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please help with radio buttons


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hello guys, ive made a script to basically execute two different things depending on which radio button is selected:

print"<div style=\"position:absolute;bottom:20px;right:20px;\">";
print"<form method=\"post\" action=\"\">";
print"<input type=\"radio\" name=\"lang\" value=\"English\" >English<br>";
print"<input type=\"radio\" name=\"lang\" value=\"German\">German";
print"<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Change\" />";

$myRadio = intval($_POST['lang']);
if ($myRadio == "English") {          


}elseif ($myRadio == "German") {


this doesnt work, firstly for some reason it just displays English straight away even though nothing is even ticked yet. and when i do change to "german" and click the button, it doesnt change...



PLEASE help me guys, how would i make it work.

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Remove intval(). This converts a value into integer. The if/elseif is comparing strings not integers.



it just displays English straight away even though nothing is even ticked yet

The comparison should only be performed if $_POST['lang'] exists.

	$myRadio = $_POST['lang'];

	if ($myRadio == "English")
	elseif ($myRadio == "German")
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Remove intval(). This converts a value into integer. The if/elseif is comparing strings not integers.


The comparison should only be performed if $_POST['lang'] exists.

	$myRadio = $_POST['lang'];

	if ($myRadio == "English")
	elseif ($myRadio == "German")

ive done what you said, and the "english" isnt appearing there at the start but now when i tick a box and click submit, nothing appears

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It Displays the correct language based on the selection I make, and nothing if I didn't chose a language.

print"<div style=\"position:absolute;bottom:20px;right:20px;\">";
print"<form method=\"post\" action=\"\">";
print"<input type=\"radio\" name=\"lang\" value=\"English\">English<br>";
print"<input type=\"radio\" name=\"lang\" value=\"German\">German";
print"<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Change\" />";

	$myRadio = $_POST['lang'];

	if ($myRadio == "English")
	elseif ($myRadio == "German")

theres my code..


and heres what i am seeing:



as you can see the h1 is not appearing

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That is without selecting ANyTHING or clicking anything, it simply does that when i load the page. and thats all the code for this. 

i will now paste the code for that entire page:


$safe_myuri = addslashes($myuri);

$row_parent_folder_title = $row_object_title;
$row_parent_url = $row_url;

$myquery = sql_query("SELECT * FROM webmanage_objects AS a WHERE a.parentid='$row_objectid' AND a.is_visible='1' AND a.archived='0' AND a.url='$safe_myuri' LIMIT 0,1");

if (!sql_num_rows($myquery)) {
} else {
	$myrow = sql_fetch_assoc($myquery);

// Machines for sale view


print "<div class=\"heading\"><div class=\"b\"><h2><a href=\"/machines-for-sale/\" style=\"text-decoration: none; color: #1e2a5f;\">Machines for Sale</a> > <a href=\"/machines-for-sale/$row_parent_url/\" style=\"text-decoration: none; color: #1e2a5f;\">$row_parent_folder_title</a></h2></div></div>\n";
print "<div class=\"clear\"></div>\n";


print "<div class=\"hotspot blue tlc machine\">\n";
print "<div class=\"item\">\n";
print "<h2>$row_object_title</h2>\n";
print "<p class=\"red fRight cRight\"><strong>Stock Ref: $row_object_tagline</strong></p>\n";
print "<div class=\"clear\"></div>\n";

print "<div class=\"images\">
<script type=\"text/javascript\">
Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager._initialize('ctl00$Content$Scr1', document.getElementById('aspnetForm'));
Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance()._updateControls(['tctl00$Content$ImagesUP'], [], [], 90);

// Images Container

$images = array();

$myquery = sql_query("SELECT * FROM webmanage_uploads WHERE filestore='image' AND objectid='$row_objectid' ORDER BY ordering, fileid");
while ($myrow = sql_fetch_assoc($myquery)) {

	$row_fileid = $myrow["fileid"];
	if (is_file("$imagebase_location/$row_fileid"."_machine_large.jpg")) {
		$images[] = "/images/managed/$row_fileid"."_machine_large.jpg";


print "<div id=\"ctl00_Content_ImagesUP\">\n";

if (count($images)) {
	$myimage = $images[0];

	print "<div class=\"main_image\">\n";
	print "	<img id=\"ctl00_Content_MainImage\" class=\"mainImage\" src=\"$myimage\" alt=\"$row_object_title\" style=\"border-width:0px;\" />\n";
	print "</div>\n";


print "<ul>\n";

$counter = 0;

foreach($images as $myimage) {

	if ($counter < 10) { $counter_text = "0$counter"; } else { $counter_text = "".$counter; }
	$myimage_small = str_replace("machine_large","machine_small",$myimage);

	if (($counter % 3) == 0) {
		$padding_right = "padding-right: 0px;";
	} else {
		$padding_right = "padding-right: 15px;";

	print "<li id=\"ctl00_Content_RepMachineImages_ctl{$counter_text}_ImageItem\" style=\"$padding_right\"><a class=\"imagesListImage\" href='$myimage' target=\"_blank\" style=\"margin: 0px; float: left;\"><img id=\"ctl00_Content_RepMachineImages_ctl{$counter_text}_ListImage\" src=\"$myimage\" height=75 style=\"border-width: 0px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;\" /></a></li>\n";

print "</ul>\n";

print "</div>\n";
print "</div>\n";

print"<div style=\"position:absolute;bottom:20px;right:20px;\">";
print"<form method=\"post\" action=\"\">";
print"<input type=\"radio\" name=\"lang\" value=\"English\">English<br>";
print"<input type=\"radio\" name=\"lang\" value=\"German\">German";
print"<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Change\" />";

	$myRadio = $_POST['lang'];

	if ($myRadio == "English")
	elseif ($myRadio == "German")
printf('<pre>%s</pre>', print_r($_POST, true));

	print "<div class=\"machine_details_right\"><div class=\"desc\">\n";
	print "$row_object_content\n";
	print "</div>\n";

print "<p class=\"buttons\">\n";
$safe_object_title = urlencode($row_object_title);
print "	<a id=\"ctl00_Content_EnquireBtn\" class=\"btn red-whi\" href=\"/index.php?page=contact&stock_ref=$row_object_tagline&desc=$safe_object_title\">Enquire about this machine</a>\n";
print "	<a id=\"ctl00_Content_HlBackToListings\" class=\"btn grey\" href=\"./\">Back to listings</a>\n";
print "</p>\n";
print "<div class=\"clear\"></div>\n";

		print "</div>

		<div class=\"clear\"></div>
	<div class=\"clear\"></div>

<div class=\"clear\"></div>\n";



Edited by afallingpanda
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