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Hi my shopping cart has an image background whos opacity I want to be able to change so I had someone work on it and they managed to apply opacity to the whole section not just the back ground so now when opacity is set to 50%  the opacity is being applied to not only the background but but it is being applied to the product tittle, product description, price, add to cart button, basically opacity is being added to everything. He says that it is unnavoidable because the opacity isbeing adde to the div that contains all of the shopping cart elements and so they too will have their opacity affected. So I was wondering if their is a way to apply opacity to the div and only affect the background and not the other elemnts in the div?  here is the code sample

<div style="background-image:url(<?= $bg ?>);background-color:<?= $color ?>" class="product_cont">

                    <h1 class="product_cat"><?= $category->name; ?></h1>

                    <table width="100%">


                        while ($product_query->have_posts()): $product_query->the_post();

                            $product_meta = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'mac', TRUE);


                            $variety = @array_filter($variety);



                                <td width="10%" style="margin-left:20px;vertical-align:middle;">


                                    the_post_thumbnail(array(50, 50));



                                <td width="65%">

                                    <span class="product_title" ><?php the_title(); ?></span>

                                    <p class="product_description">

                                        <?= substr(get_the_content(), 0, 60); ?>



                                <td width="10%">


                                    $product_price = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'product_price', TRUE);

                                    $product_meta = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'mac', TRUE);


                                    echo "<p class='product_price'>$" . @number_format($product_price, 2) . "</p>"



                                <td style="text-align:center;" width="15%"><button data-product="<?php the_ID(); ?>" class="add_cart_btn"><?= (!empty($acb_button_btn_text))? $acb_button_btn_text:"Add To Cart" ?></button></td>


                            <div title="Add Item" style="display:none;" id="dialog-<?php the_ID(); ?>">

                                <form method="POST">

                                    <input type="hidden" name="action" value="add_to_cart">

                                    <input type="hidden" name="macp_cart[product_id]" value="<?php the_ID(); ?>">

                                    <!-- Variety/Size -->

                                    <?php if ($variety != NULL): ?>

                                        <div style="width:100%;display:block;">

                                            <p style="font-weight:bold;margin:0px;">Size</p>

                                            <input checked type="radio" name="macp_cart[variety]" value="<?php the_ID() ?>" /> Normal Price <br>


                                            foreach ($variety as $key => $vrt) {

                                                if (!empty($vrt)) {

                                                    $variety_post = get_post($key);

                                                    $variety_meta = get_post_meta($key, 'mac', TRUE);

                                                    echo "<input type='radio' name='macp_cart[variety]' value='$key' /> " . $variety_post->post_title . " <small>($$vrt)</small><br>";





                                    <?php endif; ?>

                                    <!-- Product Option -->

                                    <?php if ($option != NULL): ?>

                                        <div style="width:100%;display:block;">

                                            <p style="font-weight:bold;margin:0px;">Product Options</p>


                                            $check = "checked";

                                            foreach ($option as $key => $opt) {

                                                $option_post = get_post($key);

                                                $option_meta = get_post_meta($key, 'mac', TRUE);

                                                echo "<input $check type='radio' name='macp_cart[option]' value='$key' /> " . $option_post->post_title . " <small>($" . $option_meta['product_price'] . ")</small><br>";

                                                $check = "";




                                    <?php endif; ?>

                                    <!-- Product Extra -->

                                    <?php if ($extra != NULL): ?>

                                        <div style="width:100%;display:block;">

                                            <p style="font-weight:bold;margin:0px;">Product Extra</p>


                                            foreach ($extra as $key => $ext) {

                                                $extra_post = get_post($key);

                                                $extra_meta = get_post_meta($key, 'mac', TRUE);

                                                echo "<input type='checkbox' name='macp_cart[extra][]' value='$key' /> " . $extra_post->post_title . " <small>($" . $extra_meta['product_price'] . ")</small><br>";




                                    <?php endif; ?>

                                    <div style="width:100%;display:block;margin:0px;">

                                        <label for="user_note">Note.</label><br><textarea name="macp_cart[note]" id="user_note"></textarea>


                                        <label for="qty">Quantity: </label><br><input type="text" name="macp_cart[qty]" id="qty" value="1">


