="fav2_color" value="pink"<? if($ub['fav2_color']=='pink') echo ' CHECKED'; ?>> <font color=pink>Pink</font></td></tr>
		  <p><b>Site 3</b></p>
		  <? if($msg3) echo $msg3; ?>
		   <tr><td>Text:</td><td><input maxlength="65" type="text" name="fav3_title" value="<? echo $ub['fav3_title']; ?>"></td></tr>
		   <tr><td>Url:</td><td><input type="text" name="fav3_url" value="<? echo $ub['fav3_url']; ?>"></td></tr>
		   <tr><td>Bold:</td><td><input type="radio" name="fav3_bold" value="1"<? if($ub['fav3_bold']==1) echo ' CHECKED'; ?>> Yes <input type="radio" name="fav3_bold" value="0"<? if($ub['fav3_bold']==0) echo ' CHECKED'; ?>> No</td></tr>
		   <tr><td>Color:</td><td><input type="radio" name="fav3_color" value="red"<? if($ub['fav3_color']=='red') echo ' CHECKED'; ?>> <font color=red>Red</font> <input type="radio" name="fav3_color" value="blue"<? if($ub['fav3_color']=='blue') echo ' CHECKED'; ?>> <font color=blue>Blue</font> <input type="radio" name="fav3_color" value="green"<? if($ub['fav3_color']=='green') echo ' CHECKED'; ?>> <font color=green>Green</font> <br><input type="radio" name="fav3_color" value="black"<? if($ub['fav3_color']=='black' OR !$ub['fav3_bold']) echo ' CHECKED'; ?>> <font color=black>Black</font> <input type="radio" name="fav3_color" value="purple"<? if($ub['fav3_color']=='purple') echo ' CHECKED'; ?>> <font color=purple>Purple</font> <input type="radio" name="fav3_color" value="pink"<? if($ub['fav3_color']=='pink') echo ' CHECKED'; ?>> <font color=pink>Pink</font></td></tr>
		  <br><input type="submit" value="Submit">


$lastcat = "";
//Get the links for each site
$slist = mysql_query("SELECT s.*,c.name as catname FROM builder_sites s JOIN builder_cat c ON s.category=c.id ORDER BY c.order, s.category, s.order ASC");
while($each = mysql_fetch_array($slist)) {

	$user = $userid;
	$found = 0;

	while($found == 0) {

		//Referrer exists?
		       $sql = mysql_query("SELECT m.referid FROM members m JOIN members r ON m.referid = r.id WHERE m.userid = '".$user."'");

		if(@mysql_num_rows($sql)) {
			$referrer = mysql_result($sql, 0);
			$sql = mysql_query("SELECT site".$each['id']." FROM builder WHERE userid = '".$referrer."'");
			if(@mysql_num_rows($sql)) {
				// Found a row, check if it's empty
				$value = mysql_result($sql, 0);
				if($value) {
					//found a link, end the loop
					$links = $value;
					$found = 1;
				} else {
					//No link, next.
					$user = $referrer;
			} else {
				//No row, next.
				$user = $referrer;

		} else {
			//No more referrers, use default values
			$links = $each['url'];
			$found = 1;

	if($lastcat != $each['category']) echo "<br><center><h2>".$each['catname']."</h2></center><hr>";
	$lastcat = $each['category'];	
	  <h3><a href="<? echo $links; ?>" target=_new"><? echo $each['name']; ?></a></h3>
	  <p><? echo $each['desc']; ?></p> 
	  <div style="text-align: right;">
	  <form method="post"><input type="hidden" name="sid" value="<? echo $each['id']; ?>">My referral link: <input type="text" name="info" value="<? echo $ub["site".$each['id']]; ?>"><input type="submit" name="update" value="Update"></form>

		echo "<br><br></div>";
        echo "</font></td></tr></table>";

  { ?>

  <font size=2 face="<? echo $fonttype; ?>" color="<? echo $fontcolour; ?>"><p><b><center>You must be logged in to access this site. Please <a href="<? echo $domain; ?>/memberlogin.php">click here</a> to login.</p></b></font><center>

  <? }

include "../footer.php";

Here is the section where the banners and sponsor links are displayed and also the section where the current user places their referral links to be saved for their downline. 

	  <h3><a href="<? echo $links; ?>" target=_new"><? echo $each['name']; ?></a></h3>
	  <p><? echo $each['desc']; ?></p> 
	  <div style="text-align: right;">
	  <form method="post"><input type="hidden" name="sid" value="<? echo $each['id']; ?>">My referral link: <input type="text" name="info" value="<? echo $ub["site".$each['id']]; ?>"><input type="submit" name="update" value="Update"></form>

Thank you so much everyone. ~Johnny

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