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Help with a script


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I have a script, link shortener but i want transform him in a PTP script. (paid to promote).

In my website when i generate links, when i enter in, we need to wait 5 seconds and we need to click on "Skip Ads".

But, i want to put him, directly to the generated website.


And, i want to edit one more thing.

In the script we can generate any link we want, google.com etc etc, but i want to use only 1 link (futeonline.eu)


For those who did not understand, I leave two examples of website:


The 2 scripts php:


Index.php :




ini_set('display_errors', 0);

require_once '../global.php';

require_once ROOT_PATH . '/inc/analyzer.class.php';

function kill() { System::redirect(SITE_LOCATION); exit; };

if (isset($_GET['uid']) && isset($_GET['url'])) {

    $G_UID = intval($_GET['uid']);


    $G_URL_R = $G_UID . '/' . ($_GET['adt'] != 1 ? 'banner/' : '');


    $G_URL = substr($G_URL, strpos($G_URL, $G_URL_R) + strlen($G_URL_R));


    $G_ADT = $_GET['adt'] != 1 ? 'Top Banner' : 'Interstitial';

    $urlsb = substr($G_URL, 0, strpos($G_URL, '://'));

    if (!$urlsb) {

        $G_URL = 'http://' . $G_URL;


    if (!is_numeric($G_UID) || !Utilities::validateURL($G_URL)) {



} else if(!preg_match('|^[0-9a-zA-Z]{1,6}$|', $_GET['to'])) {



$G_SHORT = false;

if ($G_UID && $G_URL && $G_ADT) {

    $surl  = SITE_LOCATION;

    $db    = System::getDB();

    $user  = $G_UID;

    if ($tmp = $db->getField($_GLOBAL['TABLES']['LINKS'], 'short_url',

                             "`long_url`='{$G_URL}' AND `adtype`='{$G_ADT}' AND `user`='{$user}'")) {

        $short = $tmp;

        $data  = System::getDB()->getRows($_GLOBAL['TABLES']['LINKS'], "`short_url`='{$short}'", '', '1');

    } else {

        $data = array('long_url' => $G_URL, 'adtype' => $G_ADT, 'user' => $user);

        $db->query('LOCK TABLES ' . $_GLOBAL['TABLES']['LINKS'] . ' WRITE;');

        $lid = $db->insert($_GLOBAL['TABLES']['LINKS'], $data);

        $db->query('UNLOCK TABLES');

        $short = $surl . System::shortenID($lid);

        $db->update($_GLOBAL['TABLES']['LINKS'], array('short_url' => $short), "`id`='{$lid}'");

        $data  = System::getDB()->getRows($_GLOBAL['TABLES']['LINKS'], "`id`='{$lid}'", '', '1');


    $G_SHORT = $short;

} else {

    $surl  = Utilities::removeURLQueries(Utilities::getCurrentURL());

    $data  = System::getDB()->getRows($_GLOBAL['TABLES']['LINKS'], "`short_url`='{$surl}'", '', '1');


$lid   = $data['id'];

$oid   = $data['user'];

$url   = $data['long_url'];

$title = $data['title'];

$adtyp = $data['adtype'] == 'Interstitial' ? 1 : 2;

if (!$url) kill();


if ($data['adtype'] == 'None') {

    $analyzer = new Analyzer($lid, $oid, 0, $HTTP_REFERER);




function get_ad() {

    global $_GLOBAL, $data, $HTTP_REFERER;

    $a  = new Analyzer(0, 0, 0);

    if ($a->_isCrawler()) die('Crawlers are not allowed here');

    $db =  System::getDB();

    $t  = $data['adtype'] != 'Interstitial' ? 'Banner' : 'Interstitial';

    $cc = $a->country($a->ip());

    $ci = $db->getField($_GLOBAL['TABLES']['PACKAGES'], 'id', "`code`='{$cc}' AND `advert_type`='{$t}'");

    $c  = $db->getRows($_GLOBAL['TABLES']['CAMPAIGNS'], "`status`='2' AND `advert_type`='{$t}'");

    $valid = array();