                                        <input style="margin-top:10px;" type="submit" value="<?= (!empty($acb_button_btn_text))? $acb_button_btn_text:"Add To Cart" ?>">




                        <?php endwhile; ?>




And this is the CSS:



        $style_opt = get_option('ma_cp_style');

        if (is_array($style_opt)) {



        $cat_title_style = explode('|', $cat_title_font_type);

        $title_style = explode('|', $title_font_type);

        $dp_font_type = explode('|', $dp_font_type);

        $pp_font_type = explode('|', $pp_font_type);

        $cat_title_style[0] = str_replace(' ', '+', $cat_title_style[0]);

        $title_style[0] = str_replace(' ', '+', $title_style[0]);

        $dp_font_type[0] = str_replace(' ', '+', $dp_font_type[0]);

        $pp_font_type[0]= str_replace(' ', '+', $pp_font_type[0]);


            @import url(<?= $title_style[0] ?>);

            @import url(<?= $cat_title_style[0] ?>);

            @import url(<?= $dp_font_type[0] ?>);

            @import url(<?= $pp_font_type[0] ?>);



                font-family: <?= $cat_title_style[1] ?> !important;

                font-size:<?= $cat_title_font_size ?> !important;

                color:<?= $cat_title_font_color ?> !important;

                text-shadow: <?php 


                 echo "$h_shadow $v_shadow $blur $color !important";




                font-family: <?= $title_style[1] ?> !important;

                font-size:<?= $title_font_size ?> !important;

                color:<?= $title_font_color ?> !important;



                font-family: <?= $dp_font_type[1] ?> !important;

                font-size:<?= $dp_font_size ?>px !important;

                color:<?= $dp_font_color ?> !important;



                background-color: <?= $acb_button_color ?> !important;

                border-radius: <?= $acb_button_radius ?> !important;

                box-shadow: <?php 


                echo "$h_shadow $v_shadow $blur $speard $color !important";


                color: <?= $acb_button_text_color ?>;




                background-color: <?= $acb_button_color_hover ?> !important;

                border-radius: <?= $acb_button_radius_hover ?> !important;

                box-shadow: <?php 


                echo "$h_shadow $v_shadow $blur $speard $color !important";


                color: <?= $acb_button_text_color_hover ?> !important;



                background-image: url(<?= $cat_background_image ?>);

                border-radius: <?= $cat_background_container_radius ?>  !important;



                echo "$h_shadow $v_shadow $blur $speard $color !important";

                 ?> ;

                width: <?= (empty($cat_background_container_width))?"100%":$cat_background_container_width ?>  !important;

                height: <?= (empty($cat_background_container_height))?"100%":$cat_background_container_height ?>  !important;

                background-color: <?= $cat_background_container_color ?>  !important;

                opacity: <?= (empty($cat_background_container_opacity) || $cat_background_container_opacity == "0")?'1':$cat_background_container_opacity/100 ?>  !important;



                font-family: <?= $pp_font_type[1] ?> !important;

                font-size:<?= $pp_font_size ?>px !important;

                color:<?= $pp_font_color ?> !important;


            .product_cont table,.product_cont table td,.product_cont table tr{

                border:none !important;



Thank you for any help that anyone can provide.



Edited by glow
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That's some funky CSS right there. You've set every line to !important which defeats the point. 


Yes there's a way to do what you want. Yes it's simple enough to see the lines you need to change.. but god knows where you're getting your colors from and how they're coming across.


These are the 2 lines you need to change :

background-color: <?= $cat_background_container_color ?>  !important;
                opacity: <?= (empty($cat_background_container_opacity) || $cat_background_container_opacity == "0")?'1':$cat_background_container_opacity/100 ?>  !important;

I'm guessing the colors are HEX values, i.e. #FF0000 being red. To do what you want you need to use RGBA values - red, green, blue, alpha. Alpha being the opacity of that color.


What that would give you is something along the lines of this -

background-color: rgba( 255, 255, 255, .1 );

Or with your funky CSS/PHP hybrid -

background-color: rgba(<?= $cat_background_container_color ?>,<?= (empty($cat_background_container_opacity) || $cat_background_container_opacity == "0")?'1':$cat_background_container_opacity/100 ?>);

But remember: The above code won't work if your color ($cat_background_container_color) is a HEX value. If that doesn't work then that'll be the issue.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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