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use mysqli for accessing mysql

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I need help converting this class to use mysqli instead of using the deprecated functions like mysql_db_query e.t.c. I tried a couple of time but ended up with alot of errors.....


Here is the class:

//This file contains depreceated methods and a complete revision is to be done 
//This class builds three kinds of queries. INSERT, SELECT, DELETE, and UPDATE  
class q_build 
 var $input, //This is an array of the input data for the UPDATE and INSERT queries.
     $info, //This is an array of the keys to be used for all the queries.
     $query, //This is where the output query is stored.
	 $table, //The table to be queried.
	 $id, //A store for the primary field or the key to be used in the query.

	 $extras; //A for aditional information currently used to store callback functions for data to be processed before it is inserted.

  //                                                                    //
  //   insert_q()					                                   //
  //   This Method builds an insert query. It only requires:            //
  //     1. Fields to be affected, stored in the info property          //
  //     2. Data, stored in the input property                          //
  //     3. Callback functions(Optional), stored in the                 //
  //        extras property                                             //
  //                                                                    //
 function insert_q($table='')
   if(is_array($info) && is_array($input)){
   foreach($info as $key=>$val)
    if($d==2) $coma=',';
	else $coma='';
	if(isset($this->extras[$key]) && function_exists($this->extras[$key])) { $nval=call_user_func($this->extras[$key], @$input[$val]); $values.=$coma."'".$nval."'"; }
	else $values.=$coma."'".@$input[$val]."'";
   $this->query='INSERT INTO `'.(!empty($table)?$table:$this->table).'`('.$fields.')'."\n";
   $this->query.='VALUES('.$values.');'."\n"; return true;}
   else{ $this->query='' ;return false;}

  //                                                                    //
  //   update_q()                                                       //
  //   This Method builds an update query. It only requires:            //
  //     1. Fields to be affected, stored in the info property          //
  //     2. Data, stored in the input property                          //
  //     3. Callback functions(Optional), stored in the                 //
  //        extras property                                             //
  //                                                                    //
 function update_q($table='')   
   if(is_array($info) && is_array($input) && !empty($this->id['field']) && (!empty($this->id['val']) || @$this->id['val']=='0')){
   foreach($info as $key=>$val)
    if($d==2) $coma=',';
	else $coma='';
	if(isset($this->extras[$key]) && function_exists($this->extras[$key])) $nval=call_user_func($this->extras[$key], @$input[$val]); elseif(isset($input[$val])) $nval=$input[$val]; else $nval=false;
	if($nval!==false) $sq.=$coma.'`'.$key."`='".$nval."' ";
   $cndVar=(isset($this->id['state']))?"`".$this->id['field']."`".$this->id['state']['b4'].$this->id['val'].$this->id['state']['aft']:"`".$this->id['field']."` ='".$this->id['val']."'";
   $this->query="UPDATE `".(!empty($table)?$table:$this->table)."` SET ".$sq."WHERE $cndVar;\n"; unset($this->id['val'], $this->id['field']); return true;} 
   else{ unset($this->id['val'], $this->id['field']) ;$this->query='' ;return false;}

  //                                                                                              //
  //   select_q($start, $length, $all, $cnd, $cndv, $addtx, $conc, $scount                        //
  //   This Method builds an select query. It only requires:                                      //
  //                                                                                              //
 function select_q
		  $start=0,                 // The start position of the results i.e from first result(integer)

		  $length='',               //The length of the data to be selected(integer)

		  $all=false,               //Whether to selectt all fields or only those in the info property(bool)

		  $cnd=false,               //Whether to make a condition for the query(bool)

		  $cndv=array(),            //The array used to make the condition(array)

		  $addtx='',                //Text to be added before the end of the query(string)

		  $conc=false,              //Whether the added text requires an and or not(bool)

		  $scount=false ,           //Whether to select count as `rows` or not

		  $orderby=array(),         //

		  $myCount='count',         //Store The count query;

