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Select in an IF-Statement

Go to solution Solved by Ch0cu3r,

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Hey so I am back with another question:


I want to make an INSERT in my DB, but only if 2 entries doesn't already exist.

                $select1 = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT COUNT(email) FROM kunde WHERE email = '$email'");
  		$select2 = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT COUNT(adresse) FROM kunde WHERE adresse = '$adresse'");
  		if ($select1 = 0 && $select2 = 0)
  			$sqlkunde ="INSERT INTO kunde (kunde_geschlecht, vorname, nachname, email, adresse) 

So I let my code count how often my variable already exists in in the table. If the variable ($email, $adresse) doesn't exist, the outcome of my count should be 0 and he executes the INSERT. If not he does nothing.


The INSERT works, so the problem has to do with the value which stands (.. or doesn't stand) behind my variables $select1/2.


Thanks in advance,



Edited by PAGO
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  • Solution

mysqli_query only returns a result set, you need to use a mysqli_fetch_* function to retrieve data from that result set, eg

$result1 = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT COUNT(email) FROM kunde WHERE email = '$email'");
$select1 = mysqli_fetch_row($result1);

$result2 = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT COUNT(adresse) FROM kunde WHERE adresse = '$adresse'");
$select2 = mysqli_fetch_row($result2);

if($select1[0] != 0 && $select2[0] != 0)
    // do insert

Alternatively you could make the email and adresse fields unique keys, then use a an INSERT IGNORE query instead

Edited by Ch0cu3r
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I don't know why, but suddently it works. I forgot [] always means an array ;).


I changed the = to != and placed the INSERT in the ELSE section.

Before I had $select1[0] = 0 and had the INSERT in the TRUE section of the IF.

For me it didn't changed the context at all but it seems php does likes this more ;)


Here is the working code, for anyone with the same problem:

                $result1 = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM kunde WHERE email = '$email'");
		$select1 = mysqli_fetch_row($result1);

		$result2 = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM kunde WHERE adresse = '$adresse'");
		$select2 = mysqli_fetch_row($result2);

		if($select1[0] != 0 && $select2[0] != 0)
  		} else {
  			$sqlkunde ="INSERT INTO kunde (kunde_geschlecht, vorname, nachname, email, adresse) 

Thanks again. This Forum is awsome ;)

Edited by PAGO
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Why are you writing "$select1[0]", what does the 0 stand for?

I always thought, that i have to entere the column here.



Because I am using mysql_fetch_row, not mysql_fetch_assoc


I changed the = to != and placed the INSERT in the ELSE section.

My bad, != should of been ==

if($select1[0] == 0 && $select2[0] == 0)
    // do insert
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