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Multiple feeds into wordpress better way to do this?


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Currently I run a site that aggregates jobs about 100 cities so far and its starting to slow down my sites resources, I use a wordpress plugin to bring in the jobs but its giving me a resources alert.


My traffics not that high as of yet, but I'm worried about it causing problems on my shared hosting.


Server is running apache. Slow for wordpress?


Was just wondering best way to bring in multiple cities (thousands) /feeds and add category for each.

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I used to run like 1,000 or so feeds auto posting through a multi-wordpress years ago.

Had each subdomain a main category, imported categories and tags from original articles.


The server at that time was around 120 a month (7 years ago?), it handled it fine, Intel quad Q6700 and used 4 out of the 8 gig available memory.

Page caching for the visitor traffic was a necessity.


I would imagine that doing this on a shared host with low specs will have issues.

For what you are planning seems like nothing less than a dedicated server and well planned out.

Constantly hitting feeds and new posts will certainly use lots of resources.


To me wordpress got severely bloated and not as good as used to be.

Consider making your own rss aggregator using simplexml.


Here is a simple example using simplxml and getting the results into an array so you can then insert into a database.

$url = "http://science.jobs.net/RSS/";
$xml = @simplexml_load_file($url);

$json = json_encode($xml);
$array = array();
$array = json_decode($json,TRUE);

echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";

} else {
echo "No Data";

Feel free to use my feed search to find feed urls.


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