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PHP Get Contents And For Each Loop Line By Line


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I am trying to return some retail store loacations off a site from a store locator.  Each url I visit has multiple stores listed and I want to return each one.  Each store is in the following format on the page and I want to return name and address to a seperate variable.


So essenitally what I am doing is using $Contents = file_get_contents($URL);  to return the information and then looping line by line.  I have sucessfully returned the first line "name" no problem, but I am having trouble returning address.  As you will see in the below code the name field is easily identified by using strstr($Line, 'appro')), but the address line is not easily indentified.  What I was hoping to do with the address line is to use a counter that starts when the progam find a match for the name line.  Then when the counter counts each loop for the next four line (there is html on 4 lines after the name and the 5 line is the address line) I would know when the counter is 5 it will be on the address line and I can set this variable.

Hopefully that makes sense.  In a nutshell it is not working at all.  I think it may be the way the for each loop is working.  Can anyone offer some input?  Your help is much appreciated.

Here is the code I thought would work:

My logic here is once I get the contents I set a counter.  The counter would become 1 when it finds the first name on the page then the for each loop loops for four more line and the counter become 5 in which case I know to retrun address on that line.


$URL = "http://www.mysite.com/92880/";

$Contents = file_get_contents($URL);

$Lines = preg_split("/\n/",$Contents);

foreach($Lines as $Line)

if (strstr($Line, 'appro')) // Found Name Match and set $strTag="True";  (this is working fine)

echo $dealername;

If ($strTag="True") // If found a name match for each loop after this line it increases counter by 1


if ($counter=5)  // If counter is 5 set address variable since this should be the address line.  (this part is not working)
echo $address;


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