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option value as part of form block

Go to solution Solved by Ch0cu3r,

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Hello, and thank you in advance for looking at this.  I am trying to write a piece of code for an input value using an option dropdown box.  In my mind I am obviously in need of some assistance.    


This is my set up:


Apache 2.21 

PHP:  5.3.5

MySql:  5.6 (I think)


The following code has been working well for the mysql fetch array and display, but is outside my formblock.  The problem that I am having is I would like it to be placed inside my form block.   


Option Value code

// setting up fetch row for OWNER 19 //
$result_engineer= mysql_query("SELECT organization, l_name, f_name FROM $table_name WHERE type='municipality'") or die (mysql_error());
echo '<select name="owner[]">'; // Open your drop down box
while ($row_engineer = mysql_fetch_array($result_engineer)) {
echo '<option value>'.$row_engineer['organization'].', '.$row_engineer['l_name'].', '.$row_engineer['f_name'].'</option>';
echo '</select>';// Close your drop down box


My form block code starts as follows:


<FORM METHOD=\"POST\"ACTION=\"do_add_design_XXXXXX.php\">
<P><b>Project Status:</b>
<P><small><small>Project Name:</small></small>
<INPUT type=\"text\" NAME=\"project_name\" SIZE=100></P>
(it continues ad nauseum)

There seems to be an error once I place the Option value code inside the form block code.  My suspicion is I am not using a proper <TAG>.  I am new, but have been trying.  Security is not much of an issue as this is on a local machine only.  


Any assistance is greatly appreciated.  Thank you and have a nice day.


Best regards

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Rather echo out the the <select>/</option> tags assign them to a variable

$engineerList = '<select name="owner[]">'; // Open your drop down box
while ($row_engineer = mysql_fetch_array($result_engineer)) {
   $engineerList .= '<option value>'.$row_engineer['organization'].', '.$row_engineer['l_name'].', '.$row_engineer['f_name'].'</option>';
$engineerList .= '</select>';// Close your drop down box

Now place $engineerList in the $form_block string where you want the select menu to appear. Example

<FORM METHOD=\"POST\"ACTION=\"do_add_design_XXXXXX.php\">
<P>Engineer: $engineerList</P> <!-- add engineer list -->
Edited by Ch0cu3r
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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you.  It worked awesome.  


My value is showing up as an Array on my confirmation html page with command


echo $_POST[engineer];


However, it shows nothing in my phpmyadmin.  I would expect Array to show up.  


In using the suggested code ($engineerList = '<select name="owner[]">'; // Open your drop down box), I changed "ower[]" to "engineer[]".




As I am seeing in my confirmation page the value Array.  I did use the following code to grab the values:


foreach ($_POST[engineer] as $key=>$v_eng){
It has worked on other variables except this one  Is there a difference in the way the list is generated that doesn't allow it to POST in the same way?
Thank you in advance, and have a good day.
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Your help is very much appreciated, but this is frustrating me to no end.  The mysql fetch side of $engineerList works great.  However, I am still having issues with getting a $_POST[engineer] value recognized/saved in the form.  


I implemented the following code as we discussed, and removed the [] in $engineerList ='<select name="engineer">'.

// setting up fetch row for OWNER 19 //
$result_engineer= mysql_query("SELECT organization, l_name, f_name FROM $table_name WHERE type='engineer'") or die (mysql_error());
$engineerList = '<select name="engineer"> '; // Open your drop down box
while ($row_engineer = mysql_fetch_array ($result_engineer)) {
$engineerList .= '<option value>'.$row_engineer['organization'].', '.$row_engineer['l_name'].', '.$row_engineer['f_name'].'</option>';
$engineerList .= '</select> ';// Close your drop down box
This displays all values in the MySQL table associated with engineers.  But whatever engineer I select from this list, it isn't saved and doesn't have a value to INSERT into my table in MySQL.
To verify, I have tried  echo $_POST[engineer]; and there is no value.
Am I looking for the wrong variable to be stored, does the code not recognize the $engineerList as an input?
Please let me know any suggestions that you have.  Thank you and I know this is frustrating.  I really appreciate your input, and have a good day.
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The $engineerList is within the $form_block, but it is not recognized by the server side code.  On the ser.ver side, I have error checks if the value of $_POST$engineerList = "".


Please let me know where I am going wrong.  Thank you and I look forward to your reply.




