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Hi all, I need some help from you experts! I have an internet radio station. On my playlist page I would like to have it where if a listener requests a song, that when they type in a letter example: if they type in the letter " A " it will display all the artists that start with " A" or if they type in " B " it displays all artist that starts with " B " etc. below is the code I need to make this happen and I have no clue where or what in the code I need to change to make this work.

<?php require_once('display.header.php'); ?>

			<!-- BEGIN:SEARCH -->
			<div id="search">
			<form method="get" action="playlist.php" name="searchParameters">
			Search: <?php InputText('search', $search, '',20); ?>
			<input type="submit" value="Go" name="B1" />
			Display <?php InputCombo('limit', $limit, 25, '5,10,25,50,100', "", "document.forms.searchParameters.submit();"); ?> results


				Search by Artist:<br />

								<input type="submit" name="character" class="characterButton" value="All" onclick="document.forms.searchParameters.search.value=''"/>
								<input <?php echo "0 - 9" == $character? "id='activeCharacter'" : "";?> type="submit" name="character" class="characterButton"value='0 - 9'/>

							for($charVal = ord('A');$charVal <= ord('Z'); $charVal++) {
								$c = chr($charVal);
								echo "<td>";
								echo "<input ".($character == $c? "id='activeCharacter'" : "")." type='submit' name='character' class='characterButton' value='$c' onclick='document.forms.searchParameters.search.value=\"\"' />";
								echo "</td>";


				<br />
			<!-- END:SEARCH -->

			<!-- BEGIN:PLAYLIST -->
			<div id="playlist">
				<div id="playlist_wrapper">
					<table  cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
								<th colspan="3" align="left">
									Playlist results
								<th class="links" align="center">
								<th align="left">
								<th align="right">
							<td colspan="6" id="td-playlist-paging">
							<?php if(is_array($playlistSongs) && (count($playlistSongs)>0)) { ?>
								<?php if($start > 0) {echo $prevlnk; } ?>
								  [ Showing <?php echo "$first to $last of $cnt"; ?> ]  
								<?php if(($start+$limit) < $cnt) { echo $nextlnk; } ?>
							<?php } ?>
						 if(is_array($playlistSongs) || (count($playlistSongs)>0))
						  foreach ($playlistSongs as $key => $playlistSong): ?>
									<?php echo $key+1; ?>
									<?php if(!empty($playlistSong->picture)) : ?>
									<a href="<?php echo $playlistSong->buycd; ?>" target="_blank">
										<img id="rpPicture<?php echo $key; ?>" style="display: none;" onload="showPicture(this, <?php echo SHOW_PICTURES; ?>)" width="60" height="60" src="<?php echo $playlistSong->picture; ?>" alt="Buy CD!" title="Click to view CD info" />
									<?php endif; ?>
									<?php echo $playlistSong->artist_title; ?>
									<?php if ($playlistSong->isRequested): ?>
									<?php endif; ?>
								<td align="center">
									<?php if (ALLOW_REQUESTS) : ?>
									<a href="javascript:request(<?php echo $playlistSong->ID; ?>);">
										<img src="images/request.png" alt="Request this track now!" title="Request this track now!"/>
									<?php endif; ?>
									<a href="<?php echo $playlistSong->buycd; ?>" target="_blank">
										<img src="images/buy.png" alt="Buy this CD or Track now!" title="Buy this CD or Track now!"/>
									<a href="<?php echo $playlistSong->website; ?>" target="_blank">
										<img src="images/home.png" alt="Artist homepage" title="Artist homepage" />
									<a href="javascript:songinfo(<?php echo $playlistSong->ID; ?>)">
										<img src="images/info.png" alt="Track information" title="Track information" />
									<?php echo $playlistSong->album; ?>
								<td align="right">
									<?php echo $playlistSong->durationDisplay; ?>
						<?php endforeach; ?>
								<td colspan="6" id="td-playlist-paging">
								<?php if(!is_array($playlistSongs) || (count($playlistSongs)==0)) { ?>
								 	No matches found. Please try another search.
								<?php } else { ?>
									<?php if($start > 0) {echo $prevlnk; } ?>
									  [ Showing <?php echo "$first to $last of $cnt"; ?> ]  
									<?php if(($start+$limit) < $cnt) { echo $nextlnk; } ?>
								<?php } ?>
			<!-- END:PLAYLIST -->

		<?php require_once('display.footer.php'); ?>

		<!-- END:PAGE -->

		<!-- JQuery to round corners some of the HTML items on the page -->
		<script type="text/javascript">
		// Make sure the DOM is ready
		$(document).ready(function() {
			// Rounding of corners (Cross-browser compatible)
			// See http://jquery.malsup.com/corner/ for different Styles.

			// Rounds the page corners

			// Rounds the Navigation Menu Corners
			$('#navigation dl').corner();

			// Rounds the Coming Up Corners
			$('#coming-up dl').corner();

			// Round the Dedication Corners
			$('#dedication dl').corner('tl tr').corner();

			// Round the Top Request Corners
			$('#top_requests dl').corner();

			// Rounds the Playlist and search boxes
			$('#playlist_wrapper, #search').corner();
			// Style odd and even rows in Playlist Table (Cross-browser compatible)
			$('#playlist table tbody tr:nth-child(odd)').addClass('playlist_odd');
			$('#playlist table tbody tr:nth-child(even)').addClass('playlist_even');




Thank in advance for any help!

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If you understand the code that you put there, you won't have much trouble doing it.


You'll need to use AJAX that will call a PHP script. This PHP script will do the search in the database, and then send back the data to your page.

You could search Google for 'ajax php search tutorial' and you'll find a bunch of results.

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