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Help with adding disabled to a form option


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I am using a component for joomla 2.5 but i hit snag where it comes to selecting the categories from a drop down box in the front end. I want to use  the disabled element for the top category options so that  they are visible but unselectable. Something like this:




The component uses the following code to hide certain categories of my choosing but i don't want to hide them i just want to add the HTML element "disabled" to the corresponding options:

$options = JHTML::_('category.options','com_content',array('filter.published' => 1 ));

        $myGroups = $acl->getGroupsByUser($my->id,false);        

        foreach($myGroups as $gid) {
            if(isset($groupRestrictions[$gid])) {
                foreach($options as $k=>$option) {
                    if(in_array( $option->value, $groupRestrictions[$gid] )) {

        $opt = array('value'=>0,'text'=>JText::_('JOPTION_SELECT_CATEGORY'));

        return JHTML::_('select.genericlist',$options,'catid',"class='inputbox'",'value','text',$categoryId);

Any help is gratefully appreciated.

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Somewhere in the $options array there is a disabled flag for each option. You need to set it to true


This code is loop through all the configurable settings for each option in the list

                foreach($options as $k=>$option) {
                    if(in_array( $option->value, $groupRestrictions[$gid] )) {

it is removing options, which are restricted. maybe change unset($options[$k]); to

if($k == 'disable') {
    $options[$k] = true;  // set the disable setting to true
} else {
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thanks for your answer but it didn't work for me, it made the first category turn into a 1. I think i have narrowed it down a bit but i am having trouble trying to add the disabled="disabled" attribute to the restricted <option>

foreach($options as $k=>$option) {
                    if(in_array( $option->value, $option->title, $groupRestrictions[$gid] )) {
                        $options[$k] = JHTML::_('select.option','disabled="disabled"',$option->value,$option->title);
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Really appreciate your help @Ch0cu3r because you helped me solve the problem with your example. Thanks be to God it is working now using the following code:

$options[$k] = JHTML::_('select.option',$option->value,$option->text,array('disable' => true))

Instead of:

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