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I use this code when i want to add a picture, but now I need to edit and delete fixed(certain) pictures. How to change a code? For example I have 100 pics, and I want to delete 51 pictures and 49 remaining pictures
This is add_album.php
define("IMAGES_BIG_DIR",     "../images/Big_images/"); 
    define("IMAGES_SMALL_DIR",     "../images/Small_images/"); 

    define("IMAGE_HEIGHT",     180); 
    define("IMAGE_WIDTH",     210);     

    $allowed_type     = array( 
    $allowed_ext     = array('jpg', 'png', 'JPG', 'jpeg', 'JPEG'); 

    if ( !empty($_FILES) ) { 
        //echo "<pre>"; 
        $number_of_images = isset($_FILES['images']['name']) ? count($_FILES['images']['name']) : 0; 
        if ( $number_of_images > 0 ) { 
            foreach ( $_FILES['images']['name'] as $nImagekey => $sImagaName ) { 
                if ( isset($_FILES['images']['error'][$nImagekey]) && $_FILES['images']['error'][$nImagekey] == UPLOAD_ERR_OK ) { 
                    $extension = pathinfo($sImagaName, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); 

                    if ( !in_array($_FILES['images']['type'][$nImagekey], $allowed_type) ) { 
                        echo "Невалиден файлов формат!"; 
                    } else if ( !in_array($extension, $allowed_ext) ) { 
                        echo "Невалиден файлов формат!"; 

                    $fn             = sprintf(sha1_file($_FILES['images']['tmp_name'][$nImagekey]).'.%s', $extension); 
                    $file_name         = sprintf(IMAGES_BIG_DIR.'%s', $fn); 
                    $file_name_sm     = sprintf(IMAGES_SMALL_DIR.'%s', $fn); 
                    $original_images_array[]     = $file_name; 
                    $small_images_array[]         = $file_name_sm; 

                    if ( !copy($_FILES['images']['tmp_name'][$nImagekey], $file_name) ) { 
                        echo "Файла не може да бъде обработен."; 

                    if ( strtolower($extension) == "jpg" ) { 
                        $raw_img = imagecreatefromjpeg($file_name); 
                    } else if ( strtolower($extension) == "png" ){ 
                        $raw_img = imagecreatefrompng($file_name); 
                    if ( $raw_img ) { 
                        $raw_x = imageSX($raw_img); 
                        $raw_y = imageSY($raw_img); 
                        if ($raw_x > $raw_y) { 
                            $thumb_w = IMAGE_WIDTH; 
                            $thumb_h = $raw_y * (IMAGE_HEIGHT / $raw_x); 
                        } else if ($raw_x < $raw_y) { 
                            $thumb_w = $raw_x * (IMAGE_HEIGHT / $raw_y); 
                            $thumb_h = IMAGE_HEIGHT; 
                        } else if ($raw_x == $raw_y) { 
                            $thumb_w = IMAGE_WIDTH; 
                            $thumb_h = IMAGE_HEIGHT; 

                        $thumb = ImageCreateTrueColor($thumb_w, $thumb_h); 
                        imagecopyresampled($thumb, $raw_img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $thumb_w, $thumb_h, $raw_x, $raw_y);         

                        if ( strtolower($extension) == "jpg" ) { 
                            imagejpeg($thumb, $file_name_sm); 
                        } else if ( strtolower($extension) == "png" ){ 
                            imagepng($thumb, $file_name_sm); 

    } else if ( !empty($_POST) ) { 
        echo "Не сте избрали изображение. Задължително е да изберете поне едно"; 

    $original_images_string = implode("|", $original_images_array); 
    $small_images_string     = implode("|", $small_images_array);


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So, you want us to just write code to build all new functionality for you? This is not simply a matter to changing a few lines of code in that script. The functionality you are asking would require all new code. It is not "hard", but it is not trivial either.

This code multiple? Now you can upload more photos, but one by one

<form  action="#" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> 
<div id="specifikacii">

echo '

<div  id="div_za_izbor_na_failove" >
<h3><img src="images/camera-icon.png" />Добави изображения </h3>
<table  border="0" id="tabli4ka" ><tr><td>
<input type="file" id="file_1"  name="file_name_1" onchange="validaciq_na_izobrajeniqta()" multiple  />
<input type="hidden" id="hidden_value" value="1"  name="number_of_images" />
<input type="hidden" id="pone_edno_izobr" value="no"  name="at_least_one_pic" />
<input type="hidden" id="povtarqshti_se_izobrajeniq" value="no"  name="povtarqshti_izobrajeniq" />
<input type="button" onclick="choose_another_file()" id="add_image" /></br>

<input type="submit" value="Добави!"  name="submitche"  id="dobavi_zapis" disabled="disabled">


