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Need Help with One Edit of Query from Wordpress Plugin


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I'm working with a Wordpress plugin that uses that google maps api to map multiple markers depending on search terms and proximity. You can set an option so that, regardless of the default proximity when the page loads, ALL markers will first appear. In order to help with performance, the authors decided to limit that option to 250 markers. I need to lift that limit to 5,000 (though I currently only have about 500, I don't want to deal with limits as my markers grow).

Based on a comment made in one of the php files it appears the authors enforce the limit in the query itself so I'm pasting the code for the php file that performs the query. Please let me know if there is something else I should do, if this forum is the wrong place or if I should be posting on pastebin and linking rather than dumping the entire file between code tags. Thanks in advance!

if ( !class_exists( 'SM_XML_Search' ) ){
	class SM_XML_Search{
		// Register hook to perform the search
		function sm_xml_search() {
			add_action( 'template_redirect', array( &$this, 'init_search' ) );

		// Inits the search process. Collects default options, search options, and queries DB
		function init_search() {
			if ( isset( $_GET['sm-xml-search'] ) ) {
				global $wpdb, $simple_map;
				remove_filter( 'the_title', 'at_title_check' );

				$defaults = array(
					'lat' => false,
					'lng' => false,
					'radius' => false,
					'namequery' => false,
					'query_type' => 'distance',
					'address' => false,
					'city' => false,
					'state' => false,
					'zip' => false,
					'onlyzip' => false,
					'country' => false,
					'limit' => false,
					'pid'	=> 0,
				$input = array_filter( array_intersect_key( $_GET, $defaults ) ) + $defaults;

				$smtaxes = array();
				if ( $taxonomies = get_object_taxonomies( 'sm-location' ) ) {
					foreach ( $taxonomies as $key => $tax ) {
						$phpsafe = str_replace( '-', '_', $tax );
						$_GET += array( $phpsafe => '' );
						$smtaxes[$tax] = $_GET[$phpsafe];

				// Define my empty strings
				$distance_select = $distance_having = $distance_order = '';

				// We're going to do a hard limit to 500 for now.
				if ( !$input['limit'] || $input['limit'] > 500 )
					$limit = "LIMIT 500";
					$limit = 'LIMIT ' . absint( $input['limit'] );

				$limit = apply_filters( 'sm-xml-search-limit', $limit );

				// Locations within specific distance or just get them all?
				$distance_select = $wpdb->prepare( "( 3959 * ACOS( COS( RADIANS(%s) ) * COS( RADIANS( lat_tbl.meta_value ) ) * COS( RADIANS( lng_tbl.meta_value ) - RADIANS(%s) ) + SIN( RADIANS(%s) ) * SIN( RADIANS( lat_tbl.meta_value ) ) ) ) AS distance", $input['lat'], $input['lng'], $input['lat'] ) . ', ';
				$distance_order = 'distance, ';

				if ( $input['radius'] ) {
					$input['radius'] = ( $input['radius'] < 1 ) ? 1 : $input['radius'];
					$distance_having = $wpdb->prepare( "HAVING distance < %d", $input['radius'] );

				$i = 1;
				$taxonomy_join = '';
				foreach ( array_filter( $smtaxes ) as $taxonomy => $tax_value ) {
					$term_ids = explode( ',', $tax_value );
					if ( $term_ids[0] == 'OR' ) {
						unset( $term_ids[0] );
						if ( empty( $term_ids ) ) {
						$search_values = array( "IN (" . vsprintf( '%d' . str_repeat( ',%d', count( $term_ids ) - 1 ), $term_ids ) . ")" );
					} else {
						$search_values = array();
						foreach ( $term_ids as $term_id ) {
							$search_values[] = sprintf( '= %d', $term_id );
					foreach ( $search_values as $search_value ) {
						$taxonomy_join .= "
								$wpdb->term_relationships AS term_rel_$i ON posts.ID = term_rel_$i.object_id
								$wpdb->term_taxonomy AS tax_$i ON
									term_rel_$i.term_taxonomy_id = tax_$i.term_taxonomy_id
									AND tax_$i.taxonomy = '$taxonomy'
									AND tax_$i.term_id $search_value

				$sql = "SELECT
						lat_tbl.meta_value AS lat,
						lng_tbl.meta_value AS lng,
						$wpdb->posts AS posts
						$wpdb->postmeta lat_tbl ON lat_tbl.post_id = posts.ID AND lat_tbl.meta_key = 'location_lat'
						$wpdb->postmeta lng_tbl ON lng_tbl.post_id = posts.ID AND lng_tbl.meta_key = 'location_lng'
						posts.post_type = 'sm-location'
						AND posts.post_status = 'publish'
					ORDER BY " . apply_filters( 'sm-location-sort-order', $distance_order . ' posts.post_name ASC', $input ) . " " . $limit;

				$sql = apply_filters( 'sm-xml-search-locations-sql', $sql );

				// TODO: Consider using this to generate the marker node attributes in print_xml().
				$location_field_map = array(
					'location_address' => 'address',
					'location_address2' => 'address2',
					'location_city' => 'city',
					'location_state' => 'state',
					'location_zip' => 'zip',
					'location_country' => 'country',
					'location_phone' => 'phone',
					'location_fax' => 'fax',
					'location_email' => 'email',
					'location_url' => 'url',
					'location_special' => 'special',

				$options = $simple_map->get_options();
				$show_permalink = !empty( $options['enable_permalinks'] );

				if ( $locations = $wpdb->get_results( $sql ) ) {
					// Start looping through all locations i found in the radius
					foreach ( $locations as $key => $value ) {
						// Add postmeta data to location
						$custom_fields = get_post_custom( $value->ID );
						foreach ( $location_field_map as $key => $field ) {
							if ( isset( $custom_fields[$key][0] ) ) {
								$value->$field = $custom_fields[$key][0];
							else {
								$value->$field = '';

						$value->postid = $value->ID;
						$value->name = apply_filters( 'the_title', $value->post_title );

						$the_content = trim( $value->post_content );
						if ( !empty( $the_content ) ) {
							$the_content = apply_filters( 'the_content', $the_content );
						$value->description = $the_content;

						$value->permalink = '';
						if ( $show_permalink ) {
							$value->permalink = get_permalink( $value->ID );
							$value->permalink = apply_filters( 'the_permalink', $value->permalink );

						// List all terms for all taxonomies for this post
						$value->taxes = array();
						foreach ( $smtaxes as $taxonomy => $tax_value ) {
							$phpsafe_tax = str_replace( '-', '_', $taxonomy );
							$local_tax_names = '';

							// Get all taxes for this post
							if ( $local_taxes = wp_get_object_terms( $value->ID, $taxonomy, array( 'fields' => 'names' ) ) ) {
								$local_tax_names = implode( ', ', $local_taxes );

							$value->taxes[$phpsafe_tax] = $local_tax_names;
				} else {
					// Print empty XML
					$locations = array();

				$locations = apply_filters( 'sm-xml-search-locations', $locations );
				$this->print_json( $locations, $smtaxes );

		// Prints the JSON output
		function print_json( $dataset, $smtaxes ) {
			header( 'Status: 200 OK', false, 200 );
			header( 'Content-type: application/json' );
			do_action( 'sm-xml-search-headers' );

			do_action( 'sm-print-json', $dataset, $smtaxes );

			echo json_encode( $dataset );

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