loadedboy Posted July 8, 2013 Share Posted July 8, 2013 My site is saying Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/u210998737/public_html/incfiles/classes/statistic.php on line 136 Warning: mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/u210998737/public_html/incfiles/classes/statistic.php on line 187 Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/u210998737/public_html/incfiles/classes/statistic.php on line 301 and when I click on any forum topic,it says Error 404 We can’t open the web page that you requested because it could not be found. Pls help,I'm a real noob,here's the statistic.php: <?php /** * @package JohnCMS * @link http://johncms.com * @copyright Copyright © 2008-2011 JohnCMS Community * @license LICENSE.txt (see attached file) * @version VERSION.txt (see attached file) * @author http://johncms.com/about */ defined('_IN_JOHNCMS') or die('Restricted access'); class statistic { private $query_text = ''; private $http_referer = 'Not Specified'; private $stat_user_agent = ''; private $request_uri = ''; private $http_site = 'Not Specified'; private $operator = 'Not defined'; private $country = 'Not defined'; private $stat_ip_via_proxy = false; private $current_data = array(); public static $hosty = false; public static $hity = false; private $robot = false; private $robot_type = false; private $new_host = 0; private $page_title = ''; public static $system_time = false; function __construct($title = '') { self::$system_time = time() + core::$system_set['timeshift'] * 3600; $this->get_data(); $this->get_query_text(); $this->detect_oper_country(); self::$hosty = $this->current_data['host']; self::$hity = $this->current_data['hity']; $_SESSION["host"] = $this->current_data['host']; $_SESSION["hity"] = $this->current_data['hity']; $this->page_title = isset($title) ? functions::check($title) : core::$system_set['copyright']; $time1 = date("d.m.y", $this->current_data['date']); $time2 = date("d.m.y", self::$system_time); if ($time1 !== $time2) $this->close_day(); $this->check_host(); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- СохранÑем вÑе данные ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ function __destruct() { if (isset($query_text)) { $req = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `stat_robots` WHERE `query` = '" . $this-> query_text . "' AND `engine` = '" . $this->http_site . "' LIMIT 1"); if (mysql_num_rows($req)) { $quer = mysql_fetch_array($req); $time1 = date("d.m.y", $quer['date']); $time2 = date("d.m.y", self::$system_time); if ($time1 !== $time2) { $today = 1; } else { $today = $quer['today'] + 1; } $count = $quer['count'] + 1; mysql_query("UPDATE `stat_robots` SET `date` = '" . self::$system_time . "', `url` = '" . $this->http_referer . "', `ua` = '" . $this->stat_user_agent . "', `ip` = '" . core::$ip . "', `count` = '" . $count . "', `today` = '" . $today . "' WHERE `query` = '" . $this->query_text . "' AND `engine` = '" . $this-> http_site . "'"); } else { mysql_query("INSERT INTO `stat_robots` SET `engine` = '" . $this->http_site . "', `date` = '" . self::$system_time . "', `url` = '" . $this->http_referer . "', `query` = '" . $this->query_text . "', `ua` = '" . $this->stat_user_agent . "', `ip` = '" . core::$ip . "', `count` = '1', `today` = '1'"); } } $sql = ''; if ($this->stat_ip_via_proxy) $sql = ', `ip_via_proxy` = "' . long2ip($this->stat_ip_via_proxy) . '"'; if (core::$user_id) $sql = ', `user` = "' . core::$user_id . '"'; if ($this->robot) $sql .= ', `robot` = "' . $this->robot . '", `robot_type` = "' . $this-> robot_type . '"'; mysql_query("INSERT INTO `counter` SET `date` = '" . self::$system_time . "', `browser` = '" . $this->stat_user_agent . "', `ip` = '" . long2ip(core::$ip) . "', `ref` = '" . $this->http_referer . "', `host` = '" . $this->new_host . "', `site` = '" . $this->http_site . "', `pop` = '" . $this->request_uri . "', `head` = '" . $this->page_title . "', `operator` = '" . $this->operator . "', `country` = '" . $this->country . "' " . $sql . ";"); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- Получаем иÑходные данные ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ private function get_data() { $this->stat_user_agent = functions::check(substr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 0, 200)); if (strpos($this->stat_user_agent, "Opera Mini") !== false) { $this->stat_user_agent = isset($_SERVER["HTTP_X_OPERAMINI_PHONE_UA"]) ? 