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Hello everyone.

I'm relatively new to PHP, and I'm loving how CakePHP has made my life easy, and hard at the same time.


I'm having trouble updating the deprecated Forum Plugin from milesj. If anyone there could help me, I'd much appreciate it.


First off, deprecated views and controllers. They amaze me to no end. No matter how deep I try to trace them, it's impossible for me to find out what is wrong with it.
I do have an idea, but I can't trace where I should change the codes.


Second; admin roles, ACL, CRUD is not a fairly new concept to me now, but because of the deprecated codes I can't get a deeper understanding about why I can't disable new users from accessing the admin panel.

Third; the Admin Plugin is good, but wouldn't detect the Forum Plugin correctly. I can't trace back where this went wrong. Also, adding new users through the admin panel doesn't hash the password.


My codes are here for your viewing and mockery: http://www.mediafire.com/download/00635ajpsn19ba1/AsCIISite.rar

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programming help forums are not here to fix your's or other people's code for them.


do you have a specific programming question or a specific problem or error that you need help with?


we can only really help you when you post just the relevant section of code you need help with, along with any errors or symptoms you got from that code.


also, we can really only help you with one issue at a time, that you have isolated out of the complete code. expecting someone, on a general programming help forum, who are not the author of the application in question, to be up to speed with or to go through a complete application in order to help you, is beyond the scope of what you should expect.

programming help forums are not here to fix your's or other people's code for them.


do you have a specific programming question or a specific problem or error that you need help with?


we can only really help you when you post just the relevant section of code you need help with, along with any errors or symptoms you got from that code.


also, we can really only help you with one issue at a time, that you have isolated out of the complete code. expecting someone, on a general programming help forum, who are not the author of the application in question, to be up to speed with or to go through a complete application in order to help you, is beyond the scope of what you should expect.

Thanks, and uh I've already solved it though. After fiddling around the settings, I found what was wrong. Thanks anyway! :) 

Will be back here for more specific questions though. :)


I can't get the breadcrumbs to behave properly. I'm at the forum plugin index, but it's reading that it's inside the Primary Forum.


This is basically the forum.ctp inside the Forum Plugin.

echo $this->Html->docType();
echo $this->OpenGraph->html(array('xmlns' => 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml')); ?>
	<?php echo $this->Html->charset(); ?>
	<title><?php echo $this->Breadcrumb->pageTitle($settings['name'], array('separator' => $settings['titleSeparator'])); ?></title>
	echo $this->Html->css('Forum.normalize');
	echo $this->Html->css('Forum.style');
	echo $this->Html->script('Forum.mootools-core-1.4.5');
	echo $this->Html->script('Forum.mootools-more-');
	echo $this->Html->script('Forum.forum');

	if ($this->params['controller'] === 'forum') {
		echo $this->Html->meta(__d('forum', 'RSS Feed - Latest Topics'), array('action' => 'index', 'ext' => 'rss'), array('type' => 'rss'));
	} else if (isset($rss)) {
		echo $this->Html->meta(__d('forum', 'RSS Feed - Content Review'), array($rss, 'ext' => 'rss'), array('type' => 'rss'));

	$locales = $config['Decoda']['locales'];

	$this->OpenGraph->locale(array($locales[Configure::read('Config.language')], $locales[$settings['defaultLocale']]));

	echo $this->OpenGraph->fetch();
	echo $this->fetch('css');
	echo $this->fetch('script'); ?>

	<div class="wrapper">
		<?php echo $this->element('navigation'); ?>

		<div class="header">
			<h1 class="logo">
				<?php echo $this->Html->link($settings['name'], $settings['url']); ?>

			<ul class="menu">
				<li<?php if ($menuTab === 'home') echo ' class="active"'; ?>><?php echo $this->Html->link(__d('forum', 'Home'), $settings['url']); ?></li>
				<li<?php if ($menuTab === 'forums') echo ' class="active"'; ?>><?php echo $this->Html->link(__d('forum', 'Forums'), array('controller' => 'forum', 'action' => 'index')); ?></li>
				<li<?php if ($menuTab === 'search') echo ' class="active"'; ?>><?php echo $this->Html->link(__d('forum', 'Search'), array('controller' => 'search', 'action' => 'index')); ?></li>
				<li<?php if ($menuTab === 'rules') echo ' class="active"'; ?>><?php echo $this->Html->link(__d('forum', 'Rules'), array('controller' => 'forum', 'action' => 'rules')); ?></li>
				<li<?php if ($menuTab === 'help') echo ' class="active"'; ?>><?php echo $this->Html->link(__d('forum', 'Help'), array('controller' => 'forum', 'action' => 'help')); ?></li>

				<?php if ($user && $this->Forum->isAdmin()) { ?>
					<li><?php echo $this->Html->link(__d('forum', 'Admin'), array('controller' => 'admin', 'action' => 'index', 'plugin' => 'admin', 'admin' => false)); ?></li>
				<?php } ?>

			<span class="clear"><!-- --></span>

		<div class="content">
			<?php echo $this->element('search'); ?>
			<?php echo $this->element('breadcrumbs'); ?>

			<span class="clear"></span>

			<?php echo $this->Session->flash(); ?>
			<?php echo $this->fetch('content'); ?>

			<?php echo $this->element('breadcrumbs'); ?>

		<div class="footer">
			<?php echo $this->element('copyright'); ?>

	<?php if (!CakePlugin::loaded('DebugKit')) {
		echo $this->element('sql_dump');
	} ?>

The breadcrumbs.ctp

div class="breadcrumbs">
	<?php echo $this->Html->link($settings['name'], array('controller' => 'forum', 'action' => 'index'));

	if ($crumbs = $this->Breadcrumb->get()) {
		echo ' » ';
		$count = count($crumbs) - 1;

		foreach ($crumbs as $i => $crumb) {
			echo $this->Html->link($crumb['title'], $crumb['url'], $crumb['options']);

			if ($count != $i) {
				echo ' » ';
	} ?>

Dunno what causes it. Any help?

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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