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Login with Curl, everything as it should be, but not working, whyyyyy:( ?


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Im using a web gateway for a D&D game, and I want to access it via curl to automate one really time-eating activity, like clicking every x minutes for me. And got stuck at that point, when the game's gateway does not sees curl to actually be logged after curl sent the login data, cookies are on, but gateway seems to not leting me in. im using crul from few years to login to many things, i think im doing it right, but somehow it does not works, please, can somebody tell me why it does not work, i do everything how it should be done ?

This is main code:


	require_once '_shoelace.php';
	require_once ROOT . '_include/class.curl.php';


	$h = array(
		'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:26.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/26.0', 
		'Cache-Control: no-cache',
		'Connection: keep-alive',
		'Content-Encoding: gzip',
		'Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8',
		'Transfer-Encoding: chunked',
		'Vary: Accept-encoding'

	$url = 'https://gateway.playneverwinter.com';
	$url = 'http://gateway.playneverwinter.com/#char%28mychar@mylogin%29/';

	echo '<base href="https://gateway.playneverwinter.com/#/characterselect">';

	$c = new Curl($url);
	$x = $c->httpheader($h)->ssl(3)->cookies($_C['cookie_dir'] . 'nw.txt')->exec();

	$c = new Curl($url);
	$x = $c->ssl(3)->cookies($_C['cookie_dir'] . 'nw.txt')->post('user=mylogin%40o2.pl&pw=mypass')->exec();
//	$x = '{"result":"user_login_ok","destURL":"http://gateway.playneverwinter.com/","idBrowser":"HqZ7PdKTmZc2rjQYiAac4sI3ZokJfyCtpCxCKzIgB","idTicket":1764876376,"idAccount":9820944}';
	$x = json_decode($x);
	if ($x) {

		$url = "http://gateway.playneverwinter.com/?account={$x->idAccount}&ticket={$x->idTicket}&browser={$x->idBrowser}";
		$c = new Curl($url);
		$x = $c->httpheader($h)->ssl(3)->cookies($_C['cookie_dir'] . 'nw.txt')->exec();

		$url = 'http://gateway.playneverwinter.com/lang.js?cb=18d2f832bed403993f7d6ae7021a0ebepl';
		$c = new Curl($url);
		$x = $c->ssl(3)->cookies($_C['cookie_dir'] . 'nw.txt')->exec();	

		$url = 'http://gateway.playneverwinter.com/socket.io/1/?t=' . date('U');;
		$c = new Curl($url);
		$x = $c->ssl(3)->cookies($_C['cookie_dir'] . 'nw.txt')->exec();	
		$t = explode(':', $x);

		$url = 'http://gateway.playneverwinter.com/socket.io/1/xhr-polling/' . $t[0] . '?t=' . date('U');
		$c = new Curl($url);
//		$x = $c->ssl(3)->cookies($_C['cookie_dir'] . 'nw.txt')->post('5:::{"name":"Client_OneTimeCode","args":[{"code":"36809","name":"Maa Brawser"}]}')->exec();	
//		krumo($x);

		$url = 'http://gateway.playneverwinter.com/socket.io/1/xhr-polling/' . $t[0] . '?t=' . date('U');
		$c = new Curl($url);
		$x = $c->ssl(3)->cookies($_C['cookie_dir'] . 'nw.txt')->exec();		

		$url = 'http://gateway.playneverwinter.com/socket.io/1/xhr-polling/' . $t[0] . '?t=' . date('U');
		$c = new Curl($url);
		$x = $c->ssl(3)->cookies($_C['cookie_dir'] . 'nw.txt')->exec();		

		$url = 'http://gateway.playneverwinter.com/socket.io/1/xhr-polling/' . $t[0] . '?t=' . date('U');
		$c = new Curl($url);
		$x = $c->ssl(3)->cookies($_C['cookie_dir'] . 'nw.txt')->exec();		


	$url = 'http://gateway.playneverwinter.com/time';
	$c = new Curl($url);
	$x = $c->ssl(3)->cookies($_C['cookie_dir'] . 'nw.txt')->exec();

	$url = 'http://gateway.playneverwinter.com/dataTables.js';
	$c = new Curl($url);
	$x = $c->ssl(3)->cookies($_C['cookie_dir'] . 'nw.txt')->exec();

	$url = 'http://gateway.playneverwinter.com/socket.io/1/?t=1390649083641';
	$c = new Curl($url);
	$x = $c->ssl(3)->cookies($_C['cookie_dir'] . 'nw.txt')->exec();	
	$t = explode(':', $x);

