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Hi Guys


I am a newbie at this and need some help.


I have installed Apache 1.3.33 on my XP service pack 3 machine, and I am trying to get php 5.0.1 and MySQL 4.01 to function together.


Apache appears to be running, can start and stop it using cmd.exe and it shows up in service.msc.


have copied php5ts.dll to C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache\bin and php.ini to C:\WINDOWS


have edited Apache httpd.conf file


LoadModule php5_module "c:/php/php5apache.dll"

Add AddModule mod_php5.c


AddType application/x-httpd-php .php 

AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps

DirectoryIndex index.html index.php


see attached http.txt. 


I have set up root admin password with MySQL and this works get the mysql>  cursor


tried the basis php info test,



save this as phpinfo.php (ensured it was not a txt file) to C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache\htdocs


tried running this on IE8  http://localhost/phpinfo.php 


no luck blank page and just ask if i want to print the file?


" Do you want to save this file, or find a program online to open it?"


tried testing mysql connection.



echo mysql_connect ('localhost',
'username', 'password');


same result.


tried to enable support for MySQL in php.ini file located in c:/windows




 removed ;


extension_dir = C:\\\\php\\\\ext  


have also tried "c:/php/ext"   c:\\php\\ext\\  "c:\\\\php\\\ext" with starts and stops of apache with each attempt.


have even tried adding the libmysql.dll file directly to the System32 directory (C:\\WINDOWS\\system32)


to no avail, every time i try to load the php file in any browser on line or off line, it doesnt load the file it just asks if i want to download it. If i do then it reads it as though it is off the HD and therefore does not parse the file as PHP. 


does anyone have any ideas what is happening here.




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is there a (good) reason you are trying to use versions of all three of those programs that are so far out of date that no one likely even remembers the ins and outs of getting them to work together?


you should be using the latest versions of all of those programs. there are also all-in-one WAMP packages that will install apache/mysql/php for you.

sadly ..yes...


the course I am doing is almost completed,


 in order to officially complete the course and get the bit of paper saying i can do the darn thing. I have this module to complete...


for some obscure reason this part of the course uses these antiquated programs on an old XP OS. I tried getting them to work on my Win 7 to no avail so dusted off my old XP laptop as the program also specifies this OS. 


it is ridiculous I know, but as i have spent nearly a year doing this darn course i would like to finish it off.


failing this....... which NEW version of these programs integrate effectively on a Win 7 OS.  I would rather use manual installation as i tend to learn more that way.

for the versions you listed, i would start with the php installation instructions for Apache 1.3 in the php.net documentation.


also, don't copy files around to different locations. leave all files in their original locations. you may need to add the php installation folder to your window's PATH statement (restart your computer afterwards.)


lastly, after restarting your web server to get any changes made to the configuration to take effect, check the web server error log to see if it provides any helpful information.

thanks for the reply>






also, don't copy files around to different locations. leave all files in their original locations. you may need to add the php installation folder to your window's PATH statement (restart your computer afterwards.)


how do I go about adding to the windows path?  config files/maybe  as i said very knew to this.

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