    $date = date('j');

    for ($i = 0; $i < count($c); $i++) {

        if (Utilities::float_cmp($c[$i]['spent_day'], $date) !== 0) {

            $db->update($_GLOBAL['TABLES']['CAMPAIGNS'], array('spent_today' => '0', 'spent_day' => date('d')), "`id`='{$c[$i]['id']}'");


        if (Utilities::float_cmp($c[$i]['daily_budget'], 0) == 1 && Utilities::float_cmp($c[$i]['spent_today'], $c[$i]['daily_budget']) == -1) continue;

        $pkg = explode(';', $c[$i]['packages']);

        foreach ($pkg as $p) {

            $t = explode(',', $p);

            if ($t[0] == $ci || $t[0] == '1' || $t[0] == '242') $valid[] = $c[$i];



    return $valid[rand(0, count($valid) - 1)];


$AD = get_ad();

$aid = $AD['id'] | 0;

if ($adtyp == 2) {

    $analyzer = new Analyzer($lid, $oid, $aid, $HTTP_REFERER);

    $analyzer->_record('top_banner', 3);


$_user = new User($_GLOBAL['TABLES']['USERS'], $oid, System::getDB());


<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">


    <title><?php echo $title ? $title : SITE_PAGE_TITLE; ?></title>

    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8; IE=9" />

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo SITE_LOCATION; ?>css/style.css.php?fly" />

    <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo SITE_LOCATION; ?>js/jquery.min.js"></script>

    <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo SITE_LOCATION; ?>js/jquery.libs.js"></script>


<body style="background:#FFFFFF;">


        <div style="padding: 5px; background-color: red; color: #ffffff; text-align:center; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px;">

            Your browser currently does not support javascript or you have javascript turned off.

            This site will have very limited functionality without javascript.

            Please use a modern browser with javascript or enable the javascript option.



    <div class="fly_head" style="max-height:115px;">

        <?php if ($adtyp == 2) { ?>

        <div class="logo" style="display:inline-block;font-weight:bold;margin:0;max-height:100px;"></div>

        <div class="fly_banner" style="margin:0 20px;display:inline-block;" align="center">

            <a href="#">

                <img src="<?php echo $AD['website_banner']; ?>" width="720px" height="90px" border="0" />



        <div style="float:right;display:inline-block;margin:5px 0;width:100px;text-align:right;font-size:11px;">

            <a href="#" class="close"><img src="<?php echo SITE_LOCATION; ?>images/close.png" border="0" /></a>

            <a href="#" style="font-weight:600;position:absolute;color:white;text-decoration:none;top:90px;right:20px;">




        <?php } else { ?>

        <div class="logo" style="display:inline-block;font-weight:bold;margin:5px 0;max-height:115px;"></div>

        <div style="float:right;display:inline-block;margin:20px 0;">

            Please wait...<span id="redirectin">1</span>


        <?php } ?>

        <div style="clear:both;"></div>


    <div class="fly_head_bottom">

        <?php if ($adtyp != 2) { ?>

        <div style="display:inline-block;">

            <a href="<?php echo SITE_LOCATION; ?>?r=<?php echo $oid; ?>" class="uc" target="_blank"><?php echo SITE_NAME; ?></a>

            shorten urls and earn money


        <div style="float:right;display:inline-block;">

            <a href="<?php echo SITE_LOCATION; ?>advertising.php" class="uc" target="_blank">



        <?php } ?>

        <div style="clear:both;"></div>



        $src = $adtyp == 1 ? $AD['website_url'] : $url;

        echo "<iframe class='fly_frame' src='{$src}' scrolling='auto' frameborder='0' style='width:100%;'></iframe>";


    <script type="text/javascript">


            function get_js_03() {

                global $AD, $aid, $lid, $oid, $adtyp, $url, $HTTP_REFERER;



        $(document).ready(function() {



        $('iframe.fly_frame').ready(function() {

            <?php if ($adtyp == 1) { ?>

            var a0x1 = -2;

            var rr = function() {

                if (a0x1 < 0) {

                    $.post('<?php echo SITE_LOCATION; ?>links/ajax.fly.php',{opt:'check_log',args:{lid:<?php echo $lid; ?>,oid:<?php echo $oid; ?>}},

                            function(r) {

                                var j = eval('(' + r + ')');

                                if (j.message && a0x1 != -2) {


                                    var skip_ad = $('<div class="skip_btn"><a href="#">SKIP AD >></a></div>');

