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Im trying to create a folder structure through a script on my site.  At the minute I need to create one folder


$topFolders = array('employment');


and within that folder set the following array of folders,


$subFolders = array('references', 'starter-packs', 'certificates', 'health');


I currently have this working fine with the following code...


//now make each folder within the branch$topFolders = array('employment'); foreach($topFolders as $folders){$branchTop = mkdir($thisdir . "/uploadedfiles/$branchName/" . $folders, 0777);} //now make the employment system subfolders$subFolders = array('references', 'starter-packs', 'certificates', 'health'); foreach($subFolders as $sub){mkdir($thisdir . "/uploadedfiles/$branchName/employment/" . $sub, 0777);}


As you can see this is  very limited.  If for example I need a new top level folder called "residents" and that had the sub folders of "personal, health, notes, signatures" I would have to write a new foreach loop.  Is there a way to make this more dynamic so by adding the new top level folder into the array and its corresponding sub folders the correct set of sub folders is added?  I tried turning it into a function but then suffered the same fate.  I think my array would look as follows


employment => 'references', 'starter-packs', 'certificates', 'health',

residents => 'personal', 'health', 'notes', 'signatures'





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It is better to store the data outside the code and ideally a database would be my choice. However for a simple structure like the one you have an ini file format text file would suit. EG folders.txt containing



To create your array you would then

$folders = parse_ini_file('folders.txt', true);

which would give an array like this:

Folders Array
    [employment] => Array
            [0] => references
            [1] => starter-packs
            [2] => certificates
            [3] => health

    [residents] => Array
            [0] => personal
            [1] => health
            [2] => notes
            [3] => signatures


To process this array

foreach ($folders as $folder => $subfolders) {
    // create $folder folder
    foreach ($subfolders as $sub) {
        // create subfolder $folder/$sub
Edited by Barand
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