I-AM-OBODO Posted December 17, 2014 Share Posted December 17, 2014 Hi guys, I am having a hard time trying to figure out why this gives me an error? #1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 10 /** * Baobab (an implementation of Nested Set Model) * * Copyright 2010 Riccardo Attilio Galli <[email protected]> [http://www.sideralis.org] * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * .. note:: * Each occurrence of the word "GENERIC" across this file is meant to be * replaced with the name of the tree (which must be a valid string to use * as SQL table name). */ /* ############################### */ /* ###### TABLES AND VIEWS ####### */ /* ############################### */ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS GENERIC ( tree_id INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL, id INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, lft INTEGER NOT NULL CHECK (lft > 0), rgt INTEGER NOT NULL CHECK (rgt > 1), INDEX(tree_id), INDEX(lft), CONSTRAINT order_okay CHECK (lft < rgt) ) ENGINE INNODB; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS GENERIC_AdjTree; CREATE VIEW GENERIC_AdjTree (tree_id,parent,child,lft) AS SELECT E.tree_id,B.id, E.id, E.lft FROM GENERIC AS E LEFT OUTER JOIN GENERIC AS B ON B.lft = ( SELECT MAX(lft) FROM GENERIC AS S WHERE E.lft > S.lft AND E.lft < S.rgt AND E.tree_id=S.tree_id) AND B.tree_id=E.tree_id ORDER BY lft ASC; /* ##### LIST OF TREE NAMES IN USE ##### */ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Baobab_ForestsNames ( name VARCHAR(200) PRIMARY KEY ) ENGINE INNODB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; INSERT INTO Baobab_ForestsNames(name) VALUES ('GENERIC') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE name=name; /* ##################################### */ /* ########################### */ /* ###### ERRORS CONTROL ##### */ /* ########################### */ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Baobab_Errors ( code INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, msg TINYTEXT NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT unique_codename UNIQUE (name) ) ENGINE INNODB; INSERT INTO Baobab_Errors(code,name,msg) VALUES (1000,'VERSION','1.3.1'), (1100,'ROOT_ERROR','Cannot add or move a node next to root'), (1200,'CHILD_OF_YOURSELF_ERROR','Cannot move a node inside his own subtree'), (1300,'INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE','The index is out of range'), (1400,'NODE_DOES_NOT_EXIST',"Node doesn't exist"), (1500,'VERSION_NOT_MATCH',"The library and the sql schema have different versions") ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE code=code,name=name,msg=msg; DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS Baobab_getErrCode; CREATE FUNCTION Baobab_getErrCode(x TINYTEXT) RETURNS INT DETERMINISTIC RETURN (SELECT code from Baobab_Errors WHERE name=x); /* ########################## */ /* ######## DROP TREE ####### */ /* ########################## */ DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS Baobab_GENERIC_DropTree; CREATE PROCEDURE Baobab_GENERIC_DropTree ( IN node INTEGER UNSIGNED, IN update_numbers INTEGER) LANGUAGE SQL DETERMINISTIC MODIFIES SQL DATA BEGIN DECLARE drop_tree_id INTEGER UNSIGNED; DECLARE drop_id INTEGER UNSIGNED; DECLARE drop_lft INTEGER UNSIGNED; DECLARE drop_rgt INTEGER UNSIGNED; /* declare exit handler for not found rollback; declare exit handler for sqlexception rollback; declare exit handler for sqlwarning rollback; */ /* save the dropped subtree data with a singleton SELECT */ START