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mod_rewrite for 1,000 products


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I'm a complete newbie with mod-rewrite, but I've been programming php and javascript for many years. I have a client with a store that has 1,000+ products with more being added/changed daily. each product page is generated dynamically using php & mySQL and looks like this:




needless to say I don't want to put in mod_rewrite rules for every product independently. I don't even know where to start with this. it looks as if the mod_rewrite in .htaccess doesn't get generated automatically. so how do sites like my clients or even bigger sites deal with this?



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You don't define a mod_rewrite rule for every product. You'd define your rule using regex. example rule

RewriteRule ^product/([a-z0-9_\-]+)/?$ view_product_page.php?product=$1

The above rule will match urls like


... etc


mod_rewrite will map those urls to the following urls


In view_product_page.php the superglobal variable $_GET['product'] will get the product from the url.

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Ch0cu3r - 


ThnX for responding...


so I create the view_product_page.php page? what is in it? do I create a MySQL query that gives me the "chocolate-bar" string? 


it seems like there are 2 different places that the mod_rewrite has to act...


1) when someone clicks on a product link on the site and the URL that is displayed is the nice one like -






2) when someone gets that nice URL, clicks on it and gets taken to the correct product page


is this correct?


how does #2 happen? there is no /product/ folder? Page 18 is a page called productPage.php that's a page that does a MySQL query based on the passed ID and displays the formatted product information.

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mod_rewrite maps fake urls to ones that do exist (your existing urls). products/ is not a folder it is just a unique identifier that is captured by mod_rewrite. Whats follows after products/ is sent to view_product_page. It sets the query string variable product to that value.


Create a file called test_page.php Now in add the following code to it


    echo 'Message is: ' . $_GET['message'];

   Try me out<br />
  <a href="/test_page.php?message=hello+world">existing url</a><br />
  <a href="/test/hello+world">clean url using mod_rewrite</a><br />

Now in an .htaccess file (that is full name of the file) add this to it. make sure its in same folder as test_page.php

RewriteEngine On

RewriteRule ^test/([a-z0-9_\-\+]+)/?$ test_page.php?message=$1 [NC,L]

Have a read of this article http://www.sitepoint.com/guide-url-rewriting/ it'll help you more than I can explain it.

Edited by Ch0cu3r
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