<TITLE>Project Bid Interface</TITLE>




<div style="text-align: right;">

<div style="text-align: left;"><img

style=" width: 250px; height: 150px;" alt="This is family pic" src="family_pic.jpg"><big><big><big><big><span

style="font-weight:">    <small>This is my Work!!!<br>






$connection=mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "password") or die (mysql_error());

mysql_select_db("$db_name") or die (mysql_error());


// setting up fetch row for OWNER 19 //

$result_engineer= mysql_query("SELECT organization, l_name, f_name FROM $table_name WHERE type='engineer'") or die (mysql_error());


$engineerList = '<select name="engineer"> '; // Open your drop down box

while ($row_engineer = mysql_fetch_array ($result_engineer)) {

$engineerList .= '<option value>'.$row_engineer['organization'].', '.$row_engineer['l_name'].', '.$row_engineer['f_name'].'</option>';


$engineerList .= '</select>';// Close your drop down box


// line 28



<FORM METHOD=\"POST\"ACTION=\"do_add_design_XXXXX.php\">

<P><b>Project Status:</b>




<P><small><small>Project Name:</small></small>

<INPUT type=\"text\" NAME=\"project_name\" SIZE=100></P>

<P><small><small>Date (yyyy/mm/dd):</small></small>

<input type=\"text\" name=\"date\" size=\"15\" maxlength=\"10\">  




<P><b>Contact Information:</b>


<P><small><small>Rep Territory:</small></small>


<INPUT TYPE=\"radio\" NAME=\"rep\" Value=\"XX\"><small><small>Michael Buchberg</small></small><br>

<INPUT TYPE=\"radio\" NAME=\"rep\" Value=\"XY\"><small><small>Mike Krebs</small></small><br>

<INPUT TYPE=\"radio\" NAME=\"rep\" Value=\"XZ\"><small><small>Tom McNamara</small></small><br>



<INPUT TYPE=\"radio\" NAME=\"owner\" Value=\"XX\"><small><small>Mike Krebs</small></small><br>

<INPUT TYPE=\"radio\" NAME=\"owner\" Value=\"YY\"><small><small>Tom McNamara</small></small><br>



<p>$engineerList</p> <!-- add engineer list -->







<INPUT TYPE=\"checkbox\" NAME=\"equipment[]\" Value=\"none \"><small><small>No Equipment</small></small>

<INPUT TYPE=\"checkbox\" NAME=\"equipment[]\" Value=\"odor\"><small><small>Odor Control</small></small>

<INPUT TYPE=\"checkbox\" NAME=\"equipment[]\" Value=\"pumps\"><small><small>Pumps</small></small>

<INPUT TYPE=\"checkbox\" NAME=\"equipment[]\" Value=\"service\"><small><small>Service</small></small>



<small><small>Odor Control</small></small> 

<input type=\"text\" name=\"odor\" <input name=\"v_odor\" <input=\"\"



<input name=\"v_pumps\" <input=\"\"




<input name=\"v_service\" <input=\"\"





<P><b>Comments & Follow Up:</b>



<textarea cols=\"2000\" name=\"comments\" value=\"comments\" rows=\"20\"></textarea>

<big><big><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\" ><=\"\" span=\"\"></span>



<INPUT type=\"hidden\" NAME=\"op\" value=\"ds\">

<INPUT type=\"submit\" NAME=\"input_project\" value=\"Input!\">




if ($_POST[op]!="ds") {

// 18 they need to see the form

echo "$form_block";

} else if ($_POST[op] == "ds") {










server side (portion relating to inserting into table)




$connection=mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "password") or die (mysql_error());

$db=mysql_select_db($db_name, $connection) or die (mysql_error());


foreach ($_POST[bid_status] as $key=>$v_bs){




foreach ($_POST[equipment] as $key=>$v_e){



echo "about to insert into database";  

//line 62

$sql="INSERT INTO $table_name 

(project_name, date, bid_status, engineer, owner, equipment, odor_value, pumps_value, service_value, project_value, comments) VALUES

('$_POST[project_name]','$_POST[date]','$v_bs','$_POST[engineer]', '$_POST[owner]', '$v_e','$v_odor', '$v_pumps', '$v_service', '$project_value', '$_POST[comments]')";

$result=mysql_query($sql, $connection) or die (mysql_error());

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