TRANSACTION; /* save the dropped subtree data with a singleton SELECT */ SELECT tree_id, id, lft, rgt INTO drop_tree_id, drop_id, drop_lft, drop_rgt FROM GENERIC WHERE id = node; /* subtree deletion is easy */ DELETE FROM GENERIC WHERE tree_id=drop_tree_id AND lft BETWEEN drop_lft and drop_rgt; IF update_numbers = 1 THEN /* close up the gap left by the subtree */ UPDATE GENERIC SET lft = CASE WHEN lft > drop_lft THEN lft - (drop_rgt - drop_lft + 1) ELSE lft END, rgt = CASE WHEN rgt > drop_lft THEN rgt - (drop_rgt - drop_lft + 1) ELSE rgt END WHERE tree_id=drop_tree_id AND (lft > drop_lft OR rgt > drop_lft); END IF; COMMIT; END; /* ########################## */ /* ###### APPEND CHILD ###### */ /* ########################## */ /* Add a new child to a parent as last sibling If parent_id is 0, insert a new root node, moving the previous root (if any) as his child. If choosen_tree is 0, use the first available integer as id. If choosen_tree is not present as tree_id in the table, it is used. */ DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS Baobab_GENERIC_AppendChild; CREATE PROCEDURE Baobab_GENERIC_AppendChild( IN choosen_tree INTEGER UNSIGNED, IN parent_id INTEGER UNSIGNED, OUT new_id INTEGER UNSIGNED, OUT cur_tree_id INTEGER UNSIGNED) LANGUAGE SQL DETERMINISTIC BEGIN DECLARE num INTEGER UNSIGNED; START TRANSACTION; SET cur_tree_id = IF(choosen_tree > 0, choosen_tree, IFNULL((SELECT MAX(tree_id)+1 FROM GENERIC),1) ); IF parent_id = 0 THEN /* inserting a new root node*/ UPDATE GENERIC SET lft = lft+1, rgt = rgt+1 WHERE tree_id=cur_tree_id; SET num = IFNULL((SELECT MAX(rgt)+1 FROM GENERIC WHERE tree_id=cur_tree_id),2); INSERT INTO GENERIC(tree_id, id, lft, rgt) VALUES (cur_tree_id, NULL, 1, num); ELSE /* append a new node as last right child of his parent */ SET num = (SELECT rgt FROM GENERIC WHERE id = parent_id ); UPDATE GENERIC SET lft = CASE WHEN lft > num THEN lft + 2 ELSE lft END, rgt = CASE WHEN rgt >= num THEN rgt + 2 ELSE rgt END WHERE tree_id=cur_tree_id AND rgt >= num; INSERT INTO GENERIC(tree_id, id, lft, rgt) VALUES (cur_tree_id,NULL, num, (num + 1)); END IF; SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() INTO new_id; COMMIT; END; /* ############################### */ /* ###### INSERT NODE AFTER ###### */ /* ############################### */ DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS Baobab_GENERIC_insertAfter; CREATE PROCEDURE Baobab_GENERIC_insertAfter( IN sibling_id INTEGER UNSIGNED, OUT new_id INTEGER UNSIGNED, OUT error_code INTEGER UNSIGNED) LANGUAGE SQL DETERMINISTIC main:BEGIN IF 1 = (SELECT lft FROM GENERIC WHERE id = sibling_id) THEN BEGIN SELECT Baobab_getErrCode('ROOT_ERROR') INTO error_code; LEAVE main; END; ELSE BEGIN DECLARE lft_sibling INTEGER UNSIGNED; DECLARE choosen_tree INTEGER UNSIGNED; START TRANSACTION; SELECT tree_id,rgt INTO choosen_tree,lft_sibling FROM GENERIC WHERE id = sibling_id; IF ISNULL(lft_sibling) THEN BEGIN SELECT Baobab_getErrCode('NODE_DOES_NOT_EXIST') INTO error_code; LEAVE main; END; END IF; UPDATE GENERIC SET lft = CASE WHEN lft < lft_sibling THEN lft ELSE lft + 2 END, rgt = CASE WHEN rgt < lft_sibling THEN rgt ELSE rgt + 2 END WHERE tree_id=choosen_tree AND rgt > lft_sibling; INSERT INTO GENERIC(tree_id,id,lft,rgt) VALUES (choosen_tree,NULL, (lft_sibling + 1),(lft_sibling + 2)); SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() INTO new_id; COMMIT; END; END IF; END; /* ################################ */ /* ###### INSERT NODE BEFORE ###### */ /* ################################ */ DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS