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Please I need help with my project. Don't ignore me this please, if you cab help me.


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//File Name: form_functions.php
//Form Validation
//This is a raw alternative
/*if(!isset($_POST['menu_name']) || empty($_POST['menu_name'])){
	$error[] = 'menu_name';
if(!isset($_POST['position']) || empty($_POST['position'])){
	$error[] = 'position';


function check_required_field($required_array){
$field_error = array();
//Required fields
foreach($required_fields as $fieldname) {
	if(!isset($_POST[$fieldname]) || empty($_POST[$fieldname]) && ($_POST[$fieldname] != 0)){
		$error[] = $fieldname;
	return $field_error;
function check_max_field_length($field_length_array){
$field_error = array();
//Field Length
foreach($fields_length_array as $fieldname => $maxlength){
	if(strlen(trim(mysql_prep($_POST[$fieldname]))) > $maxlength){
		$error[] = $fieldname;
	return $field_error;

function display_errors($error_array){
						echo "<p class=\"errors\">";
					echo "Please review the following fields: <br />";
					foreach($error as $err) {
						echo "*" . $err . "<br />";
						echo "</p>";

//File Name: functions.php
/*This file contains all the functions used in this project*/

//3. Perform DB query
//error handling for returning query
function mysql_prep($value){
	/*This function will help me handle issues of
	having special characters like "" as the values of the 		    insert into query*/
	$magic_qotes_active = get_magic_quotes_gpc();
	$new_enough_php = function_exists("mysql_real_escape_string");
	if ($new_enough_php){
		if($magic_qotes_active){$value = stripslashes($value);}
		$value = mysql_real_escape_string($value);
		} else {
			if(!$magic_qotes_active){$value = addslashes($value);}
			return $value;
function redirect_to($location = NULL){
	if ($location != NULL){
		header("Location: {$location}");
function confirm_query($result_set){
						die("Database query failed: " .mysql_error());
//return subjects					
function get_all_subjects(){

					$query = "SELECT * 
							FROM subjects 
							ORDER BY position ASC";
				$subject_set = mysql_query($query);
				return $subject_set;
//return pages
function get_pages_of_all_subjects($subject_id){

	$query = "SELECT * 
								FROM pages 
								WHERE subjects_id1 = {$subject_id} 
								ORDER BY position ASC";
					$page_set = mysql_query($query);
					return $page_set;

function get_subject_by_id($subject_id){

	$query = "SELECT * ";
	$query .= "FROM subjects ";
	$query .= "WHERE id = {$subject_id} ";
	$query .= "LIMIT 1";

	$result_set = mysql_query($query);

	if ($subject = mysql_fetch_array($result_set)){
		return $subject;
		} else {
			return NULL;
function get_page_by_id($page_id){
	$query = "SELECT * ";
	$query .= "FROM pages ";
	$query .= "WHERE id = {$page_id} " ;
	$query .= "LIMIT 1";

	$result_set = mysql_query($query);
	if ($page = mysql_fetch_array($result_set)){
		return $page;
		} else {
			return NULL;
function find_selected_page(){
	global $sel_subject;
	global $sel_page;
	if (isset($_GET['subj'])) {
		$sel_subject = get_subject_by_id($_GET['subj']);
		$sel_page = NULL;
	} elseif (isset($_GET['page'])){
		$sel_subject = NULL;
		$sel_page = get_page_by_id($_GET['page']);
	} else {
		$sel_subj = NULL;
		$sel_page = NULL;
function navigation ($sel_subject, $sel_page){
	$output =  "<ul class=\"subjects\">";
				$subject_set = get_all_subjects();
				//4. Use returned data
				while($subject = mysql_fetch_array($subject_set)){
					$output .= "<li";
					if ($subject["id"] == $sel_subject["id"]){
					$output .= " class=\"selected\"";
					$output .= "><a href=\"edit_subject.php?subj=" .urlencode($subject["id"]). "\">{$subject["menu_name"]}</a></li>";
					//5. A loop in a loop: Pages in Subjects
				$page_set = get_pages_of_all_subjects($subject["id"]);				
				$output .= "<ul class=\"pages\">";
				//4 again. Use returned data
				while($pages = mysql_fetch_array($page_set)){
					$output .= "<li";
					if($pages["id"] == $sel_page["id"]){
					$output .= "class=\"selected\"";
					$output .= "><a href=\"content.php?page=".urlencode($pages["id"])."\">{$pages["menu_name"]}</a></li>";
					} $output .= "</ul>";
                $output .= "</ul>";
				return $output;

