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PHP OOP Upload file & submit to database with user_id


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I'm trying to allow my users to upload a profile picture and display it on their profile.

I've created profilepic.php and added a new function in classes/User.php


The function inside 'classes/User.php'

public function uploadPhoto($fields = array()) {

    $photo = $this->_db->insert('userPhotos', array('user_id' => $this->data()->id));
    if(!$photo) {
        throw new Exception('There was a problem creating your account.');


require_once 'core/init.php';
$user = new User();

if(!$user->isLoggedIn()) {

if(Input::exists()) {
    if(Token::check(Input::get('token'))) {

        $pic = ($_FILES['url']['name']);
        if($pic) {

            try {
               /* $user->uploadPhoto(array(
                    'url' => Input::get('url'),
                )); */
                   //This is the directory where images will be saved
                  $target = 'var/www/app/img/';
                  $target = $target . basename($pic);


                  //Writes the information to the database
                  //$this->data()->query('INSERT INTO userPhotos (photo) VALUES (‘$pic’)');
                    'url' => $pic

                  //Writes the photo to the server
                  /* if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['url']['tmp_name'], $target))
                        echo 'Ok' . basename( $_FILES['uploadedfile']['name']);
                  else {
                        //Gives and error if its not
                        echo 'Sorry, there was a problem uploading your file.';
                  } */

                //Session::flash('home', 'Your profile photo has been uploaded.');

            } catch(Exception $e) {

        } else {
            foreach($validation->errors() as $error) {
                echo $error, '<br>';
    <div class="container">

          <div class="row row-offcanvas row-offcanvas-right">

            <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-9">
              <p class="pull-right visible-xs">
                <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-xs" data-toggle="offcanvas">Toggle nav</button>
              <div class="jumbotron">
                <h1>Edit Profile</h1>
                <form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">

                    <div class="form-group">
                      <label for="url">URL</label>
                      <input type="file" id="url" name="url" value="">
                      <p class="help-block">Example block-level help text here.</p>
                      <input type="submit" value="Update">

                      <input type="hidden" name="token" value="<?php echo Token::generate(); ?>">
              <div class="row">


            <?php include 'includes/sidebar.php'; ?>


    <?php include('includes/footer.php'); ?>

userPhotos table has 4 fields: id, user_id (relationship with id in users table), url, date

users table has 6 fields: id, username, password, salt, name, group


So far if I navigate to profilepic.php select a picture and click upload, it will display a success message that my photo has been uploaded. I look into the database, only the row id (auto_increment) and my id (logged_in user id) are being submitted while the "url" field which is supposed to hold the name of the image is not registering.


If I disable the db query and redirection methods and only var_dump($pic) I get

string '3W2z8RK.jpg' (length=11)

So I guess there is a value but it's not registering in the db.

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In the uploadPhoto method you're not using $fields anywhere, You set the user_id, but nothing for the url field.

public function uploadPhoto($fields = array()) {

    $photo = $this->_db->insert('userPhotos', array('user_id' => $this->data()->id));
    if(!$photo) {
        throw new Exception('There was a problem creating your account.');

I assume you need to add the url field as the second param of insert method, eg

$photo = $this->_db->insert('userPhotos', array('user_id' => $this->data()->id, 'url' => $fields['url']));
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