Baobab_GENERIC_insertBefore; CREATE PROCEDURE Baobab_GENERIC_insertBefore( IN sibling_id INTEGER UNSIGNED, OUT new_id INTEGER UNSIGNED, OUT error_code INTEGER UNSIGNED) LANGUAGE SQL DETERMINISTIC main:BEGIN IF 1 = (SELECT lft FROM GENERIC WHERE id = sibling_id) THEN BEGIN SELECT Baobab_getErrCode('ROOT_ERROR') INTO error_code; LEAVE main; END; ELSE BEGIN DECLARE rgt_sibling INTEGER UNSIGNED; DECLARE choosen_tree INTEGER UNSIGNED; START TRANSACTION; SELECT tree_id,lft INTO choosen_tree,rgt_sibling FROM GENERIC WHERE id = sibling_id; IF ISNULL(rgt_sibling) THEN BEGIN SELECT Baobab_getErrCode('NODE_DOES_NOT_EXIST') INTO error_code; LEAVE main; END; END IF; UPDATE IGNORE GENERIC SET lft = CASE WHEN lft < rgt_sibling THEN lft ELSE lft + 2 END, rgt = CASE WHEN rgt < rgt_sibling THEN rgt ELSE rgt + 2 END WHERE tree_id=choosen_tree AND rgt >= rgt_sibling ORDER BY lft DESC; /* order by is meant to avoid uniqueness violation on update */ INSERT INTO GENERIC(tree_id,id,lft,rgt) VALUES (choosen_tree,NULL, rgt_sibling, rgt_sibling + 1); SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() INTO new_id; COMMIT; END; END IF; END; /* ################################### */ /* ###### INSERT CHILD AT INDEX ###### */ /* ################################### */ /* Add a new child to parent 'parent_id' at index 'index'. index is the new child position, 0 will put the new node as first. index can be negative, where -1 will put the new node before the last one */ DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS Baobab_GENERIC_InsertChildAtIndex; CREATE PROCEDURE Baobab_GENERIC_InsertChildAtIndex( IN parent_id INTEGER UNSIGNED, IN idx INTEGER, OUT new_id INTEGER UNSIGNED, OUT error_code INTEGER UNSIGNED) LANGUAGE SQL DETERMINISTIC BEGIN DECLARE nth_child INTEGER UNSIGNED; DECLARE cur_tree_id INTEGER UNSIGNED; SET error_code=0; SET new_id=0; CALL Baobab_GENERIC_getNthChild(parent_id,idx,nth_child,error_code); IF NOT error_code THEN CALL Baobab_GENERIC_insertBefore(nth_child,new_id,error_code); ELSE IF idx = 0 AND error_code = (SELECT Baobab_getErrCode('INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE')) THEN BEGIN SET error_code = 0; CALL Baobab_GENERIC_AppendChild((SELECT tree_id FROM GENERIC WHERE id = parent_id), parent_id, new_id, cur_tree_id); END; END IF; END IF; END; /* ########################### */ /* ###### GET NTH CHILD ###### */ /* ########################### */ DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS Baobab_GENERIC_getNthChild; CREATE PROCEDURE Baobab_GENERIC_getNthChild( IN parent_id INTEGER UNSIGNED, IN idx INTEGER, OUT nth_child INTEGER UNSIGNED, OUT error_code INTEGER UNSIGNED) LANGUAGE SQL DETERMINISTIC main:BEGIN DECLARE num_children INTEGER; SET error_code=0; SELECT COUNT(*) INTO num_children FROM GENERIC_AdjTree WHERE parent = parent_id; IF num_children = 0 OR IF(idx<0,(-idx)-1,idx) >= num_children THEN /* idx is out of range */ BEGIN SELECT Baobab_getErrCode('INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE') INTO error_code; LEAVE main; END; ELSE SELECT child INTO nth_child FROM GENERIC_AdjTree as t1 WHERE (SELECT count(*) FROM GENERIC_AdjTree as t2 WHERE parent = parent_id AND t2.lft<=t1.lft AND t1.tree_id=t2.tree_id ) = (CASE WHEN idx >= 0 THEN idx+1 ELSE num_children+1+idx END ) LIMIT 1; END IF; END; /* ###################################### */ /* ###### MOVE SUBTREE BEFORE NODE ###### */ /* ###################################### */ DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS Baobab_GENERIC_MoveSubtreeBefore; CREATE PROCEDURE