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Looping problem


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Okay, so I'm writing a simple fishing game loop but I'm having multiple issues. I have some images in a folder, and I set an array with the filename as key and the type of fish as the value.I then set it up to do this: echo "Nice one! You caught a " . $fish[$rand] . "!"; and $rand is picking a random fish from the array. First, I need a way to output the image of the fish that goes along with the name. I want this to happen upon the submit input button (which I don't know how to hook up).


Second, right now I have a loop that outputs each file in the img folder. It's also outputting .DS_Store. I'm trying to exclude that from outputting. I have a foreach loop that is attempting to do just that, but I used var_dump on 3 variables and here's the output:

A) ($filename)

string(1) "." string(2) ".." string(9) ".DS_Store" string(11) "catfish.gif" string(10) "lmbass.gif" string(10) "minnow.gif" string(9) "perch.gif" string(12) "pickerel.gif" string(10) "shiner.gif" string(10) "smbass.gif" string(11) "sunfish.gif"


B) ($filepath)s

string(5) "/img." string(6) "/img.." string(13) "/img.DS_Store" string(15) "/imgcatfish.gif" string(14) "/imglmbass.gif" string(14) "/imgminnow.gif" string(13) "/imgperch.gif" string(16) "/imgpickerel.gif" string(14) "/imgshiner.gif" string(14) "/imgsmbass.gif" string(15) "/imgsunfish.gif"

The proper filepath should be /img/filename.gif. Also, what are string(5) "/img." and string(6) "/img.."?


C) ($root_dir)


Is $root_dir even necessary?


Third, I want there to be a random chance that they will catch nothing; when a fish is caught, it would say echo "Nice one! You caught a " . $fish[$rand] . "!"; but if nothing is caught it would say echo "Uh-oh, looks like that one got away!";


Last, I have audio that I want to play when a fish is not caught. Here's all of my code:


<div class="container">

<div class="starter-template">

<h2>Catch a Fish!</h2>

<p class="fishes">

<form action="fishing.php" method="post">

<?php $fish = array('catfish.gif' => 'catfish', 'lmbass.gif' => 'large-mouth bass', 'smbass.gif' => 'small-mouth bass', 'shiner.gif' => 'shiner', 'perch.gif' => 'perch', 'pickerel.gif' => 'pickerel', 'minnow.gif' => 'minnow', 'sunfish.gif' => 'sunfish'); $rand = array_rand($fish);

//link file name (key) to value


echo "Nice one! You caught a " . $fish[$rand] . "!";


$files = scandir('img');

if ($files !== false) {

foreach($files as $f) {

if ($f == '..' || $f == '.') continue;

echo '<li class="fish_pic"><img src="img/'.$f.'" alt="'.$f.'" title="" class="fish"></li>'."\n";




$files = scandir('img');

$extensions = array(".txt",".DS_Store");

// Loop through each filename of scandir

foreach ($files as $filename) {

// Construct a full path

$filepath = '/'.'img'.$filename;





// Is it a file? If so, get the extension using some function you created

if(is_file($filepath)) {

$ext = getFileExtension($filename);

// Is the file extension not included in the array of forbidden extensions?

// Since it is not included, execute code to list the file or whatever

if (!in_array($ext,$extensions)) {

// Code for files not excluded







<p><input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" value="Go Fishing!"></p>



<audio controls>

<source src="audio/missed.ogg" type="audio/ogg">

<source src="audio/missed.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">

<p>Your browser does not support the audio element.</p>



<div class="clearfix"></div>

</div><!-- close .starter-template -->

</div><!-- /.container -->


One last note, my folder/file structure are all at the root. So fishing.php and /audio and /css and /img are all on the same level. I know this is a lot but I've googled every single issue and tried numerous things and nothing seems to work. Any help I could get would be extremely appreciated!! :-)

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A) ($filename)

string(1) "." string(2) ".." string(9) ".DS_Store" string(11) "catfish.gif" string(10) "lmbass.gif" string(10) "minnow.gif" string(9) "perch.gif" string(12) "pickerel.gif" string(10) "shiner.gif" string(10) "smbass.gif" string(11) "sunfish.gif"

Use glob to get all files ending in .gif. 

$imgDir = 'img/';
foreach(glob($imgDir.'*.gif') as $image)
   // do something with image



C) ($root_dir)


Is $root_dir even necessary?

It is returning null for $root_dir because you have not defined it.

Edited by Ch0cu3r
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