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My site is saying Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/u210998737/public_html/incfiles/classes/statistic.php on line 136 Warning: mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/u210998737/public_html/incfiles/classes/statistic.php on line 187 Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/u210998737/public_html/incfiles/classes/statistic.php on line 301 and when I click on any forum topic,it says Error 404

We can’t open the web page that you requested because it could not be found.

Pls help,I'm a real noob,here's the statistic.php:




* @package JohnCMS

* @link http://johncms.com

* @copyright Copyright © 2008-2011 JohnCMS Community

* @license LICENSE.txt (see attached file)

* @version VERSION.txt (see attached file)

* @author http://johncms.com/about



defined('_IN_JOHNCMS') or die('Restricted access');



class statistic


private $query_text = '';

private $http_referer = 'Not Specified';

private $stat_user_agent = '';

private $request_uri = '';

private $http_site = 'Not Specified';

private $operator = 'Not defined';

private $country = 'Not defined';

private $stat_ip_via_proxy = false;

private $current_data = array();

public static $hosty = false;

public static $hity = false;

private $robot = false;

private $robot_type = false;

private $new_host = 0;

private $page_title = '';

public static $system_time = false;



function __construct($title = '')


self::$system_time = time() + core::$system_set['timeshift'] * 3600;




self::$hosty = $this->current_data['host'];

self::$hity = $this->current_data['hity'];

$_SESSION["host"] = $this->current_data['host'];

$_SESSION["hity"] = $this->current_data['hity'];

$this->page_title = isset($title) ? functions::check($title) : core::$system_set['copyright'];

$time1 = date("d.m.y", $this->current_data['date']);

$time2 = date("d.m.y", self::$system_time);

if ($time1 !== $time2)







СохранÑем вÑе данные



function __destruct()


if (isset($query_text)) {

$req = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `stat_robots` WHERE `query` = '" . $this->

query_text . "' AND `engine` = '" . $this->http_site . "' LIMIT 1");

if (mysql_num_rows($req)) {

$quer = mysql_fetch_array($req);

$time1 = date("d.m.y", $quer['date']);

$time2 = date("d.m.y", self::$system_time);

if ($time1 !== $time2) {

$today = 1;

} else {

$today = $quer['today'] + 1;


$count = $quer['count'] + 1;

mysql_query("UPDATE `stat_robots` SET `date` = '" . self::$system_time .

"', `url` = '" . $this->http_referer . "', `ua` = '" . $this->stat_user_agent .

"', `ip` = '" . core::$ip . "', `count` = '" . $count . "', `today` = '" . $today .

"' WHERE `query` = '" . $this->query_text . "' AND `engine` = '" . $this->

http_site . "'");

} else {

mysql_query("INSERT INTO `stat_robots` SET `engine` = '" . $this->http_site .

"', `date` = '" . self::$system_time . "', `url` = '" . $this->http_referer .

"', `query` = '" . $this->query_text . "', `ua` = '" . $this->stat_user_agent .

"', `ip` = '" . core::$ip . "', `count` = '1', `today` = '1'");




$sql = '';

if ($this->stat_ip_via_proxy)

$sql = ', `ip_via_proxy` = "' . long2ip($this->stat_ip_via_proxy) . '"';

if (core::$user_id)

$sql = ', `user` = "' . core::$user_id . '"';

if ($this->robot)

$sql .= ', `robot` = "' . $this->robot . '", `robot_type` = "' . $this->

robot_type . '"';


mysql_query("INSERT INTO `counter` SET `date` = '" . self::$system_time .

"', `browser` = '" . $this->stat_user_agent . "', `ip` = '" . long2ip(core::$ip) .

"', `ref` = '" . $this->http_referer . "', `host` = '" . $this->new_host .

"', `site` = '" . $this->http_site . "', `pop` = '" . $this->request_uri .

"', `head` = '" . $this->page_title . "', `operator` = '" . $this->operator .

"', `country` = '" . $this->country . "' " . $sql . ";");






Получаем иÑходные данные



private function get_data()


$this->stat_user_agent = functions::check(substr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 0,


if (strpos($this->stat_user_agent, "Opera Mini") !== false) {

$this->stat_user_agent = isset($_SERVER["HTTP_X_OPERAMINI_PHONE_UA"]) ?

