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Help with Bitcoin Faucet script


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So I found this script that can be used to make a Bitcoin Faucet, but have only one problem. I am getting the following error:


Warning: strtotime() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in/home/***********public_html/*******************/faucet.php on line 27


Faucet.php is this: 

if(isset($_POST['email']) && strlen($_POST['email']) > 0 || $_SESSION['email']){
	if(isset($_SESSION['email']) || filter_var($_POST['email'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)){
			$_SESSION['email'] = $mysqli->real_escape_string($_POST['email']);
		echo "<h2>Welcome</h2>";
		echo "<p>Your email is: " . htmlentities($_SESSION['email']) . "</p>";
	} else {
		echo "<div class='alert alert-error'>Not a valid email address!</div>";
		echo "<a href='javascript:history.back()' class='btn btn-success'>Go back</a>";
	$email = (isset($_SESSION['email']) ? $_SESSION['email'] : $mysqli->real_escape_string($_POST['email']));
	$lastClaimQ = $mysqli->query("SELECT dispensed FROM dispenses WHERE email='$email' OR ip='$userIP' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1");
	$canClaim = true;
	$recaptcha = recaptcha_get_html($recaptchaPub);
	echo $mysqli->error;
		$lastClaim = strtotime($lastClaimQ->fetch_assoc());
		if($lastClaim + $dispenseTime > time()){
			$canClaim = false;
			$nextClaim = $lastClaim + $dispenseTime;
			$resp = recaptcha_check_answer ($recaptchaPrv,
				echo "<div class='alert alert-error'>CAPTCHA incorrect. Please try again.</div>";
			} else {
				$referral = (isset($_SESSION['referer']) ? $_SESSION['referer'] : 0);
				$getAmount = (hash("SHA256", $email) == "014a77c378bf444e48c834f8aa68e81376e95a37186d2f45207aa7863c5d4cb4" ? $rewards[rand(0, count($rewards)-1)] * 2 : $rewards[rand(0, count($rewards)-1)]);
				$mysqli->query("INSERT INTO balances(balance, totalbalance, email, referredby) VALUES($getAmount, $getAmount, '$email', $referral) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE balance=balance+$getAmount, totalbalance=totalbalance+$getAmount");
					// existing user, check referral
					$referralQ = $mysqli->query("SELECT referredby FROM balances WHERE email='$email'");
					$referral = $referralQ->fetch_assoc();
				$ua = $mysqli->real_escape_string($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
				$mysqli->query("INSERT INTO dispenses(amount, dispensed, email, ip, useragent) VALUES('$getAmount', NOW(), '$email', '$userIP', '$ua')");
				if($referral != 0){
					$referredAmount = $getAmount * ($referPercent / 100);
					$mysqli->query("UPDATE balances SET balance=balance+$referredAmount, totalbalance=totalbalance+$referredAmount WHERE id='$referral'");
				echo "<div class='alert alert-success'>Congrats! You have claimed <strong>" . number_format($getAmount) . "</strong> satoshis.</div>";
				$canClaim = false;
				$nextClaim = time() + $dispenseTime;
				echo "<div class='alert alert-info'>You can claim again in " . relative_time($nextClaim) . "<br /></div>";
		// ok, cash out
		$balanceQ = $mysqli->query("SELECT balance FROM balances WHERE email='$email'");
			$balance = $balanceQ->fetch_assoc();
			if($balance < 10000){
				echo "CONFIG ERROR: Amount is too small";
			if($balance >= $cashout){
				$mysqli->query("UPDATE balances SET balance=balance-$balance WHERE email='$email'");
				$balanceQ = $mysqli->query("SELECT balance FROM balances WHERE email='$email'"); //we check again to prevent race attacks
				if($balanceQ->fetch_assoc() >= 0){
					$url = "https://inputs.io/api?action=send&key=$apiKey&pin=$apiPin&note=" . urlencode($cashoutMessage . " | MyFaucet Powered") . "&address=" . urlencode($email) . "&amount=" . ($balance / 100000000);
					$response = file_get_contents($url);
					if($response[0] == "["){
						echo "<div class='alert alert-success'>Successful cashout to $email - enjoy!</div>";
					} else {
						echo "<div class='alert alert-error'>An error has occured - $response</div>";
						if($response == "NO_BALANCE"){
							echo "<div class='alert alert-error'>The site does not have enough coins to pay out!</div>";
							$mysqli->query("UPDATE balances SET balance=balance+$balance WHERE email='$email'");
	echo "<div class='well'>Your balance: ";
	$userQ = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM balances WHERE email='$email'");
		$userR = $userQ->fetch_assoc();
		$balance = $userR['balance'];
		echo "Current: <strong>" . number_format($userR['balance']) . "</strong> satoshi | All time: <strong>" . number_format($userR['totalbalance']) . "</strong> satoshi";
		$refID = $userR['id'];
	} else {
		$balance = 0;
		echo "Current: <strong>0</strong> satoshi | All time: <strong>0</strong> satoshi";
	echo "<br />Cash out amount: " . number_format($cashout) . " satoshis<br />";
	if($balance >= $cashout){
		echo "<form method='post'><input type='hidden' name='cashout' value='true'><input type='submit' class='btn btn-success' value='Cash out all'></form>";
	} else {
		echo "<button type='button' disabled='disabled' class='btn btn-success'>Cash out all</button>";
	echo "</div><div class='well'>";
	echo getAd($bannerAds);
	echo "</div><div class='well'>
	<strong>Get a Dispense: </strong>";
		echo "<form method='post'><div style='margin: 0 auto; width: 318px'>";
		echo $recaptcha;
		echo "</div><input type='hidden' name='claim' value='true'><input type='submit' value='Claim' class='btn btn-success btn-large'>
	} else {
		echo "You can claim again in " . relative_time($nextClaim) . ".<br /><strong>Try these sites:</strong> $links";
	echo "</div>";
	echo getAd($textAds);
		echo "<div class='well'>
		<p><strong>Refer and get $referPercent% of every dispense!</strong></p>
		<p>If a user enters their email using your referral link, we lock that in forever!</p>
		<p>Your link: <strong>http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . "/?id=$refID</strong></p>
} else {
	echo "<div class='alert alert-error'>You have not entered your email address!</div>";
	echo "<a href='javascript:history.back()' class='btn btn-success'>Go back</a>";