                                    $('div.fly_head span#redirectin').parent().css('margin', '6px').html(skip_ad);

                                    skip_ad.click(function() {

                                        $.post('<?php echo SITE_LOCATION; ?>links/ajax.fly.php',

                                                {opt:'make_log',args:{aid:<?php echo $aid; ?>,lid:<?php echo $lid; ?>,oid:<?php echo $oid; ?>,ref: <?php echo "'{$HTTP_REFERER}'"; ?>}},

                                                function(rr) {

                                                    var jj = eval('(' + rr + ')');

                                                    if (jj.message && a0x1 != -2) {

                                                        top.location.href = jj.message.url;




                                        skip_ad.html('Loading Page...');


                                } else {

                                    a0x1 = 0;




                } else {



            }; rr();

            var si = setInterval(rr, 0);

            <?php } else { ?>

            $('div.fly_banner a').click(function() {

                $.post('<?php echo SITE_LOCATION; ?>links/ajax.fly.php',{opt:'click_log',args:{aid:<?php echo $aid; ?>,lid:<?php echo $lid; ?>,oid:<?php echo $oid; ?>,ref: <?php echo "'{$HTTP_REFERER}'"; ?>}},

                        function() {

                            top.location.href = '<?php echo $AD['website_url']; ?>';




            $('div.fly_head a.close').click(function() {



                top.location.href = '<?php echo $url; ?>';


            <?php } ?>



            $c = ob_get_contents();


            return $c;


        echo Utilities::JSPack(get_js_03());



    <?php if ($ga = $_user->get('ga_code')) { ?>

    <script type="text/javascript">

        var _gaq = _gaq || [];

        _gaq.push(['_setAccount', '<?php echo $ga; ?>']);


        (function() {

            var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true;

            ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + '.google-analytics.com/ga.js';

            (document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(ga);



    <?php } ?>










define('AJAX_FLY_PHP_INCLUDED', true);

require_once '../global.php';

$OPT  = $_GET['opt'];

$POPT = $_POST['opt'];

$RET  = array('error' => false, 'message' => false);

if ($POPT == 'check_log') {

    $lid = intval($_POST['args']['lid']);

    $oid = intval($_POST['args']['oid']);

    $vlo = SITE_SESSION_PREPEND . "view_{$lid}_{$oid}";

    if ($lid > 0 && $oid >= 0) {

        $view_time = 0;

        $cookie = $_COOKIE[$vlo] | false;

        if ($cookie && $cookie > 0) {

            $view_time = gettimeofday(true) - $cookie;

        } else {

            setcookie($vlo, gettimeofday(true));


        if ($view_time > 0) $RET['message'] = array('url' => '#');


} else if ($POPT == 'make_log') {

    $aid = intval($_POST['args']['aid']);

    $lid = intval($_POST['args']['lid']);

    $oid = intval($_POST['args']['oid']);

    $ref = mysql_escape_string(trim($_POST['args']['ref']));

    $vlo = SITE_SESSION_PREPEND . "view_{$lid}_{$oid}";

    $cookie = $_COOKIE[$vlo] | false;

    $view_time = $cookie && $cookie > 0 ? gettimeofday(true) - $cookie : 0;

    if ($view_time > 0) {

        require_once ROOT_PATH . '/inc/analyzer.class.php';

        $analyzer = new Analyzer($lid, $oid, $aid, $ref);

        $adtype = System::getDB()->getField($_GLOBAL['TABLES']['LINKS'], 'adtype', "`id`='{$lid}'");

        $analyzer->_record($adtype, $view_time - 0);

        setcookie($vlo, 0);

        $RET['message'] = array('url'=>System::getDB()->getField($_GLOBAL['TABLES']['LINKS'],

                                                                 'long_url', "`id`='{$lid}'")



} else if ($POPT == 'click_log') {

    $aid = intval($_POST['args']['aid']);

    $lid = intval($_POST['args']['lid']);

    $oid = intval($_POST['args']['oid']);

    $ref = mysql_escape_string(trim($_POST['args']['ref']));

    require_once ROOT_PATH . '/inc/analyzer.class.php';

    $analyzer = new Analyzer($lid, $oid, $aid, $ref);

    $RET['message'] = $analyzer->_recordClick();






Thanks for the help!


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