Baobab_GENERIC_MoveSubtreeBefore( IN node_id_to_move INTEGER UNSIGNED, IN reference_node INTEGER UNSIGNED, OUT error_code INTEGER UNSIGNED) LANGUAGE SQL DETERMINISTIC main:BEGIN DECLARE node_revised INTEGER UNSIGNED; DECLARE move_as_first_sibling BOOLEAN; DECLARE ref_left INTEGER UNSIGNED; DECLARE ref_node_tree INTEGER UNSIGNED; SET error_code=0; /* 0 means no error */ SET move_as_first_sibling = TRUE; SELECT tree_id,lft INTO ref_node_tree,ref_left FROM GENERIC WHERE id = reference_node; IF ref_left = 1 THEN BEGIN /* cannot move a parent node before or after root */ SELECT Baobab_getErrCode('ROOT_ERROR') INTO error_code; LEAVE main; END; END IF; /* if reference_node is the first child of his parent, set node_revised to the parent id, else set node_revised to NULL */ SET node_revised = ( SELECT id FROM GENERIC WHERE tree_id=ref_node_tree AND lft = -1+ ref_left); IF ISNULL(node_revised) THEN /* if node_revised is NULL we must find the previous sibling */ BEGIN SET node_revised= (SELECT id FROM GENERIC WHERE tree_id=ref_node_tree AND rgt = -1 + ref_left); SET move_as_first_sibling = FALSE; END; END IF; CALL Baobab_GENERIC_MoveSubtree_real( node_id_to_move, node_revised , move_as_first_sibling, error_code ); END; /* ##################################### */ /* ###### MOVE SUBTREE AFTER NODE ###### */ /* ##################################### */ DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS Baobab_GENERIC_MoveSubtreeAfter; CREATE PROCEDURE Baobab_GENERIC_MoveSubtreeAfter( IN node_id_to_move INTEGER UNSIGNED, IN reference_node INTEGER UNSIGNED, OUT error_code INTEGER UNSIGNED) LANGUAGE SQL DETERMINISTIC BEGIN SELECT 0 INTO error_code; /* 0 means no error */ CALL Baobab_GENERIC_MoveSubtree_real( node_id_to_move,reference_node,FALSE,error_code ); END; /* ##################################### */ /* ####### MOVE SUBTREE AT INDEX ####### */ /* ##################################### */ DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS Baobab_GENERIC_MoveSubtreeAtIndex; CREATE PROCEDURE Baobab_GENERIC_MoveSubtreeAtIndex( IN node_id_to_move INTEGER UNSIGNED, IN parent_id INTEGER UNSIGNED, IN idx INTEGER, OUT error_code INTEGER) LANGUAGE SQL DETERMINISTIC main:BEGIN DECLARE nth_child INTEGER UNSIGNED; DECLARE num_children INTEGER; DECLARE parent_of_node_to_move INTEGER UNSIGNED; DECLARE s_lft INTEGER UNSIGNED; DECLARE current_idx INTEGER; SET error_code=0; SELECT COUNT(*) INTO num_children FROM GENERIC_AdjTree WHERE parent = parent_id; IF idx < 0 THEN SET idx = num_children + idx; ELSEIF idx > 0 THEN BEGIN SELECT parent, lft INTO parent_of_node_to_move, s_lft FROM GENERIC_AdjTree WHERE child = node_id_to_move; IF parent_of_node_to_move = parent_id THEN BEGIN SELECT count(*) INTO current_idx FROM GENERIC_AdjTree WHERE parent = parent_id AND lft < s_lft; IF idx > current_idx THEN SET idx = idx + 1; END IF; END; END IF; END; END IF; SET idx = IF(idx<0,num_children+idx,idx); IF idx = 0 THEN /* moving as first child, special case */ CALL Baobab_GENERIC_MoveSubtree_real(node_id_to_move,parent_id,TRUE,error_code); ELSE BEGIN /* search the node before idx, and we wil move our node after that */ CALL Baobab_GENERIC_getNthChild(parent_id,idx-1,nth_child,error_code); IF NOT error_code THEN CALL Baobab_GENERIC_MoveSubtree_real(node_id_to_move,nth_child,FALSE,error_code); END IF; END; END IF; END; /* ####################################### */ /* ####### MOVE SUBTREE REAL LOGIC #######*/ /* ####################################### */ /* If move_as_first_sibling is FALSE, move node_id_to_move after reference_node, else