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cookie problem


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Hello Boys [and maybe Girls]!

I have problem. I wanna to make my site multi language. I want to make it similar like PHP-Nuke is. I don't want to make it with URLs like

W would like to make it on cookies. Can You help me? I was trying for few days but I didn't make nothing right. Can You help me?

Thanx in advance!!


I found something interesting

but this user has wrote new topic that cookies doesn't work. Do You think is it good way? If yes, what to do with cookies?
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You could use a language directory, and in the directory you have some php files..

And each file (Named its language ie: english.php) will have aload of DEFINES..
So you can have say


That way in your main files you have just to echo WORDONE, and it will display its value, now to set up to choose the language you would have say...
(BTW: To change the lang use GET in urls... mydomain.com/index.php?lang=french)

$language = $_GET['lang'];
$langfile = "/languages/" . $language . ".php"
if (file_exists(/languages/$language.php){
} else //if GET lang not set just use ENGLISH as default...

And then you just have to put all words that are defined as CAPS.. and they will come up in the languages....

If you dont understand that please post and i will try go more into debth..
If its the code you dont understand, have a look around for what some of that code would do.. but if you understand the code, and not the concept let me know and i can explain more...


PS: I copyed this post from when i posted it in the topic at http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,115196.0.html
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There are many ways.. On the main page of your website have a dropdown box with languages.. and when the user selects one, and sends the form, process it and save the language they want in a session or cookie.. then just call the session or cookie to a variable and include that language file!

Understand? if not i can explain more :D
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I decided to make it with pedro84's method. It seems good to me.

Ok. I wanna to make cookie to this method but I couldn't:/

This is it

if(!SelectLanguage ($_SESSION["lang"]))
die ("Error");

$language = array();
function SelectLanguage($strLang)
global $language;

$inc = "en";
case "de":
$inc = "de";

case "en":
$inc = "en";

case "pl":
$inc = "pl";

$inc = "en";

include_once("languages/" . $inc . ".inc");
$language =  $lang;
return true;

return false;

$strLang = $_GET["lang"];
$_SESSION["lang"] = stripslashes($strLang);
header("Location: index.php"); //** redirect to where u want...

Setlang.php changes laguages but I have big problem with adding cookie to this file. Can Anyone help my?:> Hmm I think i must add cookie to setlang.php;)
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I could show you how to do it with sessions, cause i dont use cookies :P

if (!$_SESSION['language']){
$language = "english.php";
} else {
$language = $_SESSION['language'];

Just make sure when you set the session (or cookie whatever way you do it) to include the .php; :P
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[quote author=taith link=topic=116754.msg476191#msg476191 date=1164893772]
(isset($_COOKIE[Lang])) ? require_once('lang/'.$_COOKIE[Lang].'.php') : require_once('lang/english.php');

then all ya gotta do is set that cookie "Lang" to any language it wants, and it will load that language file :-)

Where to put it?:> :D
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It could be, but I'm looking for something with sessions and cookies. I;m thinking all the free time of the isset, but I cannot write it correctly.
I used something like that:
include ('news_ '.$_SESSION['lang'].'/index.php

When users choose Polish lang, it includes news_pl/index.php.

I wanna to make something like this:
include (news_ if exist $_COOKIE['lang'] /if don't $_SESSION['lang']/index.php

You know what I mean?
It must be simple. PHP-Nuke by F. Burzi works this way.
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