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user login scrip help

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i was wondering if anyone can help me please any help appreciated

i am doing some work for a charity and i only have 3 days left now but they want a website creating that will allow people to sign up and have their own account they can log into and see their progress the thing i have no knowledge at all of php and mysql i have basic html though.

i so far have created the html site which is all working and i have a mysql table to store details in but the part im stuck on is creating a script that will transfer details input into the signup text boxes into the database and then create the users account that only they can see.

so i was wondering if anyone at all would be able to help me put together the script that will allow this


the details so far are :

phpmyadmin table


database name: mymusicalworldt

table name:members

columns: id, title, firstname,surname, email, password, dob, addressline1, addressline2, postcode, city


html input textboxes: title, irstname,surname, email, password, dob, addressline1, addressline2, postcode, city


then also on the html theres a submit button called Register


from what ive read i know i need to have some sort of link to the database and then i need to have a script that creates a set of files for that user


thank you for any help

Edited by markharris1990
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i am doing some work for a charity and i only have 3 days left now ... i have no knowledge at all of php and mysql

Why did you take on this project? How can you possibly learn a language and create a functional site in 3 days? Thats madness.


I think what you are best of doing is using a something like Wordpress, Joomla or some other Content Management System (CMS).


But if you want to continue this project then you will need to first learn the basics of PHP syntax. Then learn to use a PHP database function library such as PDO or MySQLi to interact with MySQL databases.

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thanks ill have a read of it i get some of the stuff but i just couldnt find anywhere that explained it good enough to work out

when i originally signed up to the voluntary placement the description was on the understanding that they would learn me web design because i already had a knowledge of html anyway but after i started a contract with them i was only doing database management instead then out of nowhere they gave me some plans and said create this for us and the site im creating is from their plans, so really i signed up thinking they was going to teach me but its not they just want me to already know what im doing and do it for them but the problem is im the only person in the entire office that has any knowledge at all so it all falls back to me but my contract ends in 3 days time.

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