reference_node is the new father of node_id_to_move */ SET @OLD_SQL_MODE=@@SQL_MODE, SQL_MODE='NO_UNSIGNED_SUBTRACTION'; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS Baobab_GENERIC_MoveSubtree_real; CREATE PROCEDURE Baobab_GENERIC_MoveSubtree_real( IN node_id_to_move INTEGER UNSIGNED, IN reference_node INTEGER UNSIGNED, IN move_as_first_sibling BOOLEAN, OUT error_code INTEGER ) LANGUAGE SQL DETERMINISTIC main:BEGIN DECLARE s_lft INTEGER UNSIGNED; DECLARE s_rgt INTEGER UNSIGNED; DECLARE ref_lft INTEGER UNSIGNED; DECLARE ref_rgt INTEGER UNSIGNED; DECLARE source_node_tree INTEGER UNSIGNED; DECLARE ref_node_tree INTEGER UNSIGNED; DECLARE diff_when_inside_sourcetree BIGINT SIGNED; DECLARE diff_when_next_sourcetree BIGINT SIGNED; DECLARE ext_bound_1 INTEGER UNSIGNED; DECLARE ext_bound_2 INTEGER UNSIGNED; SET error_code=0; START TRANSACTION; /* select tree, left and right of the node to move */ SELECT tree_id,lft, rgt INTO source_node_tree, s_lft, s_rgt FROM GENERIC WHERE id = node_id_to_move; /* select left and right of the reference node If moving as first sibling, ref_lft will become the new lft value of node_id_to_move, (and ref_rgt is unused), else we're saving left and right value of soon to be previous sibling */ SELECT tree_id, IF(move_as_first_sibling,lft+1,lft), rgt INTO ref_node_tree, ref_lft, ref_rgt FROM GENERIC WHERE id = reference_node; IF move_as_first_sibling = TRUE THEN IF s_lft <= ref_lft AND s_rgt >= ref_rgt AND source_node_tree=ref_node_tree THEN /* cannot move a parent node inside his own subtree */ BEGIN SELECT Baobab_getErrCode('CHILD_OF_YOURSELF_ERROR') INTO error_code; LEAVE main; END; ELSE IF s_lft > ref_lft THEN BEGIN SET diff_when_inside_sourcetree = -(s_lft-ref_lft); SET diff_when_next_sourcetree = s_rgt-s_lft+1; SET ext_bound_1 = ref_lft; SET ext_bound_2 = s_lft-1; END; ELSEIF s_lft = ref_lft and source_node_tree = ref_node_tree THEN BEGIN /* we have been asked to move a node to his same position */ LEAVE main; END; ELSE BEGIN SET diff_when_inside_sourcetree = ref_lft-s_rgt-1; SET diff_when_next_sourcetree = -(s_rgt-s_lft+1); SET ext_bound_1 = s_rgt+1; SET ext_bound_2 = ref_lft-1; END; END IF; END IF; ELSE /* moving after an existing child */ IF ref_lft = 1 THEN /* cannot move a node before or after root */ BEGIN SELECT Baobab_getErrCode('ROOT_ERROR') INTO error_code; LEAVE main; END; ELSEIF s_lft < ref_lft AND s_rgt > ref_rgt AND source_node_tree=ref_node_tree THEN /* cannot move a parent node inside his own subtree */ BEGIN SELECT Baobab_getErrCode('CHILD_OF_YOURSELF_ERROR') INTO error_code; LEAVE main; END; ELSE IF s_lft > ref_rgt THEN BEGIN SET diff_when_inside_sourcetree = -(s_lft-ref_rgt-1); SET diff_when_next_sourcetree = s_rgt-s_lft+1; SET ext_bound_1 = ref_rgt+1; SET ext_bound_2 = s_lft-1; END; ELSE BEGIN SET diff_when_inside_sourcetree = ref_rgt-s_rgt; SET diff_when_next_sourcetree = -(s_rgt-s_lft+1); SET ext_bound_1 = s_rgt+1; SET ext_bound_2 = ref_rgt; END; END IF; END IF; END IF; IF source_node_tree <> ref_node_tree THEN BEGIN CALL Baobab_GENERIC_MoveSubtree_Different_Trees( node_id_to_move,reference_node,move_as_first_sibling); LEAVE main; END; END IF; UPDATE GENERIC SET lft = lft + CASE WHEN lft BETWEEN s_lft AND s_rgt THEN diff_when_inside_sourcetree WHEN lft BETWEEN ext_bound_1 AND ext_bound_2 THEN diff_when_next_sourcetree ELSE 0 END , rgt = rgt + CASE WHEN rgt BETWEEN s_lft AND s_rgt THEN diff_when_inside_sourcetree WHEN rgt BETWEEN ext_bound_1 AND ext_bound_2 THEN diff_when_next_sourcetree ELSE 0 END WHERE tree_id=source_node_tree; COMMIT; END; SET