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Merge A4 Scanned documents into pdf...


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so... we only know that you have some kind of scanned documents  and you seems to want to merge them to produce an unique pdf file... 


- What type are your scanned documents?... pdf's, images, what?... if they are pdf's, merging them manually in an unique document is fairly simple using adobe or other tools.

- Do you want to merge them automatically  using php, based in some criteria to select the files to merge?


I personally use a solution based on php and ghostscript (http://www.ghostscript.com) to merge multiple pdf's documents in an unique pdf file... fairly straight forward and simple to implement ... ghostscript came with several well documented examples.

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Hello, the scanned documents are jpegs.


I would like the user to select the images, and then, produce a pdf with all the images (imagine, I scanned 3 pages (I now have 3 jpegs), I select the 3 jpegs, and the output will be a pdf with the 3 images (one in each page of the pdf).

Edited by Rita_Ruah
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Can you help me? 


EDIT: how do I change my profile picture?


Thanks in advance!


Help you with what?.... if you are looking for pre-made code for your objectives I doubt you can find something... the suggested libraries (classes) in my previous post are for you to explore/investigate/study pick the one that will help you to fulfill your objectives, and write your own code... in general, this forum objective is help you to solve issues with "your code" not to provide you full solutions... if you need a full solution you should then post in the freelance forum and probably paid for that.


Check the tutotials in the FPDF website  www.fpdf.org  in particular the tutorial # 2 include a way to manage images

Edited by mikosiko
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Ok, thank you!


My doubt is where to start, I don't know how to work with classes (where can I study them?).


I am thinking about something like this:


1 - Select images...
2 - For each image, the script would print the selected image on the pdf, then, a pagebreak would happen.

3 - ???


Edited by Rita_Ruah
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Ok, thank you!


My doubt is where to start, I don't know how to work with classes (where can I study them?).


I am thinking about something like this:


1 - Select images...

2 - For each image, the script would print the selected image on the pdf, then, a pagebreak would happen.

3 - ???



Just look the indicated tutorial in the website that I provided for you early... there are several examples of how to use the FPDF class

Edited by mikosiko
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Just look the indicated tutorial in the website that I provided for you early... there are several examples of how to use the FPDF class

I managed to do it in just fifteen minutes... I feel so ashamed right now... Silly me...

Thank you for guiding me in the right direction!


just one final question... can you tell me how to change my profile picture? 



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