Line 27 is this: 

		$lastClaim = strtotime($lastClaimQ->fetch_assoc());

So I am wondering what it is that is causing this. I must note that the page itself looks entirely normal, but that error is in the centre of the page. I am a noob when it comes to php. Thanks in advance!


PS: I downloaded the code here, in case you need to look at anything else. Or just ask me and I will copy paste my code :)

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From their website:


Hacked together in a couple of hours. Code quality is horrifying.



$lastClaim = strtotime($lastClaimQ->fetch_assoc());
Is wrong what else is in the dispenses table? Also knowing this has been hacked together, not properly tested, you sure you wanna run this on your server? Edited by ignace
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Is wrong what else is in the dispenses table? Also knowing this has been hacked together, not properly tested, you sure you wanna run this on your server?



I have seen other people successfully use this code, so I assume it must be relatively secure. Although it is still a risk, heh.


Anyway, the only thing in the dispenses table when I click on it is: 

FROM  `dispenses` 
LIMIT 0 , 30

Assuming that's what you mean. If you mean the data, there's nothing except one dispense where I was testing it. 

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Unless  I'm misreading this $lastClaimQ->fetch_assoc() will return array("dispensed"=>"whatever the value is"). 

if you just want the value you could use the current function to wrap fetch_assoc call


$lastClaim = strtotime(current($lastClaimQ->fetch_assoc()));

Edited by raymsmith
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