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How do I import all images beginning with the same characters?

Go to solution Solved by CroNiX,

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My first post.  :)


I am trying to import images related to a particular listing ID.  Currently, I have to enter the number of available photos into a db table, and run the following loop;


<section id="photos">



$b = $row['PIX'];

for ( $a = 01;  $a <= $b;  $a++ )

echo "<a href=\"../imgs/{ $row[ 'ID' ] }-" . { $a } . ".jpg\" ><img src=\"../imgs/{ $row[ 'ID' ] }-" . { $a } . "_tn.jpg\"  /></a> " ;





I would like to find a way to import all the images that begin with the $row[ 'ID' ], but without me having to enter/store { $b } (the number of images recorded in the db).   How can I accomplish this?




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Sorry, that's still pretty vague since you used "select *" instead of listing the actual column names. What does $row look like after you perform the query?


Do you have a separate table to store the image names? If you did then you could just use a JOIN and not store 'PIX' at all in the listings table. That's the purpose of a relational database.







-listing_id (references listings.id)


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I do not have a need to keep the name of the file in the db for the following reason,


if a row (db entry) has an ID value of  'q123456',  then I have it's associated images named; 


q123456-1.jpg,  q123456-1_tn.jpg,

q123456-2.jpg,  q123456-2_tn.jpg,


etc,  all in the same directory.  So if this particular listing has 16 images I would manually have to enter that value in the db as  PIX=16


I would like to know if I can avoid that step, and somehow import all the images that begin with 'q123456', without the designation of how many images to check for. 

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This worked like a charm,  thank you so much!!!


One last question, 


I use this code to retrieve the thumbnails;
('../imgs/homes/' . $mls . '_*_tn.jpg')


ie.  A1736620_01_tn.jpg



But when trying to retrieve the original image, I get both;
('../imgs/homes/' . $mls . '_*.jpg')

ie.  A1736620_01.jpg



How can I use the wildcard char to isolate just the original image?

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Not going to pretend to be an expert with glob(), but it wouldn't be easy and maybe not possible due to the way your filenames are, and glob's regex is inclusive (can't exclude results).


So, I'd either rename your regular non-thumbnail files to something like:

q123456-1_full.jpg,  q123456-1_tn.jpg

and then you can use:

foreach (glob('/path/to/images/' . $ID . '-*_full.jpg') as $filename) {

or just test each filename when outputting to see if it contains "_tn.jpg" before outputting

$ID = 'q123456';
foreach (glob('/path/to/images/' . $ID . '-*') as $filename)
   //make sure it's not a thumbnail
   if (stripos($filename, '_tn.jpg') === FALSE)
      echo "$filename</br>";

Another option is to put your "full" files in a separate dir from the thumbnails. Then grab all of the full files, and when you need to output the thumbnails you can add the "_tn" to the filename and just change the path.

Edited by CroNiX
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