<?php // File Name: page_form.php ?>
<?php // this page is included by new_page.php and edit_page.php ?>
<?php if (isset($new_page)) {$new_page = false;}?>

<p>Page Name: <input type="text" name="menu_name" value="<?php echo $sel_page['menu_name']; ?>" id="menu_name" /></p>

<p>Position: <select name="position"><?php 
if (!$new_page){
	$page_set = get_pages_of_all_subjects($sel_page['subject_id']);
	$page_count = mysql_num_rows($page_set);
		$page_set = get_pages_of_all_subjects($sel_subject['id']);
		$page_count = mysql_num_rows($page_set)+1;
		for($count=1; $count<=$page_count; $count++){echo"<option value=\"{$count}\">{$count}</option>";}
<p>Visible: <input type="radio" name="visible" value="0"<?php 
if($sel_page['visible'] == 0) {echo " checked";}
?> />No   <input type="radio" name="visible" value="0"<?php 
if($sel_page['visible'] == 1) {echo " checked";}
?> />Yes</p>
<p>Content: <br />
<textarea name="content" rows="20" cols="80"> <?php 
echo $sel_page['content'];
<?php //File Name: new_page.php ?>
<?php require_once("includes/connection.php"); ?>
<?php require_once("includes/functions.php"); ?>
	// make sure the subject id sent is an integer
	if (intval($_GET['subj']) == 0) {


	// only execute the form processing if the form has been submitted
	if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
		// initialize an array to hold our errors
		$errors = array();
		// perform validations on the form data
		$required_fields = array('menu_name', 'position', 'visible', 'content');
		$errors = array_merge($error, check_required_field($required_fields, $_POST));
		$fields_with_lengths = array('menu_name' => 30);
		$errors = array_merge($error, check_max_field_length($fields_with_lengths, $_POST));
		// clean up the form data before putting it in the database
		$subject_id = mysql_prep($_GET['subj']);
		$menu_name = trim(mysql_prep($_POST['menu_name']));
		$position = mysql_prep($_POST['position']);
		$visible = mysql_prep($_POST['visible']);
		$content = mysql_prep($_POST['content']);
		// Database submission only proceeds if there were NO errors.
		if (empty($errors)) {
			$query = "INSERT INTO pages (
						menu_name, position, visible, content, subject_id
					) VALUES (
						'{$menu_name}', {$position}, {$visible}, '{$content}', {$subject_id}
			if ($result = mysql_query($query, $connection)) {
				// as is, $message will still be discarded on the redirect
				$message = "The page was successfully created.";
				// get the last id inserted over the current db connection
				$new_page_id = mysql_insert_id();
			} else {
				$message = "The page could not be created.";
				$message .= "<br />" . mysql_error();
		} else {
			if (count($errors) == 1) {
				$message = "There was 1 error in the form.";
			} else {
				$message = "There were " . count($error) . " errors in the form.";

<?php find_selected_page(); ?>
<?php include("includes/header.php"); ?>
<table id="structure">
		<td id="navigation">
			<?php echo navigation($sel_subject, $sel_page, $public = false); ?>
			<br />
			<a href="new_subject.php">+ Add a new subject</a>
		<td id="page">
			<h2>Adding New Page</h2>
			<?php if (!empty($message)) {echo "<p class=\"message\">" . $message . "</p>";} ?>
			<?php if (!empty($error)) { display_errors($error); } ?>
			<form action="new_page.php?subj=<?php echo $sel_subject['id']; ?>" method="post">
				<?php $new_page = true; ?>
				<?php include "page_form.php" ?>
				<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Create Page" />
			<br />
			<a href="edit_subject.php?subj=<?php echo $sel_subject['id']; ?>">Cancel</a><br />
<?php include("includes/footer.php"); ?>