		  $table=''                 //
  if(is_array($info) && $all==false){
   foreach($info as $key=>$val)
	  foreach($funcs[$key] as $func)
	   $fields.="{$coma}{$distinct} {$func}( `{$key}` ) AS `{$key}_{$func}`";
	   $coma=','; $distinct="";
	 else $fields.="{$coma}{$distinct} {$funcs[$key]}( `{$key}` ) AS `{$key}`";
	else $fields.=$coma.' '.$distinct.' `'.$key.'`';
  else $fields='*';
  if(is_array($cndv) && $cnd==true){
   foreach($cndv as $sval)
	$and=($d==2)?(isset($sval['or'])?' OR ':' AND '):'';
	$opBrac=(isset($sval['opB'])?'( ':'');
	$clBrac=(isset($sval['clB'])?' )':'');
    if(!isset($sval['state']) && isset($sval['name'], $sval['val'])) { $condition.=$and.$opBrac.(!empty($sval['func'])?$sval['func'].'(':'').'`'.$sval['name']."`".(!empty($sval['func'])?')':'')."='".$sval['val']."'".$clBrac; $d=2;}
	elseif(isset($sval['state'], $sval['val']) && is_array($sval['state'])) { $condition.=$and.$opBrac.'`'.$sval['name'].'`'.@$sval['state']['b4'].$sval['val'].@$sval['state']['aft'].$clBrac; $d=2; }
  else $condition='1'; $chk=trim($condition);

  empty($chk)?$saver=' 1 ':$saver='';
  (empty($addtx) || empty($condition) || !$conc)?$and='':$and=' AND ';
  settype($start, 'integer');
  settype($length, 'integer');
  if(empty($length) || $length==0) $limit=''; else $limit=' LIMIT '.$start.', '.$length;
  if($orderby=='RAND()'){$orderStr=' ORDER BY RAND()';
   $limit=$orderStr.' LIMIT '.$length;
   foreach($orderby as $order){
    if(!empty($order['field']) && !empty($order['order'])){
     if(empty($orderStr)){ $orderStr=" ORDER BY `".$order['field']."` ".$order['order'];} else $orderStr.=", `".$order['field']."` ".$order['order'];}} $limit=$orderStr.$limit;}
  if($scount==true) $this->myCount="SELECT $coStr( ".(!empty($this->countRow)?'`'.$this->countRow.'`':'*')." ) AS `rows` FROM `".(!empty($table)?$table:$this->table).'` WHERE '.$saver.$condition.$and.$addtx.';';
  $this->query='SELECT '.$fields.' FROM `'.(!empty($table)?$table:$this->table).'` WHERE '.$saver.$condition.$and.$addtx.$limit;
  return true;

  //                                                                                              //
  //   delete_q($start, $length, $all, $cnd, $cndv, $addtx, $conc, $scount) 					  //
  //   This Method builds a delete query. It only requires:                                       //
  //                                                                                              //
 function delete_q
		  $cndv=array(),     //The array used to make the condition(array)
		  $addtx='',         //Text to be added before the end of the query(string)
		  $conc=false,       //Whether the added text requires an and or not(bool),
		  $table=''          //the table being used
   foreach($cndv as $sval)
	$opBrac=(isset($sval['opB'])?'( ':'');
	$clBrac=(isset($sval['clB'])?' )':'');
    if(!isset($sval['state']) && isset($sval['name'], $sval['val'])) { $condition.=$and.$opBrac.'`'.$sval['name']."`='".$sval['val']."'".$clBrac; $d=2;}
	elseif(isset($sval['state'], $sval['val']) && is_array($sval['state'])) { $condition.=$and.$opBrac.'`'.$sval['name'].'`'.@$sval['state']['b4'].$sval['val'].@$sval['state']['aft'].$clBrac; $d=2; }
  else $condition='1';
  empty($chk)?$saver=' 1 ':$saver='';
  (empty($addtx) || empty($condition) || !$conc)?$and='':$and=' AND '; 
  $this->query='DELETE FROM `'.(!empty($table)?$table:$this->table).'` WHERE '.$saver.$condition.$and.$addtx;
  return true;

//This class adds a database connection and query execution functions to the q_build class
class DbQuery extends q_build

var $result,     //Store the result of a query

    $link,       //Stores the database connection link
    $password,   //Input the user password
    $host,      //Input the database host name
    $database,  //Input the database name
    $login;     //Input the user login

