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How do I optimise proddetail.php in ecommerce shop?


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Hi I have been asked to 'optimise ' this file header below. My server keeps blocking all IP's due to over use of this file.  I have no idea why as this file is a part of many other files used in the ecommerce and all other files in the root directory have the same/similar headers. Why only this file?


Server tech said this


Your account "stixandstones.com.au" hosted on elessar.nocdirect.com is running various CPU intensive php scripts which are causing very high load on the server and due to which server is going under very high load.

Please have a look at the follow details about your php scripts running in parallel.


 Top Process  %CPU 15.0  /usr/bin/php /home/stixands/public_html/proddetail.php

  Top Process  %CPU 14.0  /usr/bin/php /home/stixands/public_html/proddetail.php

  Top Process  %CPU 13.0  /usr/bin/php /home/stixands/public_html/proddetail.php

stixands   605  0.0  0.1  44020 11716 ?        S    15:38   0:00 /usr/bin/php /home/stixands/public_html/proddetail.php
stixands  2094  0.0  0.1  44020 11712 ?        S    15:39   0:00 /usr/bin/php /home/stixands/public_html/proddetail.php
stixands  2685  0.0  0.1  47356 13900 ?        S    15:40   0:00 /usr/bin/php /home/stixands/public_html/proddetail.php

etc etc etc


We had no choice but to block web access of your account to stabilize the server because server is currently under very high load.

Please involve a web developer to check and optimize the code to decrease the resource usage. You should optimize your scripts/queries a little further because we believe that there is always some room for improvement.



Can anyone suggest how to optimise this file?



//Author: Vince Reid, vince@virtualred.net

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your first step ought to be to look at your web server access log for the time period in question to see how many and how frequently your site was being requested. if all the requests being made look legitimate (i.e. no hackers probing or exploiting some security hole or a DOS attack) then the issue is likely just normal/expected usage, combined with a cheep low cost web host that doesn't want your site using too much of the spread-too-thin resources on the server.


aside from the included .php files, the page isn't doing anything out of the ordinary. you would need to profile all the code on the page to determine which if any of it is using an excessive amount of processing time. perhaps the menus are running queries inside of loops...


there's one include statement with an @ error suppressor in front of it. do you know why that is there? trying to include a file that doesn't exist will take some extra time for php to determine that it cannot find and read the file. if the @ is because that file isn't present and you don't need the functionality in it, entirely comment out the statement.

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