'Opera Mini: ' . $_SERVER["HTTP_X_OPERAMINI_PHONE_UA"] : $this->stat_user_agent;



if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"])) {

$stat_ip_via_proxy = explode(",", $_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"]);

$stat_ip_via_proxy = trim($stat_ip_via_proxy[0]);

$this->stat_ip_via_proxy = isset($stat_ip_via_proxy) && core::ip_valid($stat_ip_via_proxy) &&

core::$ip !== ip2long($stat_ip_via_proxy) ? ip2long($stat_ip_via_proxy) : false;



$request_uri = urldecode(functions::check($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));

$this->request_uri = strtok($request_uri, '?');

$this->http_referer = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? functions::check($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) :



if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {

$http_site = parse_url($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);

$this->http_site = isset($http_site['host']) ? functions::check($http_site['host']) :




$this->current_data = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT MAX(`date`) AS date, MAX(`host`) AS host, MAX(hits) AS hity FROM `counter`"));


$rob_detect = new RobotsDetect($this->stat_user_agent);

$this->robot = $rob_detect->getNameBot();

$this->robot_type = $rob_detect->getTypeBot();






Ð¤ÑƒÐ½ÐºÑ†Ð¸Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ð²Ð¾Ð´Ð° руÑÑкого Ð½Ð°Ð·Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð¼ÐµÑÑца



public static function month($str)


$en = array("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct",

"Nov", "Dec");

$rus = array("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct",

"Nov", "Dec");

$str = str_replace($en, $rus, $str);

return $str;






Перекодировка запроÑов из поиÑковиков



private function to_utf($zapros)


if (mb_check_encoding($zapros, 'UTF-8')) {

} elseif (mb_check_encoding($zapros, 'windows-1251')) {

$zapros = iconv("windows-1251", "UTF-8", $zapros);

} elseif (mb_check_encoding($zapros, 'KOI8-R')) {

$zapros = iconv("KOI8-R", "UTF-8", $zapros);


return $zapros;





Определение оператора и Ñтраны



private function detect_oper_country()


$ip_check = $this->stat_ip_via_proxy !== false ? $this->stat_ip_via_proxy : core::


$ip_base = mysql_query("SELECT `operator`, `country` FROM `counter_ip_base` WHERE '" .

$ip_check . "' BETWEEN `start` AND `stop` LIMIT 1;");

if (mysql_num_rows($ip_base) > 0) {

$oper = mysql_fetch_array($ip_base);

$this->operator = $oper['operator'];

$this->country = $oper['country'];







Получаем текÑÑ‚ поиÑкового запроÑа



private function get_query_text()


$http_ref = str_replace("&", "&", $this->http_referer);

if (preg_match("/google./i", $this->http_referer) || preg_match("/bing./i", $this->

http_referer)) {

$url = parse_url($http_ref);

parse_str($url['query'], $query_text);

$this->query_text = functions::check(urldecode($query_text['q']));

} elseif (preg_match("/yandex./i", $this->http_referer)) {

$url = parse_url($http_ref);

parse_str($url['query'], $query_text);

$this->query_text = functions::check(urldecode($query_text['text']));

} elseif (preg_match("/nigma./i", $this->http_referer)) {

$url = parse_url($http_ref);

parse_str($url['query'], $query_text);

$this->query_text = functions::check(urldecode($query_text['s']));

} elseif (preg_match("/search.qip./i", $this->http_referer) || preg_match("/rambler./i",

$this->http_referer)) {

$url = parse_url($http_ref);

parse_str($url['query'], $query_text);

$this->query_text = functions::check(urldecode($query_text['query']));

} elseif (preg_match("/aport./i", $this->http_referer)) {

$url = parse_url($http_ref);

parse_str($url['query'], $query_text);

$this->query_text = functions::check(urldecode($query_text['r']));

} elseif (preg_match("/yahoo./i", $this->http_referer)) {

$url = parse_url($http_ref);

parse_str($url['query'], $query_text);

$this->query_text = functions::check(urldecode($query_text['p']));

