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ok, im trying to validate some form input using eregi, only i cant seem to allow the user to enter a return character without the eregi function discarding it and the error handler being raised. here's the code that im using to validate the string:


if (eregi ("^[[:alpha:]. ()_,'-]{1,}$", THE RETURNED STRING HERE)
// valid
  // error handler raised


Any suggestions as to why this will not allow a the return character?

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  • 3 months later...
Sorry to bring this old post up, but well, no one answered; and it is something I would like to know. I am trying to validate a phone number. Well I want that to allow both ( and ) . Among other things....here is the code. I get an error that says: [color=red]eregi(): REG_BADBR[/color]

if (eregi ('^[0-9.\(\)-]{10-15}$', stripslashes(trim($_POST['user_contact'])))) {
$ucontact = escape_data($_POST['user_contact']);
} else {
$ucontact = FALSE;
echo '<span class="error">Please enter a valid contact number.<br /></span>';

I have tried quite a few things from ...0-9\.\(\)\- and other stuff like ...0-9.()-.. which i knew wouldn't work because eregi uses ( ) to section out things. So I've tried "escaping" the ( and ), like about, but nothing works...
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Thanks, I hate it when I make a stupid mistake. Just in case someone wants to know the final eregi() code...here it is

[code]if (eregi ('^[0-9.\(\)-]{10,15}$', stripslashes(trim($_POST['user_contact'])))) {[/code]

I am going to modify the code soon to make it where it requires '(' 3 digits ')' 3 digits '.' 4 digits (111)111.1111 so it will fully validate a phone number. Not full sure how to do it, but shouldn't be hard.
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If you require area code it's simple.. and here you need to escape the brackets.


You might want to strip spaces first in case someone adds them in.  I made some things optional with "?", and allowed either "." or "-".  This regexp might be too strict, since people might use other characters as seperators.
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