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Automatic scripting to access bank accounts for balance updates


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I designed (not coded) a finance application for windows phone 8.1 and one of the features that would be ideal is to copy your login steps in order to access your bank account automatically. Yes this does not sound safe or sane. How do I convince app users to use it? 


Anyway, I want this access. My rationale is that, the login information would be stored locally and if my phone was hacked then what's the loss in my login steps being hacked... they would probably be encrypted anyway but... 


The goal is to be able to open up a clone browser (eg. within the app) and then every step that you take, enter url, login credentials, security questions, pages accessed... the clone browser remembers and then later on as part of the app's function, it would automatically update your balances. I mean I suppose you could come up with the formulas, cash advance fees, interest rates, etc... but at the same time this doesn't seem to be a fixed thing... eg. hard to keep track and get the exact cent amount... or maybe I'm just bad at math


Some things in mind bitmapping, key strokes, string search, number search... 


Anyway scripting came to mind, not sure if php or python but 


Any thoughts? 

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I realize now that "PHP server side scripting" may not actually be helpful for this but


Still an interesting project, bad people aside


I also wanted a clone browser that was like a TOR network (TOR? so vague) but complete privacy... bouncing ip addresses whatever


That's not related but "scripting" seemed like the thing to do this stuff

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