 //creates database connectin returning true on success and false on failure
 function connect()  
   if($link = mysql_connect($this->host, $this->login, $this->password)) { $this->link=$link; return true;}
   else return false;

 //Checks Whether the query qiven returns any results
 //returns false if it returns results true if no results are returned
 //if the query has an error it returns 'not determined'
 //It stores the number of results if false in the result property
 function dup_check($query) 
    if($result=mysql_db_query($database, $query, $this->link))
        if($resultlen>=1) return false;
        elseif($resultlen<1) return true;
         else return true;
    else return 'not determined';
 //Executes a query and returns the results in an array.
 //They are stored in the result property
 function return_db($select)
  if($result=mysql_db_query($database, $select, $this->link))
     if($confirm=@mysql_num_rows($result)){ if($confirm>0){
     while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)){
      $return[$n]=$row; $n++;
	 mysql_free_result($result);return $return;} else return 'no results'; }
      else{ $result ;return 'query exequted';}
  else return false;
 //closes the database connection
 function cl(){mysql_close($this->link);}
 //select the last autoincrement
 function autoInc()
	$result=mysql_db_query($this->database, "SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() AS `LAST_ID`", $this->link);
	if(!$result) return false;
	$result=mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC);
	if(!$result) return false;
	return $result['LAST_ID'];
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The code is huge, sorry for posting the whole class: The only functions that am trying to use mysqli are the last four as below:

//creates database connectin returning true on success and false on failure
 function connect()//(v0.01) 27/05/06  
   if($link = mysql_connect($this->host, $this->login, $this->password)) { $this->link=$link; return true;}
   else return false;

 //Checks Whether the query qiven returns any results
 //returns false if it returns results true if no results are returned
 //if the query has an error it returns 'not determined'
 //It stores the number of results if false in the result property
 function dup_check($query)//(v0.01) 27/05/06 
    if($result=mysql_db_query($database, $query, $this->link))
        if($resultlen>=1) return false;
        elseif($resultlen<1) return true;
         else return true;
    else return 'not determined';
 //Executes a query and returns the results in an array.
 //They are stored in the result property
 function return_db($select)
  if($result=mysql_db_query($database, $select, $this->link))
     if($confirm=@mysql_num_rows($result)){ if($confirm>0){
     while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)){
      $return[$n]=$row; $n++;
	 mysql_free_result($result);return $return;} else return 'no results'; }
      else{ $result ;return 'query exequted';}
  else return false;
 //closes the database connection
 function cl(){mysql_close($this->link);}
 //select the last autoincrement
 function autoInc()
	$result=mysql_db_query($this->database, "SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() AS `LAST_ID`", $this->link);
	if(!$result) return false;
	$result=mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC);
	if(!$result) return false;
	return $result['LAST_ID'];
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  • Solution

I got it working by converting the last four functions to use mysqli as follows:

 //creates database connectin returning true on success and false on failure
 function connect()//(v0.01) 27/05/06  
   if($link = mysqli_connect($this->host, $this->login, $this->password, $this->database)) { $this->link=$link; return true;}
   else return false;

 //Checks Whether the query qiven returns any results
 //returns false if it returns results true if no results are returned
 //if the query has an error it returns 'not determined'
 //It stores the number of results if false in the result property
 function dup_check($query)//(v0.01) 27/05/06 
    if($result=mysqli_query($this->link, $query))
        if($resultlen>=1) return false;
        elseif($resultlen<1) return true;
         else return true;
    else return 'not determined';
 //Executes a query and returns the results in an array.
 //They are stored in the result property
 function return_db($select)
  if($result=mysqli_query($this->link, $select))
     if($confirm=@mysqli_num_rows($result)){ if($confirm>0){
     while($row=mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC)){
      $return[$n]=$row; $n++;
	 mysqli_free_result($result);return $return;} else return 'no results'; }
      else{ $result ;return 'query exequted';}
  else return false;
 //closes the database connection
 function cl(){mysqli_close($this->link);}
 //select the last autoincrement
 function autoInc()
	$result=mysqli_query($this->database, "SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() AS `LAST_ID`", $this->link);
	if(!$result) return false;
	$result=mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC);
	if(!$result) return false;
	return $result['LAST_ID'];
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