'Opera Mini: ' . $_SERVER["HTTP_X_OPERAMINI_PHONE_UA"] : $this->stat_user_agent; } if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"])) { $stat_ip_via_proxy = explode(",", $_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"]); $stat_ip_via_proxy = trim($stat_ip_via_proxy[0]); $this->stat_ip_via_proxy = isset($stat_ip_via_proxy) && core::ip_valid($stat_ip_via_proxy) && core::$ip !== ip2long($stat_ip_via_proxy) ? ip2long($stat_ip_via_proxy) : false; } $request_uri = urldecode(functions::check($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])); $this->request_uri = strtok($request_uri, '?'); $this->http_referer = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? functions::check($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) : $this->http_referer; if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) { $http_site = parse_url($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); $this->http_site = isset($http_site['host']) ? functions::check($http_site['host']) : $this->http_site; } $this->current_data = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT MAX(`date`) AS date, MAX(`host`) AS host, MAX(hits) AS hity FROM `counter`")); $rob_detect = new RobotsDetect($this->stat_user_agent); $this->robot = $rob_detect->getNameBot(); $this->robot_type = $rob_detect->getTypeBot(); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- Ð¤ÑƒÐ½ÐºÑ†Ð¸Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ð²Ð¾Ð´Ð° руÑÑкого Ð½Ð°Ð·Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð¼ÐµÑÑца ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ public static function month($str) { $en = array("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"); $rus = array("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"); $str = str_replace($en, $rus, $str); return $str; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- Перекодировка запроÑов из поиÑковиков ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ private function to_utf($zapros) { if (mb_check_encoding($zapros, 'UTF-8')) { } elseif (mb_check_encoding($zapros, 'windows-1251')) { $zapros = iconv("windows-1251", "UTF-8", $zapros); } elseif (mb_check_encoding($zapros, 'KOI8-R')) { $zapros = iconv("KOI8-R", "UTF-8", $zapros); } return $zapros; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- Определение оператора и Ñтраны ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ private function detect_oper_country() { $ip_check = $this->stat_ip_via_proxy !== false ? $this->stat_ip_via_proxy : core:: $ip; $ip_base = mysql_query("SELECT `operator`, `country` FROM `counter_ip_base` WHERE '" . $ip_check . "' BETWEEN `start` AND `stop` LIMIT 1;"); if (mysql_num_rows($ip_base) > 0) { $oper = mysql_fetch_array($ip_base); $this->operator = $oper['operator']; $this->country = $oper['country']; } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- Получаем текÑÑ‚ поиÑкового запроÑа ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ private function get_query_text() { $http_ref = str_replace("&", "&", $this->http_referer); if (preg_match("/google./i", $this->http_referer) || preg_match("/bing./i", $this-> http_referer)) { $url = parse_url($http_ref); parse_str($url['query'], $query_text); $this->query_text = functions::check(urldecode($query_text['q'])); } elseif (preg_match("/yandex./i", $this->http_referer)) { $url = parse_url($http_ref); parse_str($url['query'], $query_text); $this->query_text = functions::check(urldecode($query_text['text'])); } elseif (preg_match("/nigma./i", $this->http_referer)) { $url = parse_url($http_ref); parse_str($url['query'], $query_text); $this->query_text = functions::check(urldecode($query_text['s'])); } elseif (preg_match("/search.qip./i", $this->http_referer) || preg_match("/rambler./i", $this->http_referer)) { $url = parse_url($http_ref); parse_str($url['query'], $query_text); $this->query_text = functions::check(urldecode($query_text['query'])); } elseif (preg_match("/aport./i", $this->http_referer)) { $url = parse_url($http_ref); parse_str($url['query'], $query_text); $this->query_text = functions::check(urldecode($query_text['r'])); } elseif (preg_match("/yahoo./i", $this->http_referer)) { $url = parse_url($http_ref); parse_str($url['query'], $query_text); $this->query_text = functions::check(urldecode($query_text['p'])); } elseif (preg_match("/mail./i", $this->http_referer) || preg_match("/gogo./i", $this-> http_referer)) { $url = parse_url($http_ref); parse_str($url['query'], $query_text); $this->query_text = functions::check($this->to_utf(urldecode($query_text['q']))); } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- ПроверÑем хоÑÑ‚ ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ private function check_host() { if (!isset($_COOKIE['hosty'])) { setcookie('hosty', '1', strtotime(date("d F y", self::$system_time + 86400))); $sql = ($this->stat_ip_via_proxy) ? " AND `ip_via_proxy` = '" . long2ip($this-> stat_ip_via_proxy) . "'" : ''; $ip = ($this->stat_ip_via_proxy) ? long2ip($this->stat_ip_via_proxy) : long2ip(core:: $ip); $ip_time = self::$system_time - 900; // Ð’Ñ€ÐµÐ¼Ñ Ð² течении которого Ñчитать 1 ip одним юзером. $ip_check = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `counter` WHERE (`ip` = '" . $ip . "' OR `ip_via_proxy` = '" . $ip . "') AND `date` > '" . $ip_time . "';"), 0); if($ip_check == 0){ $db_check = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `counter` WHERE `browser` = '" . $this->stat_user_agent . "' AND `ip` = '" . long2ip(core::$ip) . "'" . $sql . ";"), 0); if ($db_check == 0 && !$this->robot) $this->new_host = self::$hosty + 1; } } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- Закрываем прошедший день ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ private function close_day() { $where_time = strtotime(date("d F y", self::$system_time)); $where_time2 = $where_time - 86400; $sql = "(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `stat_robots` WHERE `date` > '" . $where_time2 . "' AND `date` < '" . $where_time . "' AND `engine` LIKE '%yandex%') UNION ALL (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `stat_robots` WHERE `date` > '" . $where_time2 . "' AND `date` < '" . $where_time . "' AND `engine` LIKE '%mail%') UNION ALL (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `stat_robots` WHERE `date` > '" . $where_time2 . "' AND `date` < '" . $where_time . "' AND `engine` LIKE '%rambler%') UNION ALL (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `stat_robots` WHERE `date` > '" . $where_time2 . "' AND `date` < '" . $where_time . "' AND `engine` LIKE '%google%') UNION ALL (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `stat_robots` WHERE `date` > '" . $where_time2 . "' AND `date` < '" . $where_time . "' AND `engine` LIKE '%gogo%') UNION ALL (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `stat_robots` WHERE `date` > '" . $where_time2 . "' AND `date` < '" . $where_time . "' AND `engine` LIKE '%yahoo%') UNION ALL (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `stat_robots` WHERE `date` > '" . $where_time2 . "' AND `date` < '" . $where_time . "' AND `engine` LIKE '%bing%') UNION ALL (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `stat_robots` WHERE `date` > '" . $where_time2 . "' AND `date` < '" . $where_time . "' AND `engine` LIKE '%nigma%') UNION ALL (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `stat_robots` WHERE `date` > '" . $where_time2 . "' AND `date` < '" . $where_time . "' AND `engine` LIKE '%qip%') UNION ALL (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `stat_robots` WHERE `date` > '" . $where_time2 . "' AND `date` < '" . $where_time . "' AND `engine` LIKE '%aport%')"; $query = mysql_query($sql); $count_query = array(); while ($result_array = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { $count_query[] = $result_array[0]; } mysql_query("insert into `countersall` values('" . $this->current_data['date'] . "','" . self::$hity . "','" . self::$hosty . "','" . $count_query[0] . "','" . $count_query[2] . "', '" . $count_query[3] . "', '" . $count_query[1] . "', '" . $count_query[4] . "', '" . $count_query[5] . "', '" . $count_query[6] . "', '" . $count_query[7] . "', '" . $count_query[8] . "', '" . $count_query[9] . "');"); mysql_query("TRUNCATE TABLE `counter`;"); self::$hity = 0; self::$hosty = 0; $_SESSION["host"] = 0; $_SESSION["hity"] = 0; setcookie('hosty', ''); } } ?> Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/279976-site-saying/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
mac_gyver Posted July 8, 2013 Share Posted July 8, 2013 the error(s) you are getting are very common, probably the first or second most common php/mysql error. if you search for the body of that error message, you will find what it means and how to determine what is causing it. Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/279976-site-saying/#findComment-1439979 Share on other sites More sharing options...
loadedboy Posted July 9, 2013 Author Share Posted July 9, 2013 Thankyou for replying,but I really don't know how that,I'm a total noob,I used my friends script,can u please help me to do that....thx Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/279976-site-saying/#findComment-1440012 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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