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Since adding reCaptcha code not working


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I am trying to implement reCaptcha on my website but I am having problems since I added the extra coding for reCaptcha.


reCaptcha is working OK, but it is not running the code after checking the correct reCaptcha code is correct.


I believe that it is because of the else.  It does not error and only shows the logo and footer.


Here is the code:

require_once ('recaptchalib.php');
$privatekey = "Private Key";
  $resp = recaptcha_check_answer ($privatekey,

  if (!$resp->is_valid) {
    // What happens when the CAPTCHA was entered incorrectly
    die ("The reCAPTCHA wasn't entered correctly. Go back and try it again." .
         "(reCAPTCHA said: " . $resp->error . ")");
  } else  {

//determine if they need to see the form or not
if (!$_POST) {
	//they need to see the form, so create form block
	$display_block = "
	<form method=\"POST\" action=\"manage.php\">

	<p><strong>Your E-Mail Address:</strong><br/>
	<input type=\"text\" name=\"email\" size=\"40\" maxlength=\"150\"><br/>
	<input type=\"text\" name=\"Forename\" size=\"40\" maxlength=\"150\"><br/>
	<input type=\"text\" name=\"Surname\" size=\"40\" maxlength=\"150\"><br/>
	<input type=\"text\" name=\"Country\" size=\"40\" maxlength=\"150\"><br/>
	<input type=\"text\" name=\"Gender\" size=\"5\" maxlength=\"150\"> <p><strong>Enter M or F</strong><br/>
	<input type=\"radio\" name=\"action\" value=\"sub\" checked> subscribe
	<input type=\"radio\" name=\"action\" value=\"unsub\"> unsubscribe

	<p><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Submit Form\"></p>

} else if (($_POST) && ($_POST["action"] == "sub")) {
	//trying to subscribe; validate email address
	if ($_POST["email"] == "") {
		header("Location: manage.php");
	} else {
		//connect to database

		//check that email is in list

		//get number of results and do action
		if (mysqli_num_rows($check_res) < 1) {
			//free result

			//add record
			$add_sql = "INSERT INTO subscribers (email, Forename, Surname, Country, Gender) VALUES('".$_POST["email"]."', '".$_POST["Forename"]."', '".$_POST["Surname"]."', '".$_POST["Country"]."', '".$_POST["Gender"]."')";
			$add_res = mysqli_query($mysqli, $add_sql) or die(mysqli_error($mysqli));
			$display_block = "<p>Thanks for signing up!</p>";

			//close connection to MySQL
		} else {
			//print failure message
			$display_block = "<p>You're already subscribed!</p>";
} else if (($_POST) && ($_POST["action"] == "unsub")) {
	//trying to unsubscribe; validate email address
	if ($_POST["email"] == "") {
		header("Location: manage.php");
	} else {
		//connect to database

		//check that email is in list

		//get number of results and do action
		if (mysqli_num_rows($check_res) < 1) {
			//free result

			//print failure message
			$display_block = "<p>Couldn't find your address!</p>
			<p>No action was taken.</p>";
		} else {
			//get value of ID from result
			while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($check_res)) {
				$id = $row["id"];

			//unsubscribe the address
			$del_sql = "DELETE FROM subscribers WHERE id = '".$id."'";
			$del_res = mysqli_query($mysqli, $del_sql) or die(mysqli_error($mysqli));
			$display_block = "<P>You're unsubscribed!</p>";

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I am a relatively new programmer so do not understand where it is going wrong.

Please can someone help?

Edited by rocky48
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