} elseif (preg_match("/mail./i", $this->http_referer) || preg_match("/gogo./i", $this->

http_referer)) {

$url = parse_url($http_ref);

parse_str($url['query'], $query_text);

$this->query_text = functions::check($this->to_utf(urldecode($query_text['q'])));







ПроверÑем хоÑÑ‚



private function check_host()


if (!isset($_COOKIE['hosty'])) {

setcookie('hosty', '1', strtotime(date("d F y", self::$system_time + 86400)));


$sql = ($this->stat_ip_via_proxy) ? " AND `ip_via_proxy` = '" . long2ip($this->

stat_ip_via_proxy) . "'" : '';

$ip = ($this->stat_ip_via_proxy) ? long2ip($this->stat_ip_via_proxy) : long2ip(core::


$ip_time = self::$system_time - 900; // Ð’Ñ€ÐµÐ¼Ñ Ð² течении которого Ñчитать 1 ip одним юзером.

$ip_check = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `counter` WHERE (`ip` = '" .

$ip . "' OR `ip_via_proxy` = '" . $ip . "') AND `date` > '" . $ip_time . "';"),


if($ip_check == 0){

$db_check = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `counter` WHERE `browser` = '" .

$this->stat_user_agent . "' AND `ip` = '" . long2ip(core::$ip) . "'" . $sql .

";"), 0);


if ($db_check == 0 && !$this->robot)

$this->new_host = self::$hosty + 1;








Закрываем прошедший день



private function close_day()


$where_time = strtotime(date("d F y", self::$system_time));

$where_time2 = $where_time - 86400;

$sql = "(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `stat_robots` WHERE `date` > '" . $where_time2 .

"' AND `date` < '" . $where_time .

"' AND `engine` LIKE '%yandex%') UNION ALL (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `stat_robots` WHERE `date` > '" .

$where_time2 . "' AND `date` < '" . $where_time .

"' AND `engine` LIKE '%mail%') UNION ALL (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `stat_robots` WHERE `date` > '" .

$where_time2 . "' AND `date` < '" . $where_time .

"' AND `engine` LIKE '%rambler%') UNION ALL (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `stat_robots` WHERE `date` > '" .

$where_time2 . "' AND `date` < '" . $where_time .

"' AND `engine` LIKE '%google%') UNION ALL (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `stat_robots` WHERE `date` > '" .

$where_time2 . "' AND `date` < '" . $where_time .

"' AND `engine` LIKE '%gogo%') UNION ALL (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `stat_robots` WHERE `date` > '" .

$where_time2 . "' AND `date` < '" . $where_time .

"' AND `engine` LIKE '%yahoo%') UNION ALL (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `stat_robots` WHERE `date` > '" .

$where_time2 . "' AND `date` < '" . $where_time .

"' AND `engine` LIKE '%bing%') UNION ALL (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `stat_robots` WHERE `date` > '" .

$where_time2 . "' AND `date` < '" . $where_time .

"' AND `engine` LIKE '%nigma%') UNION ALL (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `stat_robots` WHERE `date` > '" .

$where_time2 . "' AND `date` < '" . $where_time .

"' AND `engine` LIKE '%qip%') UNION ALL (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `stat_robots` WHERE `date` > '" .

$where_time2 . "' AND `date` < '" . $where_time .

"' AND `engine` LIKE '%aport%')";


$query = mysql_query($sql);

$count_query = array();

while ($result_array = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {

$count_query[] = $result_array[0];



mysql_query("insert into `countersall` values('" . $this->current_data['date'] .

"','" . self::$hity . "','" . self::$hosty . "','" . $count_query[0] . "','" . $count_query[2] .

"', '" . $count_query[3] . "', '" . $count_query[1] . "', '" . $count_query[4] .

"', '" . $count_query[5] . "', '" . $count_query[6] . "', '" . $count_query[7] .

"', '" . $count_query[8] . "', '" . $count_query[9] . "');");


mysql_query("TRUNCATE TABLE `counter`;");


self::$hity = 0;

self::$hosty = 0;

$_SESSION["host"] = 0;

$_SESSION["hity"] = 0;

setcookie('hosty', '');








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