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Extract Value from a Line in a File

Go to solution Solved by Ch0cu3r,

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I was wondering if some kind person could help me with this.

I need to make a call to file under linux that returns various SMART HDD data.

From that file I want to see that each line ends in OK.

I also want to extract the HDD Temperature from a line with a specific identifier on it.


Filename = get_hd_smartinfo -d1


Response = 


001 Raw_Read_Error_Rate          0        100 100 016 OK
002 Throughput_Performance       0        100 100 054 OK
003 Spin_Up_Time                 321 (Average 164) 237 237 024 OK
004 Start_Stop_Count             6286     099 099 000 OK
005 Reallocated_Sector_Ct        0        100 100 005 OK
007 Seek_Error_Rate              0        100 100 067 OK
008 Seek_Time_Performance        0        100 100 020 OK
009 Power_On_Hours               30115    096 096 000 OK
010 Spin_Retry_Count             0        100 100 060 OK
012 Power_Cycle_Count            81       100 100 000 OK
192 Power-Off_Retract_Count      7535     094 094 000 OK
193 Load_Cycle_Count             7535     094 094 000 OK
194 Temperature_Celsius          42       142 142 000 OK
196 Reallocated_Event_Count      0        100 100 000 OK
197 Current_Pending_Sector       0        100 100 000 OK
198 Offline_Uncorrectable        0        100 100 000 OK
199 UDMA_CRC_Error_Count         0        200 200 000 OK

Line = 194 Temperature_Celsius


Value I want to capture = 42 in this case.


I am sure there is an easier way than my tired old brain suggests, which is to output to a file, read file, grab line then somehow grab value, in a huge block of code.


Thanks to anyone who can help me out.


Kind regards,





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The output is great thanks but I am having a problem iterating through the output file.

For instances I was grabbing $names[12] as the line to work on, only to discover that the output varies according to the capabilities of the drive, so the line is not always $names[12].

The line from SMART that I need always starts with the value 194, so I need to be able to grab that line to work on. It could be $names[6] or $names[n].


Really appreciate the steer. Over 6 years since I coded php so tad slow at the moment, sorry.




jB  :geek:

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