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Help with an If statement ( least i think thats the best option lol )


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Hi , I have an upload script that uploads images to my file server , resizes them and then inserts the value's into a database for referancing later on , 

I am hoping somone can help me with an if statement that I just don't seem to be getting right ,  basicly to give you a bit of background my information is passed by a form , using an aray for the uploads ,

the arrays I need to work with are $return[$i]['name'] $return[$i]['size'] &  $return[$i]['type'] which are refered to individually by calling a digit inside the [] ( for exampel for the name of the seccond uplaod  it would be )  $return[2]['name ']

now the script itself works pretty fine  if the user uploads two images they get no errors , however if they only upload one image , or if they upload an invalid file type it will spit out a series of errors on teh processing page which is obiously tellign me it couldn't do it because image 2 wasn't uploaded and therefore doesn't exist to work with, the actual uploading part of my script I have already managed to make it so it won't try to execute if there isn't a seccond file , however because I do my resizing as two seperate functions ( one for  each ) one is always goign to fail untill I work out an if statement or unless I can work out how to do the rezising usign the aray instead of using the filenames themselfs

anyways enough blabbering here is the resize seciton of my script , I really hope somone can assist

$strain_id=$_POST['strain_id'] ;

/* resize script1 */
$im_file_name = './uploads/'.$img1_name.$img1_type;
$image_attribs = getimagesize($im_file_name);
$im_old = imageCreateFromJpeg($im_file_name);
$th_max_width = 144;
$th_max_height = 144;
$ratio = ($width > $height) ? $th_max_width/$image_attribs[0] : $th_max_height/$image_attribs[1];
$th_width = $image_attribs[0] * $ratio;
$th_height = $image_attribs[1] * $ratio;
$im_new = imagecreatetruecolor($th_width,$th_height);
$th_file_name = './uploads/thumbs/' . $img1_name.$img1_type;
imageCopyResampled($im_new,$im_old,0,0,0,0,$th_width,$th_height, $image_attribs[0], $image_attribs[1]);

/* resize script part2 */
$im_file_name2 = './uploads/'.$img2_name.$img2_type;
$image_attribs2 = getimagesize($im_file_name2);
$im_old2 = imageCreateFromJpeg($im_file_name2);
$ratio = ($width > $height) ? $th_max_width/$image_attribs2[0] : $th_max_height/$image_attribs2[1];
$th_width2 = $image_attribs2[0] * $ratio;
$th_height2 = $image_attribs2[1] * $ratio;
$im_new2 = imagecreatetruecolor($th_width2,$th_height2);
$th_file_name2 = './uploads/thumbs/' . $img2_name.$img2_type;
imageCopyResampled($im_new2,$im_old2,0,0,0,0,$th_width2,$th_height2, $image_attribs2[0], $image_attribs2[1]);
imageJpeg($im_new2,$th_file_name2,100); [/code]

so in short basicly what i need to do is now have the part under resize script part 2 run UNLESS there is a seccond file uploaded

thanx in advance

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