<?php //File Name: edit_page.php ?>
<?php require_once("includes/connection.php"); ?>
<?php require_once("includes/functions.php"); ?>

if (intval($_GET['subj']) == 0){
//only excute the form processing if the form has been submitted
	if (isset($_POST['submit'])){
		//initialize array to hold errors
		$error = array();
// perform validation on form data
$required_fields = array('menu_name', 'position', 'visible', 'content');
$error = array_merge($error, check_required_fields($required_fields));

$fields_with_length = array('menu_name' => 30);
$error = array_merge($error, check_required_fields($required_fields));

//Form Variables
$id = mysql_prep($_GET['page']);
$menu_name = trim(mysql_prep($_POST['menu_name']));
$position = mysql_prep($_POST['position']);
$visible =  mysql_prep($_POST['visible']);
$content =  mysql_prep($_POST['content']);

$query = "UPDATE subjects SET 
			menu_name = '{$menu_name}',
			position = {$position},
			visible = {$visible},
			content = '{$content}'
			WHERE id = {$id}";
		$result = mysql_query($query);
		if(mysql_affected_rows() == 1){
			$message = "The Subject was successfully updated";
			} else {
				$message = "NO Update was made: " . mysql_error();
		} else {
			//Errors Occured
				$message = "There was an error in the form.";
				} else {
					$message = "There were " .count($error). " errors in the form.";

		 //end : if isset condition
<?php find_selected_page(); ?>
<?php include("includes/header.php"); ?>
    	<table id="structure">
            	<td id="navigation">
                <ul class="subjects">
				<?php echo navigation ($sel_subject, $sel_page); ?>

                <td id="page">
                <h2>Edit Page <?php echo $sel_page['menu_name']; ?></h2> <?php if(!empty($message)){echo"<p class=\"message\">".$message."</p>";} ?>
				if (!empty($message)) {echo "<p class=\"message\">" . $message . "</p>";}
				if (!empty($error)) {display_errors($error);}

                <form action="edit_page.php?page=<?php echo urlencode($sel_page['id']); ?>" method="post">
                <?php include "page_form.php" ?>
                <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Update Page" />
                <a href="delete_page.php?subj=<?php echo urlencode($sel_page['id']); ?>" onClick="return confirm('Are you sure');">Delete Subject</a>
                <br />
                <a href="content.php">Cancel</a>
                <div style="margin-top:2em; border-top:1px solid #000000;">
                <h3>Pages in this subject are: </h3>
				$subject_pages = get_pages_of_all_subjects($sel_subject['id']);
<?php require("includes/footer.php"); ?>
<?php // File Name: new_subject.php ?>
<?php require_once("includes/connection.php"); ?>
<?php require_once("includes/functions.php"); ?>
<?php find_selected_page(); ?>

<?php include("includes/header.php"); ?>
    	<table id="structure">
            	<td id="navigation">
                <ul class="subjects">
				<?php echo navigation ($sel_subject, $sel_page); ?>

                <td id="page">
                <h2>Add Subject</h2>
                <form action="create_subject.php" method="post">
                <p>Subject name: <input type="text" name="menu_name" value="" id="menu_name" /></p>
                Position: <select name="position">
				$subject_set = get_all_subjects();
				$subject_count = mysql_num_rows($subject_set);
				for($count=1; $count<=$subject_count; $count++){echo"<option value=\"{$count}\">{$count}</option>";}
                <p>Visible: <input type="radio" name="visible"  value="0" />No   <input type="radio" name="visible" value="1"  />Yes</p>
                <input type="submit" value="Add Subject" />
                <br />
                <a href="content.php">Cancel</a>
<?php require("includes/footer.php"); ?>

Hi everyone, am a newbi and am using the above project to learn. Am halfway the project and am stuck because the files, new_page.php and edit_page.php are not working fine. I would appreciate every effort made to pull me through so as minimize my level of frustration in PHP. Thanks


The new_subject.php is working fine and am using functions.php, form_functions.php and page_form.php as include files.

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Ok tnx for your attention. For the new_page.php, it shows only the Page Name and Position, it leaves out, Visible and Content with the submit button too. And am not sure if there is a complete transaction b/w the form and the database


For the edit_page.php, it has the same issue with new_page.php and secondly an error above the form saying that the variable error and new_page are not defined.

Futhermore, an SQL error "Database query failed: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ORDER BY position ASC' at line 4".


Thanks Boss.

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