sql_mode=@OLD_SQL_MODE; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS Baobab_GENERIC_MoveSubtree_Different_Trees; CREATE PROCEDURE Baobab_GENERIC_MoveSubtree_Different_Trees( IN node_id_to_move INTEGER UNSIGNED, IN reference_node INTEGER UNSIGNED, IN move_as_first_sibling BOOLEAN ) LANGUAGE SQL DETERMINISTIC main:BEGIN DECLARE s_lft INTEGER UNSIGNED; DECLARE s_rgt INTEGER UNSIGNED; DECLARE ref_lft INTEGER UNSIGNED; DECLARE ref_rgt INTEGER UNSIGNED; DECLARE source_node_tree INTEGER UNSIGNED; DECLARE ref_node_tree INTEGER UNSIGNED; START TRANSACTION; /* select tree, left and right of the node to move */ SELECT tree_id,lft, rgt INTO source_node_tree, s_lft, s_rgt FROM GENERIC WHERE id = node_id_to_move; /* The current select will behave differently whether we're moving the node as first sibling or not. If move_as_first_sibling, ref_lft will have the value of the "lft" field of node_id_to_move at end of move (ref_rgt here is discarded) else ref_lft and ref_rgt will have the values of the node before node_id_to_move at end of move */ SELECT tree_id, IF(move_as_first_sibling,lft+1,lft), rgt INTO ref_node_tree, ref_lft, ref_rgt FROM GENERIC WHERE id = reference_node; IF (move_as_first_sibling) THEN BEGIN /* create a gap in the destination tree to hold the subtree */ UPDATE GENERIC SET lft = CASE WHEN lft < ref_lft THEN lft ELSE lft + s_rgt-s_lft+1 END, rgt = CASE WHEN rgt < ref_lft THEN rgt ELSE rgt + s_rgt-s_lft+1 END WHERE tree_id=ref_node_tree AND rgt >= ref_lft; /* move the subtree to the new tree */ UPDATE GENERIC SET lft = ref_lft + (lft-s_lft), rgt = ref_lft + (rgt-s_lft), tree_id = ref_node_tree WHERE tree_id = source_node_tree AND lft >= s_lft AND rgt <= s_rgt; END; ELSE BEGIN /* create a gap in the destination tree to hold the subtree */ UPDATE GENERIC SET lft = CASE WHEN lft < ref_rgt THEN lft ELSE lft + s_rgt-s_lft+1 END, rgt = CASE WHEN rgt <= ref_rgt THEN rgt ELSE rgt + s_rgt-s_lft+1 END WHERE tree_id=ref_node_tree AND rgt > ref_rgt; /* move the subtree to the new tree */ UPDATE GENERIC SET lft = ref_rgt+1 + (lft-s_lft), rgt = ref_rgt+1 + (rgt-s_lft), tree_id = ref_node_tree WHERE tree_id = source_node_tree AND lft >= s_lft AND rgt <= s_rgt; END; END IF; /* close the gap in the source tree */ CALL Baobab_GENERIC_Close_Gaps(source_node_tree); COMMIT; END; /* ########################## */ /* ####### CLOSE GAPS ####### */ /* ########################## */ DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS Baobab_GENERIC_Close_Gaps; CREATE PROCEDURE Baobab_GENERIC_Close_Gaps( IN choosen_tree INTEGER UNSIGNED) LANGUAGE SQL DETERMINISTIC BEGIN UPDATE GENERIC SET lft = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ( SELECT lft as seq_nbr FROM GENERIC WHERE tree_id=choosen_tree UNION ALL SELECT rgt FROM GENERIC WHERE tree_id=choosen_tree ) AS LftRgt WHERE tree_id=choosen_tree AND seq_nbr <= lft ), rgt = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ( SELECT lft as seq_nbr FROM GENERIC WHERE tree_id=choosen_tree UNION ALL SELECT rgt FROM GENERIC WHERE tree_id=choosen_tree ) AS LftRgt WHERE tree_id=choosen_tree AND seq_nbr <= rgt ) WHERE tree_id=choosen_tree; END Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/293141-error-1064/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
I-AM-OBODO Posted December 17, 2014 Author Share Posted December 17, 2014 mysql version is 5.6.17 Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/293141-error-1064/#findComment-1499809 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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