	// vzimane na stoinostite ot tekstovite poleta
	$kategoriq = $_POST["kategorii"];
	$marka = $_POST["marka"];
	$model = $_POST["model"];
	$godina_na_proizvodstvo = $_POST["godina_na_proizvodstvo"];
		$godina_na_proizvodstvo ="NULL";
		$godina_na_proizvodstvo ="'$godina_na_proizvodstvo'";
	$dopulnitelna_informaciq = $_POST["tekstova_zona"];
		$dopulnitelna_informaciq = "NULL" ;
		$dopulnitelna_informaciq = "'$dopulnitelna_informaciq'" ;
	$v_nalichnost = $_POST["available"];
	// konekciq kum bazata danni
	$db = new MYSQL_DB();
	$db->query="select * from advanced";
	$db->run_query() ;
	$namereni_rezultati = $db->number_of_results_found ;
	$id ;
	if($namereni_rezultati == 0)
		$id = 1 ;
		$db->query="SELECT COUNT(*) as total FROM advanced";
		$db->number_of_results_found_fn() ;
		$rows = $db->number_of_results_found ;
		$row = mysql_fetch_array($db->query_result) ;
		$total_rows = $row[0];
		$last_row_index = $total_rows - 1 ;
		$db->query="select Zapis_ID from advanced limit $last_row_index , 1 ";
		$row = mysql_fetch_array($db->query_result) ;
		$last_id_value = $row[0] ;
		$id = $last_id_value + 1 ;
		// da se testva 
	//echo "ID na posledniq red $id <br/>" ; // testov red 
	$word = new Word_processing();
	$model_trimmed = trim($model);
	$marka_trimmed = trim($marka);
	$name = $marka_trimmed."_".$model_trimmed."_id_".$id ;
	$word->name = $name ;
	$latin_name = $word->kirilica_kum_latinica();
	//echo $latin_name."<br/>"; // testov red
	$number_of_images = $_POST['number_of_images']; // integer 
	$number_of_real_images = 0 ;
	$at_least_one_pic = false ;
	for($i = 1 ; $i <= $number_of_images ; $i++) // proverka dali izobshto ima edno izobrano izobrajenie
		$file_name = $_FILES["file_name_$i"]["name"];
		if($file_name == "")
			continue ;
			$at_least_one_pic = true ; 
			$number_of_real_images++ ;
	//echo " Nomer na poleta za kachvane na izobrajeniq : $number_of_images <br/>"; // testov red
	//echo "Nomer na realnite izobrajeniq $number_of_real_images <br/> ";
	$masiv = array(); // masiv sudurjash imenata na failove i tehnite razshireniq
	for($i = 1 ; $i <= $number_of_images ; $i++)
		if($_FILES["file_name_$i"]["name"] == "")
			continue ;
			$masiv[] = $_FILES["file_name_$i"]["name"];

	for($i = 0 ; $i <  $number_of_real_images ; $i++)   // proverka da nqma povtarqshti se izobrajeniq
		for($z = 0  ; $z < $number_of_real_images  ; $z++) 
			if($z == $i)
				continue ;
					echo "Не можеш да качиш две повтарящи се изображения ! Име на повтарящото се изображение : ".$masiv[$i];
					exit ;
	if($at_least_one_pic == false)
		echo "Не сте избрали изображение . Задължително е да изберете поне едно";
		exit ; 
		$original_images_string ="" ;
		$small_images_string ="";
		$start = 1 ;
		// for cikul kopirash originalnoto izobrajenie i praveiki ot nego malko izobrajenie . Populva i gornite dva stringa i postavq sudurjanieto imm v baza danni kato referenciq
		// kum realnite izobrajeniq
		for($i = 1 ; $i <= $number_of_images  ; $i++) 
			$file_name = $_FILES["file_name_$i"]["name"];
			if($file_name == "")
				continue ;
			$extention = substr($file_name, -4) ;
			$path_plus_filename =$upload_folder_for_big_images.$latin_name."_pic_".$start.$extention ;
			$try_to_upload =	move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file_name_$i"]["tmp_name"] , "../".$path_plus_filename);
				if($try_to_upload == false)
					echo "problem pri uploada na source image !!!!";
					exit ;				
			$original_images_string  .= $path_plus_filename ;
			$original_images_string  .="|";
			resize_image("../".$path_plus_filename ,'210','180',$upload_folder_for_small_images.$latin_name."_pic_".$start.$extention  );
			$small_images_string .= $upload_folder_for_small_images.$latin_name."_pic_".$start.$extention ;
			$small_images_string .="|";
	$original_images_string =substr($original_images_string ,0 ,-1 ) ;
	$small_images_string =substr($small_images_string , 0 , -1 ) ;
	$data = date("Y-m-d");
	$db->query="INSERT INTO `shoemake_album`.`advanced` (`Zapis_ID`, `Kategoriq`, `Marka`, `Model`, `Godina_na_proizvodstvo`, `Dopulnitelna_informaciq`, `V_nalichnost`, `Big_images`, `Small_images`, `Data_na_dobavqne` , `Posledna_Redakciq`) VALUES (NULL, '$kategoriq', '$marka_trimmed', '$model_trimmed', $godina_na_proizvodstvo, $dopulnitelna_informaciq, '$v_nalichnost', '$original_images_string', '$small_images_string', '$data' , '$data' );";
	//echo $db->query ;
	$db->run_query() ;
		echo "Успешно добавихте запис за $marka_trimmed";
		echo "Проблем с добавянето на записа !";

Edited by aivanov
This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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