	$url = 'http://gateway.playneverwinter.com/socket.io/1/xhr-polling/' . $t[0] . '?t=1390657023475';
	$c = new Curl($url);
	$x = $c->ssl(3)->cookies($_C['cookie_dir'] . 'nw.txt')->exec();	

	$url = 'http://gateway.playneverwinter.com/socket.io/1/xhr-polling/' . $t[0] . '?t=' . date('U');
	$c = new Curl($url);
	$x = $c->ssl(3)->cookies($_C['cookie_dir'] . 'nw.txt')->exec();		


And this is my overlay for curl:



	Class Curl {

		public $_header = FALSE;
		public $_nobody = FALSE;
		public $dir;
		public $cache = FALSE;
		public $cache_time = FALSE;
		public $cache_gzip = TRUE;

		function __construct($url = null) {
			global $_C;
			if (!function_exists('curl_init')) {
				trigger_error('PHP was not built with --with-curl, rebuild PHP to use the curl class.', E_USER_ERROR) ;
				$this->agent = "Mozilla/6.0 (Windows NT 6.2; WOW64; rv:16.0.1) Gecko/20121011 Firefox/16.0.1";
				$this->agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0; rv:22.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/22.0";
				$this->ch = curl_init();	
				$this->url = $url;
				curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_URL, $this->url);
				curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $this->agent);
				curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
				curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
				curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("REMOTE_ADDR:", "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR:"));

		function proxy($proxy) {
			curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, $proxy);
			//		81	
			return $this;

		function cache_file($u) {
			if (isset($this->file) && $this->file) $u = $this->file;
			$u = str_replace(array('http://', '/', '.', '?', '&', ',', 'html'), '', $u);
			return $u;

		function cache($c = 3600, $file = NULL) {
			global $_C;
			if ($c && !is_numeric($c) && !$file) {
				$file = $c;
				$c = 3600;

			if (isset($_C['cachedir'])) $this->dir = $_C['cachedir'] . '_curl/'; elseif (defined('ROOT')) $this->dir = ROOT . "_assets/_cache/_curl/";
			if (file_exists($this->dir)) {
				$this->cache = TRUE;
				if ($file) $this->cache = $file;
				$this->cache_time = $c;
			return $this;

		function ssl($ver = FALSE) {
			curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE);
			if ($ver) {
				curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_SSLVERSION, $ver);
			return $this;

		function httpheader($h) {
			curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $h);
			return $this;

		function post($p) {
			curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
			curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $p);
			return $this;

		function cookies($c) {
			curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, $c);
			curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, $c);
			return $this;

		function referer($u = null) {
			return $this->ref($u);

		function ref($url = null) {
			if (!$url) $url = $this->url;
			curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_REFERER, $url);
			return $this;

		function file($f) {
			curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $f);
			return $this;

		function get($d) {
			if (is_array($d)) {
				$t = "";
				foreach ($d as $c=>$v) {
					if ($t) $t .= "&";
					$t .= $c . "=" . $v;
			}else $t = $d;
			curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_URL, $this->url . '?' . $t);
			return $this;

		function header($h = 1) {
			curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, $h);
			if ($h) $this->_header = TRUE;
			return $this;

		function nobody($nb = 1) {
			curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, $nb);
			if ($nb) $this->_nobody = TRUE;
			return $this;

		function exec() {		
			if ($this->cache) {
				if ($this->cache !== TRUE) $file = $this->cache; else $file = md5($this->url);
				$a = glob($this->dir . $file . '~*');
				foreach ($a as $_a) {
					list($f, $exp) = explode('~', $_a);
					if ($exp > date('U')) {
						$x = file_get_contents($this->dir . $file . '~' . $exp);
						if ($this->cache_gzip) {
							$x = gzinflate($x);
						return $x;

			$x = curl_exec($this->ch);
			$_x = $x;

			if(curl_exec($this->ch) === false)	{
				echo 'Curl error: ' . curl_error($this->ch);

			if ($this->cache && $x) {
				if ($this->cache !== TRUE) $file = $this->cache; else $file = md5($this->url);
				$end = (date('U') * 1) + $this->cache_time;
				$file .= '~' . $end;
				if ($this->cache_gzip) {
					$x = gzdeflate($x, 2);
				file_put_contents($this->dir . DS . $file, $x);
	//			die();
			return $_x; 

		function close() {

		function info() {
			return curl_getinfo($this->ch);

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