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php says variable has value A, uses value B


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I use a css sheet that's actually .php so I can make cascading changes easily (style.php) e.g. 

a {color: <?php echo $AccentColor1 ?>;}


The colours are set in a separate file with an include command (colours.php). They're typically directly assigned, e.g. 

$AccentColour2 = "#efefef"


One colour (and possibly more once I get this to work) is stored in a database and retrieved by $Main_colour. When I echo $Main_colour it shows the expected value, (in this case #a9100c).


Here's where the problem arises...


If I put 

$AccentColour1 = "#a9100c";

in colours.php, the css in style.php works and everything that is meant to be that colour IS that colour.


However, if I put

$AccentColour1 = $Main_colour;

in colours.php, even though the main_colour variable displays the expected value when echoed, the css breaks and everything that is meant to be that colour comes out link blue.


It gets even more strange. If I put 

$TempVar = #cdcd57;

$AccentColor1 = $TempVar;

$AccentColor1 = $Main_colour;

the css works but everything that's meant to be #a9100c comes out as #cdcd57 instead... EVEN THOUGH both $AccentColor1 and $Main_colour echo as #a9100c before and after the css is processed.


Why is the css refusing to accept $AccentColor1 = $Main_colour?

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Have yo uactually verified that the output on the style sheet is what you expect it to be, or are you judging it by a simple refresh and not seeing the chagnes on the screen?  It might be a chache issue.  Second, in the code examples above you go back and forth between $AccentColor1 and $AccentColour1, notice the u difference in the name.  Make sure you have all you vars labeled correctly.

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I also manually change it using conventional hex values put into $Accentcolor1 and it works, so unlikely a cache issue.


The variable names are uniform in the code; I just had a typo in my post above.


Here's another weird thing: If I put:

if (isset($Main_colour)) { $AccentColor1 = "#a9100c"; }
else $AccentColor1 = "#000000";

echo $AccentColor1;
...it prints #a9100c, indicating $MainColour is set, and therefore $Accentcolor1 = #a9100c. Right?

but when it gets to the CSS...

a color: <?php echo $AccentColor1 ?>;}

...with no instance of $accentcolor1 in between so it shouldn't be redefined, it thinks $AccentColor1 = #000000. It still echoes it as #a9100c before and after, but colours the links as #000000. 
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