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HTML table drop down with mySQL data


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Below is the code I'm trying to do to create a drop down of schools, that are in my db.



<form action="login.php" method="post"> 
<TR> <TH>School </TH> </TR>
<TD> <select name="School"><option value="">-- School Name --</option>
$result = getSchools();
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM))
foreach ($row as $attribute)
echo "<option>";
echo $attribute;
echo "</option>";
<input type="submit" />
Edited by jamiemosteller
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If I understood the question correctly, you are almost there,

echo "<option>";
echo $attribute;
echo "</option>";

Change to something like this (Mock Code):

echo "<option value='$attribute' selected='selected'>$attribute</option>"
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I don't get any output period.  even when I simplify it to just be echo $attribute; as your suggested.


I tried making a simple php file with just the below and that works as expected, so I think the db stuff is all good


$result = getSchools();
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM))
foreach ($row as $attribute)
echo $attribute;
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Here is connect.php with the db info blanked out


function connectDB()
mysql_connect($hostname, $username, $password) OR DIE('Unable to connect to database! Please try again later.');
And utility.php
function showerror()
    die("Error " . mysql_errno() . " : " . mysql_error());
    function insertAthlete($Type,$WeightClass,$LastName,$FirstName,$GradYear,$Wins,$Losses,$School)
  mysql_query("INSERT INTO athlete VALUES (DEFAULT,'$Type','$WeightClass','$LastName','$FirstName','$GradYear','$Wins','$Losses','$School')");
    function getAthletesAll()
  $sql="SELECT * from athlete";
       $resultAthletes = mysql_query($sql);
       return $resultAthletes;
function getAthletes()
  $sql="SELECT athleteType, weightClass, firstName, lastName, gradYear, wins, losses from athlete";
       $resultAthletes = mysql_query($sql);
       return $resultAthletes;
    function getAthleteTypes()
  $sql="SELECT * from athleteType";
  $resultAthleteTypes = mysql_query($sql);
       return $resultAthleteTypes;
    function getSchools()
  $sql="SELECT schoolName from school";
  $resultSchools = mysql_query($sql);
       return $resultSchools;
function displayAthletes($resultAthletes)
    // Start a table, with column headers
    print "<style>
border:1px solid black;
    print "\n<table style=width:950px>\n<tr>\n" .
         "\n\t<th>Athlete ID</th>" .
         "\n\t<th>Athlete Type</th>" .
         "\n\t<th>Weight Class</th>" .
         "\n\t<th>First Name</th>" .
         "\n\t<th>Last Name</th>" .
         "\n\t<th>Grad Year</th>" .
         "\n\t<th>Wins</th>" .
         "\n\t<th>Losses</th>" .
         "\n\t<th>SchoolID</th>" .
    // Until there are no rows in the result set, fetch a row into
    // the $row array and ...
    while ($row = @ mysql_fetch_row($resultAthletes))
       // ... start a TABLE row ...
       print "\n<tr>";
       // ... and print out each of the attributes in that row as a separate TD (Table Data).
       foreach($row as $data)
          print "\n\t<td> {$data} </td>";
       // Finish the row
       print "\n</tr>";
    // Then, finish the table
    print "\n</table>\n";
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How is showerror() being called? Are you doing any type of error capture?


A simple easy way to capture mysql errors is:

 mysql_query("YOUR QUERY") OR die("Error:".mysql_error());


 mysql_query("YOUR QUERY") OR die(showerror()); 

(I would recommend the first one, but the second one might work...)


But you should probably use mysqli. It's honestly not that bad, and I've found it saves a tonne of time in the long run. Hope this helps!

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